Workplace Bathroom
Alright people, enough is enough.
There is no reason at all our bathroom should be in this state. It is cleaned every night. Yet, by three in the afternoon it looks likes a truck stop bathroom.
I know we work in a fast paced environment, but keep in mind the following is unacceptable:
-Peeing on the seats. I don't mean you missed. Like somehow you thought that pulling the damn seat up, and peeing was too much effort. It takes two seconds. When I have to go, there shouldn't be a nice layer of urine between my ass and the seat.
-Breaking open the paper towel dispenser. Yeah, we have one of those stupid things that gives you one paper towel at a time. But don't fucking break it open. You aren't saving time, it makes guests think that we are a bunch of escaped mental patients.
-Toilet paper on the ground. I'm going to assume all the toilet paper not on the roll has been used to stop the leakage or clean some bodily function. Throw this in the toilet or garbage.
-Peeing on the ground. This is a new one I just found today. I don't mean he missed a little. Like pools of urine. And they mixed with the aforementioned toilet paper forming a stew of some creepy origin I have no need to see.
I've thrown up in alley's cleaner then this. Come on people lets act like big boys.
I don't know how the girl's bathroom is, but I assume it's not like this.