I would have compassion for her situation, if she was doing something about it. Instead, we get this melo-dramatic attack on some guy who posts once in a blue moon in hopes that this is going to bring him around?! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!?!?!?! Family court was designed for this very thing. To urge the other parent who does not have sole-custody to pay child-support. If the father is unsafe, the courts can impose no visitation, or supervised visitation. If the father chooses to not pay support, his wages can be garnished, his license taken away, or the courts can go as far as to arrest him. So lets see, the half-assed attack on FNK, or the legal way?! I am the by-product of a single parent family. My mother never ever EVER used being a single parent as a weapon. If she was broke, she never phoned her creditors and said, give me a break, I am a single mother. She went without for me more times than I can remember. She never played the victim with her single mother status like poohbearhoney is. I am a well rounded, well adjusted individual and I have been raised for my entire life without my father in the picture. My mother took on both roles, and did what she could, with what she had. What I am saying, is maybe she should try looking at the glass half full instead of half empty and turn her negative situation into a positive one. And once again, I hold true to what I said, there are 3 sides to every story. We haven't heard his....for all we know, she could be denying him visitation. PS - I find it hard to take seriously what you are saying, when you are the one that openly admits to smoking while pregnant. Last edited by Avana; Feb 22, 06 at 02:30 AM. |
No matter how stupid you think she is shes still a person. No its not right for her to drop names, but like so many others shes venting out a very hard situation. At least let her start here so we can give her advice like telling her to take it to court, go see social services etc.
Ive seen alot of smart girls fall for dumb ass guys as well... its shocking how love can blind us. I've known of well off rich girls with intellagent families getting knocked up in their early teens. Marrige doesnt even promis responsible parents. One mom I knew quit half way through nursing school to get married and have 3 kids. She worked part time and raised her kids as her husband finished to become a layer. A few years after he graduated and got a job he divoreced her and left the family. She couldnt claim a penny of child suport because he was a layer and there was some ruling that alowed him to get around it. She did'nt have the money or time to go back to school either. It doesnt matter who you are, how stuipid you are, what mistakes youve made... both parents should take on 50-50 responsibility for the kids. ps: much respect to you guys who take on responsibility of their un planed kids, love them, and take good care of them :) Last edited by Ree Fresh; Feb 22, 06 at 12:18 AM. |
I did, and no its not cause i missed a pill or 2 I was on the shot, and didnt miss taking a new one or anything like that Not saying thats her case Just saying it is possible |
You pick my one weakness (besides grammer) that has nothing to do with the topic? Are you trying to make a point? ps: keep going back... working on corrections Last edited by Ree Fresh; Feb 22, 06 at 12:18 AM. |
I work with kids who have special needs. Becuase of my struggle I know what its like and can work much better with kids than those who find spelling easy. As for getting my teaching degree ill probly have to go through the silvan learning centre and work even harder when it comes to english classes. Something most ppl give up on. PS: I was hired by one of my collage teachers and given one of the best reffernce letters ive ever receive stating my excelent work done in a highschool learning centre to help kids in regular grade 8-12 Science, SS, Math, and English. PPS: You think I havnt bothered Myles about getting spell check on fnk? |
I think if snyx acts on everyone's suggestions, FNK will make my morning coffee and wipe my ass for me soon. |
This girl needs to step up and take some responsibility. |
I know what I put my teachers through in school, and for those that didn't actually have a nervous breakdown as a result of me being in their class, I commend them. Imagine standing in front of those kids that are doing their best to make you cry. Sneering, disrespectful, insolent, rude, and just down right little fuckers. Bravo to you Rhia! ps - you think I am difficult and bitchy now? I have seriously mellowed since high school. |
Rhia is amazing at her job - maybe she could give you a hand with staying FOCUSED on the topic at hand. As for your comment in karma about yours being a "planned pregnancy", so was poohbearhoney's second. So you're being a hypocrite. Your boyfriend could leave you just as easily as hers did, and you'd be in almost the same situation. Avana, I agree that she should do something about it, but she's entitled to feel like shit and be weak for at least a little while. Can you honestly tell me that you wouldn't fell like hell if this happened to you? I'm sure that she's strong and positive when she's around her kids - she probably has just used fnk as somewhere to vent, and yeah, maybe get some sympathy, because honestly, maybe that's what she needs to find her inner-strength? |
You think this is some kind of joke? Wach your ignorance... 20% of our poulation is born with a Learning disability (learning differnece) My struggle to spell and memorise things in wrod format is like trying to make a person who needs glasses read tiny fine print with out them. Ive struggled enough since kindergarden and still work my ass off to do my best. Ive come a long way (compare my post now to 5 years ago) and don't think it's fair of you to point out type-os and minor missed spelled words. Only Nat does that and even she has the compation to give me a break :p Last edited by Ree Fresh; Feb 22, 06 at 12:54 AM. |
Rhia darling, I applaud you.
Every time someone shoots you down, you come back with more composure and grace than your bullies could ever demonstrate. You don't need anyone to go to bat for you, although you know many of us who love and admire you would. <3 Last edited by veN; Feb 22, 06 at 12:54 AM. |
Im not looking at this post in a personal manor becuase we dont have a second story... All I realy have to say is parents should take 50-50 responsibility including both ppl and no blaming. Although I still think there are guys out there who still dont see passed sex and realise what there dealing with if their partner was to get pregnant. I dont like how some take advantage that there not the ones giving birth and run away. Furthermore ppl really need to learn how to solve problems... like seriously? Last edited by Ree Fresh; Feb 22, 06 at 01:22 AM. |
^ ppl post personal stuff on here all the time though? This is in the Heart to Heart section. I certanly dont agree she should be droping names... but I see nothing wrong with her venting her situation. Sometimes ppl are left alone or dont have others to vent too... Im sure her story has also opened alot of our eyes to situations like this as well.
Seriously Nat, I agree I would be lost too. But I wouldn't let it control me, I would fight for my children, and I wouldn't post about it on a board. Whether I needed comfort or not. This is just not the place for that kind of comfort. Maybe it is just me and I can't wrap my head around it....
And for the record, I never trashed talked her, just gave my opinion straight up, no matter how harsh it was.... ps - the two jokes I did make, were in poor taste, and not necessarily directed at her, but at all of these situations in general. |