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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
Originally Posted by miss.myra View Post
Although I can point out a few ladies I know are exceptions to the rule in this thread, I find that a lot of girls that say girls are 'crazy' , 'nothing but drama', 'attention whores' etc. are often shining examples of such.

I was thinking that same thing. Which was exactley the point of this thread.

The term, you are your own worst enemy comes into play here.

ps - some of the girls that have posted they agree with the sentiment of the thread, have posted in the past that they can only be friends with guys.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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Originally Posted by miss.myra View Post
Anyways, all girls are crazy sometimes, including YOU (yes, YOU!) because unless you are post-menopausal, we have no control over the ebb and flow of estrogen and a team of other hormones from our brains that make us FEMALE. So please, spare us with some of your 'i h8 girls cuz they crazy!' replies.
I think this pretty much sums up everything.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever View Post
I think this pretty much sums up everything.
Possibly, but please do not interpret I am trying to put down females.

We all need to understand what makes us different as females might sometimes make us crazy, but in our biology and even in our brain structures we have a lot of differences that make us have advantages over our male counterparts. :p
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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When I was growing up, I had mostly guy friends. When I was little (up to age 8) I lived in a neighbourhood where I was the only girl my age. All the other girls were either a lot older or a lot younger (like, by 5 years either way). The only kids I had to play with were the boys and I think that had a lot to do with the way that my friendships developed over the years.

Until I was about 14 I didn't have any close girl friends. The ones that I DID have were horrible influences on me and I got into nothing but trouble with them. The boys were always my stabilizing influences. Girl friends for me were bad news for a lot of years.

Even now my best friends are guys (my boyfriend and Somanat0r). I've grown up enough now that I have quite a few close girl friends, but I find that they are very much the same as me: their best friends/majority of friends are guys. These girls understand my mentality and lack the same drama that many girls bring to the table.

I dunno...that's my .02ยข.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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There are girls i know and love who get a long better with guys BUT they actually are *just* friends with these guys and i'm cool with that.


there are girls who can't be friends with girls due to competition and insecure factors. She needs male friends for atn, probably hooks up with them or whatever, and feels that boys will validate her as better.

Personally, i have a lot of female friends and find girls who can't get a long with other girls somewhat shady. It seems like this statment is a boostful thing, and it makes me wonder why some girls have such negative perceptions of their own sex? I feel like while boys make kick each other's asses, they still seem much more united.

There are a lot of dope chics i feel the anti-chic chics should meet.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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There's guys on here who have caused more drama in my life than any female could even begin to create.

Then there's psycho bitches on here who don't understand the term "FUCK OFF" and they STILL try to involve themselves with your boyfriend - for example, signing in under a friend's MSN account and trying to start creepy conversations with him.

Seriously gross.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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I agree and I disagree with the original post.

I have great female friends, they are amazing! But I DO make better friends with guys. I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm such a huge tomboy at heart, but so are my close female friends.

I think there are two types of girls who say they find they are better friends with guys: 1. the type that cause drama and the guys just ignore it (or don't even notice, lol), and 2. the type that make better friends with guys because they love sports, they are tomboys, etc. It's pretty easy to tell which is which.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
Originally Posted by miSsy_chriSsy View Post
There's guys on here who have caused more drama in my life than any female could even begin to create.

Then there's psycho bitches on here who don't understand the term "FUCK OFF" and they STILL try to involve themselves with your boyfriend - for example, signing in under a friend's MSN account and trying to start creepy conversations with him.

Seriously gross.

lololol <3
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
Originally Posted by galaxie View Post
I agree and I disagree with the original post.

I have great female friends, they are amazing! But I DO make better friends with guys. I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm such a huge tomboy at heart, but so are my close female friends.

I think there are two types of girls who say they find they are better friends with guys: 1. the type that cause drama and the guys just ignore it (or don't even notice, lol), and 2. the type that make better friends with guys because they love sports, they are tomboys, etc. It's pretty easy to tell which is which.
I 100% agree Nat.

But the girls who do make better friends with guys, naturally due to sports and common interests, don't need to point it out or talk about it.

I find some girls wear it like a badge as if it is something to be proud of. I love my girlfriends. I wouldn't want them to go anywhere for the world.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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Ya we're number 1 we're number 1

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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 06
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There's too much drama involved in this post to have either debate..is it even one?...Everyone's different...Some girls DO have better friends in guys..
heck most of my best friends in my 20 years of living have been male..
but that's no classification..just observation...on my behalf...who knows if i do get along better with guys...im just around them more..
I think what it all comes down to is the people you surround yourself with..
Like the person who mentioned...(too lazy to scroll)..sexes..screw it..
you either get along with the person or you dont..
...I get along with guys because im around guys more...and presented with more opportunities to get to know more of them then girls..
Do i wish more girls were involved in skating...of course I do!!...I think if you use '"i get along better with guys" as some strange twilightzone esque bragging right..like it'll give you some strange hip cat coool..status..
......somethings messed up in that i suppose..
but i dont know..
let it ride..meh..who knows where i was going with this..
the point is there is no point..
it's just how it is..
people are strange..unique..
Different phazes of life we need different people....it's ultimatley about relationships..linking of the arms..growth..
no sexes...just people..
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 08
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i also make better friends with guys
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 08
R Wellbelove
PROS = emotional support, more caring, easier to talk to (especially 1 to 1), love to give you advice, better (real) listeners.

CONS = needy, complain, gossip, carry emotional issues, stingy, afraid to take risks, cliquey, will always choose their boy over you, rather stay inside than go out and have fun.

PROS = laid back, more fun and adventurous, more entertaining, willing to listen (smile and nod), easier to cuddle with, not cliquey and more friendly.

CONS = hard to relate to with female issues and boy problems, not very sensitive, can be beyond rude and gross, can have awkward attraction for one an other, dont like it when girls beat them and stand in their way, wont invite you to a guys night out.

Last edited by R Wellbelove; Mar 18, 08 at 10:21 PM.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 08
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I have a lot of guy friends, probably due to common interests (video games, computer graphic geekness, gang movies, going out to eat really bad food late at night, gross jokes/stories, etc). Girls that share those common interests are the ones I get along with the best.

I have a few key girls that I am close with. A lot of girls tend to be a bit too needy and for my liking. My best friend is a girl and I may see her maybe once or twice a month, but we get along great and we talk like no time ever passed between us because we respect the fact that we need our own space and we're both into the same things.

For me, it's easier to be acquaintances and best friends with girls, but friends with guys. Then there are also certain guy friends I treat like a girl, and girl friends that I treat like a guy and the lines are kinda muddled there.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 08
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I only make friends with hermaphrodites.

You're all just acquaintances.

Except Marty, he's my only friend.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Mar 18, 08
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I live with two guys and a girl, and trust me the guys are much easier to live with....
I have girl friends but I do find it easier to get along with guys....maybe its because they are so simple...sorry boys :P...but yeah just much less drama and they do more fun shit usually
so i guess im the kinda perosn that infuriates you avana sorry
i love girls and guys equally i guess
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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Nice one, Wum.... bumping a thread from 2006... idiot.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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I have a few girlfriends that I am closer with, but the number of guys I am friends with and talk to on a regular basis far surpasses the number of girls I keep in constant contact with.

I, personally find it a lot easier to talk to guys. They don't give the same kind of emotional support women are good at giving, but guys will be honest and just lay it out and be honest and blunt about it.

imo, thats more what I need to hear then some beat around the bush trying to make things seem better then they are bs.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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why can't we all be friends?

everyone has the right to surround themselves in what and who they feel comfortable with.
and everyone has the choice to hang out out with whomever they want to.
you just have to hope they have enough of a brain to make a healthy choice.

who are we to judge?
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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i like vaginas
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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Originally Posted by SEAN! View Post
i like vaginas
bro... the more and more time goes by... the more i realize we have the same interests

i happen to like vaginas too!!!!!!!
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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Originally Posted by R Wellbelove View Post
PROS = emotional support, more caring, easier to talk to (especially 1 to 1), love to give you advice, better (real) listeners.

CONS = needy, complain, gossip, carry emotional issues, stingy, afraid to take risks, cliquey, will always choose their boy over you, rather stay inside than go out and have fun.

PROS = laid back, more fun and adventurous, more entertaining, willing to listen (smile and nod), easier to cuddle with, not cliquey and more friendly.

CONS = hard to relate to with female issues and boy problems, not very sensitive, can be beyond rude and gross, can have awkward attraction for one an other, dont like it when girls beat them and stand in their way, wont invite you to a guys night out.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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Originally Posted by mithridate View Post
why can't we all be friends?

everyone has the right to surround themselves in what and who they feel comfortable with.
and everyone has the choice to hang out out with whomever they want to.
you just have to hope they have enough of a brain to make a healthy choice.
I'm going to assume the healthy choice here is having sex.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Mar 19, 08
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Originally Posted by lildonkey View Post
bro... the more and more time goes by... the more i realize we have the same interests

i happen to like vaginas too!!!!!!!
we should have a vagina party.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Mar 20, 08
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoy View Post
I'm going to assume the healthy choice here is having sex.

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