Originally Posted by galaxie
Things do NOT just get better "all of a sudden" when it comes to suicide and depression. I would suggest supporting your friend, and keeping your mouth shut when it comes to any sort of "real" advice. Take it from someone who's been there - she doesn't need your false hope. What she needs is for you to tell her to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Amanda...good. Let them put your brother in the psych ward, that is the only way he will get better if he's THAT serious about killing himself. From the sounds of things, they should put your mother with him. If you want to do something for your mom, call child services or the mental health team in your area. You should be able to get these numbers by dialing 0 or from the phone book. Also, try phoning your family doctor - he/she may be able to set you up with some further help. As for yourself, you're going to need a hell of a lot of counselling to be able to deal with all of this. When (and I say 'when' and not 'if' because it's something you MUST do) you talk with the mental health team, tell them about your mom and brother, and that you want help for them, but that you also should see a counsellor to help you through this hard time. All of these services should be provided free of charge.
I lost a loved one to suicide - and I know damn fucking well that if there had been ANY indication that his intentions were where they were, I would have taken him STRAIGHT to the psych ward myself, and made him get therapy and counselling and medication until he was right in the head.
Don't do nothing hun - right now you're the only person who can really help them because you CARE and because you know the whole story.
If you need anything else, PM or msn me...but seriously, take some action, you have the power to make a change here!
honestly that is probably the best advice I have ever seen someone give on this forum.
if you are that worried and he is that serious about it he needs to go into the hospital. I have had very similar problems with my mom and brother and they both had to be hospitalized when I was young, but it was the best thing for them. Just do the best you can for them and take care of yourself too becuz that is so important. I am always here for ya babe.