i have always been daddies little girl - i have it tattooed on my ankle in welsh.
and over the past year and a bit, i have become much closer due to terrible circumstances. my dad was the one who always understood why i was upset when i was little, i never cried, i would just go to my room and my dad would come up and be like "meghan, i know you upset because __________ how about we solve this frown"
hes my number one fan - in a waterpolo game me and this girl were totally fighting, fist on face action, and my dad was standing up yellin "meghan throw a left, throw a left"
and we definately have the same humor, even the same laugh in some ways. im more like him then my mom, in ways of personality.
my mom didnt know her birth dad up until 3 years ago, unfortunately he had already passed on, and for my mom, it didnt seem to upset her as she didnt know him. she did learn that he spent many hours looking for her, but never succeeded as my grandma moved alot when my mom was younger, and then my mom moved to canada. we only have one relative from that side that actually wants to aknowledge us as a part of the family, and it makes me kinda sad, but i dont feel truely sad or any loss as i never knew their existance. but my mom is hurt, she has a sister she will never get to know., and who told her straight up, you dont exist in this family. its sad, but she did send pictures of herself and of my cousins and of my grandpa.