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  #101 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 07
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Originally Posted by impure View Post
but have you ever met a corporate dude who's not smart?
Booksmart? No. Intelligent? Oh hells yeah. Plenty of dumbass corporate types that have been so cloistered by the capitalist machine that they've lost all contact with reality. Those people are what make corporations thrive.

People are confusing "corporate" with "nerdy". Most nerdy guys hate cubicles and we prefer to just work in a dank basement where nobody can find us and we can listen to Dethklok as loudly as we freaking want.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 07
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Originally Posted by ebbomega View Post
Booksmart? No. Intelligent? Oh hells yeah. Plenty of dumbass corporate types that have been so cloistered by the capitalist machine that they've lost all contact with reality. Those people are what make corporations thrive.

People are confusing "corporate" with "nerdy". Most nerdy guys hate cubicles and we prefer to just work in a dank basement where nobody can find us and we can listen to Dethklok as loudly as we freaking want.

<3 dave.
i love the transition from "most nerdy guys..." to "where nobody can find US..."
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 07
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Originally Posted by impure View Post
<3 dave.
i love the transition from "most nerdy guys..." to "where nobody can find US..."
When I said "most nerdy guys" I was making myself complicit.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old Dec 06, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
K I totally had to quote this because of a situation I was in with a friend...

She took interest to this guy that she met in her office...he's one of those " important " people in the company and the guy is all business.
... Her last boyfriend was an auto mechanic , and she basically broke up with him because " he wasn't pulling in enough money " , and they had their differences I guess you could say. ( I think it was a dumb move but whatever the case ) ... the guy was really smart. Like , you could have a convo with this guy about ANYTHING and he always could carry on a conversation. Book smart , street smart , very sociable and otherwise a pretty nice guy. Didnt have any real bad habits (he was a smoker , that was it) , but he was kinda scruffy looking and always kinda "dirty"...(typically because of his job)

Whatever the case...my friend went on and on about this hot corporate guy who woo'd her off her feet at work apparently...so they went on a couple of dates..decided she liked him , and dumped the auto guy.
...A few weeks into dating Mr.Corporate , who basically showered her with anything she wanted , she invites me out to meet the guy....

This guy , was THE dumbest person I've met in my life thus far. He had no personality , nothing interesting to say or anything remotely intelligent to talk about. He spoke mostly of his dog , and his work. Every few mins he'd look at my friend and say " you're so pretty ".
I tried talking to him about his interests , hobbies , life experiences , whichever.. ( we were there for a few hours ) ... and he just kinda shrugged through most of it and said " yeah I like that " . Somehow my friend and I got into a conversation about human interaction or something , and when we asked him what his thoughts were , the best he could come up with was " I think girls and guys can be really dumb sometimes ".

What the hell.

I've met corp guys that are not totally the most well rounded people before , but never like this. It was like Ken and Barbie at the table.

Needless to say my friend is super bored with the guy , but she's got lots of pretty things.

Corp guys - not always all there.
He isn't as much dumb as socially inept.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
^ No no ... socially inept was the least of it.

The guy was fucking stupid. Im not going to post every question asked vs. the idiot response he had for said questions.

Besides , being sociable requires some brain skill...you cant be sociable if you cant communicate , and in order to communicate you ususally need to have some verbal skills , and in order to attain verbal skills , it usually requires you to have something to say...

He can't be very bright if he has nothing to say about ANYTHING.
.....He's more cut out to be a struggling artist or something rather than a corporate guru....I should send him some sketching paper and a charcoal coloured crayon.
ok i think you're way off when you say he should be a struggling artist.
i know many starving artists as well as some very successful people who've made art their career. none of the artists i know are dumb in the way you described. some may choose to ignore certain things in life, but that's not to say they are dumb because they are certainly aware of those things they choose to ignore. i think that someone who's lacking in mentality or and personality in the way you described isn't able to really think outside the box, or think for themselves at all. and i really don't see how that translates into art. art is creative! and that man sounds like anything BUT creative!

artists may be socially inept sometimes, and rather introverted. but i think they're very smart for the most part. a "simple" mind doesn't strike me as a creative one.
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
K I totally had to quote this because of a situation I was in with a friend...

She took interest to this guy that she met in her office...he's one of those " important " people in the company and the guy is all business.
... Her last boyfriend was an auto mechanic , and she basically broke up with him because " he wasn't pulling in enough money " , and they had their differences I guess you could say. ( I think it was a dumb move but whatever the case ) ... the guy was really smart. Like , you could have a convo with this guy about ANYTHING and he always could carry on a conversation. Book smart , street smart , very sociable and otherwise a pretty nice guy. Didnt have any real bad habits (he was a smoker , that was it) , but he was kinda scruffy looking and always kinda "dirty"...(typically because of his job)

Whatever the case...my friend went on and on about this hot corporate guy who woo'd her off her feet at work apparently...so they went on a couple of dates..decided she liked him , and dumped the auto guy.
...A few weeks into dating Mr.Corporate , who basically showered her with anything she wanted , she invites me out to meet the guy....

This guy , was THE dumbest person I've met in my life thus far. He had no personality , nothing interesting to say or anything remotely intelligent to talk about. He spoke mostly of his dog , and his work. Every few mins he'd look at my friend and say " you're so pretty ".
I tried talking to him about his interests , hobbies , life experiences , whichever.. ( we were there for a few hours ) ... and he just kinda shrugged through most of it and said " yeah I like that " . Somehow my friend and I got into a conversation about human interaction or something , and when we asked him what his thoughts were , the best he could come up with was " I think girls and guys can be really dumb sometimes ".

What the hell.

I've met corp guys that are not totally the most well rounded people before , but never like this. It was like Ken and Barbie at the table.

Needless to say my friend is super bored with the guy , but she's got lots of pretty things.

Corp guys - not always all there.
wow, shitty deal for her!
you're supposed to trade up! j/k

do you think maybe he's not always been that way, but has become that way because of the environment he's in so much? like he's become a corporate robot without really realizing it?
ask him about what he did in highschool....

but then, maybe he's just got no personality, like he's an empty shell with a calculator in his head. i say calculator in an assumption that he does some form of number crunching because my mental image of "corporate" as you put it, involves numbers. i don't know why.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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sounds like your girl's a money grubbin bitch, hangin around for free stuff.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
Btw , I wasn't being too literal on the struggling artist comment...Im just saying with the comparison of his position versus what his mental capabilities seem to be.....anyways , don't look too far into that remark.

Funny, because I'm an artist and I have no problems consistently putting you in your place.
It's really easy though, because you talk out of your ass about things you don't really understand just to garner attention from people who can barely tolerate your presence.
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
Btw , I wasn't being too literal on the struggling artist comment...Im just saying with the comparison of his position versus what his mental capabilities seem to be.....anyways , don't look too far into that remark.

But as far as the latest goes...its been confirmed the guy is a doorknob. Apparently he doesnt know how to do laundry either...

The way it was put was " Man , the sex is good , the looks are good , the guy is hot , he's sweet , but forget trying to talk to him about anything beyond work and the weather...I don't know what to do with him. "

Oh I asked him EVERYTHING...about his highschool years....he was on the baseball team.....thats all I got.....

I can ususally tell when someone is in an uncomfortable situation and is just being hush hush , or they're silent people in general....This guy was fully functioning....he was smiling and everything , he wasn't totally emotionless , just stupid.
wow, sounds like they're well on their way to the american dream! 2.5 kids, house in the 'burbs, white picket fence...reminds me of the movie, American Beauty.

seriously, book smart doesn't have to translate into smarts in general. some people just can't see outside their cubicle.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
Are you struggling artist?? ... you you pan handle for your art brushes and your pastels and your canvas?....can you not read what I wrote? Are you fucking illiterate?

....Because you seem to be struggling with a good insult to dish out towards me but your failing , much like you probably do with every other aspect in your life , ya?

??? I guess you have some funny idea of what it means to be a struggling artist. Or maybe you have some funny idea of what it means to be intelligent.

all I read was you comparing your friend's "dumb, expressionless, boring, pet-lover, no opinions etc. etc." boyfriend to struggling artists.

do you even know any struggling artists? what was your comparison based on?

I'm not trying to be insulting, it just doesn't sound like you know what your talking about...

ps. even if I was in the position of selling off my art supplies to survive, I don't understand how that is relevant to measure of intelligence/personality or whatever it was you were basing your comparison on.

Last edited by -evil-duerr-; Dec 07, 07 at 01:11 PM.
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  #111 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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"if i only had a brain....." - the tin man

ask eric about the ex of mine that was super smart, he should know who i'm talking about. he's the smartest person i've met i think, and he's got the social skills too. but he went to a pretty nice all boys prep school, and i met some of his school friends. wow. genius when it comes to school, but some were seriously lacking in social skills. although i think the parents are to blame partly, i guess they thought studying in excess would get every last drop of value from their $15,000 a year in school tuition.
but i guess an obscene percentage of the his grad class was on the honor roll. which, according to him, is bullshit because he knew many of the students and in his mind they really didn't belong on honor roll.

not bashing the school, i'm on msn with him and he said saints worked into us every miniscule detail needed to get into an ivy league university, and it worked. they were the most recognized canadian high school in the western half of canada.

Last edited by impure; Dec 07, 07 at 01:22 PM.
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
^ ...would you like the red pill or the blue pill?
im comfortable. im sitting in a chair in front of a computer. I couldnt be more relaxed lol.

Don't confuse my honest observations with emotional reaction. Trust, it takes a lot more to upset me than someone's lack of knowledge on the subject of artists. It's nothing new.

Forget it. Move on to somethin else.
thats right, before I totally school you!
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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When did Art stop being an intellectual concept?
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by tiedye View Post
When did Art stop being an intellectual concept?
when the hipsters started discussing it while sipping wine from a box.
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by tiedye View Post
When did Art stop being an intellectual concept?
no shit. I love how the best comparison f*r*a can think of for a dull average corporate slave are the creative types who are universally notorious for being the opposite of everything she described her gf's corporate slave boyfriend to be.
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by impure View Post
"if i only had a brain....." - the tin man
That would be the scarecrow....
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by F*r*a* View Post
....Because you seem to be struggling with a good insult to dish out towards me but your [sic] failing , [sic] much like you probably do with every other aspect in your [sic] life , [sic] ya?
I like how you respond to his weak insult with an even weaker one.


good one.

Maybe he should have just stuck to laughing at your poor grammar.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by ebbomega View Post
That would be the scarecrow....
what was the tinman then?
the lion was the heart.
the scarecrow was the brain.
did the tinman want a kidney?
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by cubed View Post
when the hipsters started discussing it while sipping wine from a box.
Quote of the year.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by cubed View Post
when the hipsters started discussing it while sipping wine from a box.
I used to drink box wine with these girls that thought I was gay. Good times, good emasculating times..... lol

they also took me to my first hipster experience... ugh.. how could I have been so oblivious ! THEY WERE HIPSTERS ALL ALONG
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  #121 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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I haven't re-read, but have I already mentioned how Surveyors are the perfect blend of construction guy and business guy? We do math, look at plans and use computers, but we also swing sledgehammers and machetes, wear hard hats, and generally possess rugged good looks.

Now I'm going to go re-read and see if I already said that.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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I see that I did indeed make a vague reference to being the porridge Goldilocks chose.

I also had an awesome Office Space quote session w/ cubed.

I also forgot how damn funny Xzhibit was.. rawb you gotta bring that shit back.
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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the porridge Goldilocks chose....lol.
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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grapes, EVERYBODY is the porridge goldilocks chose. havent you heard? awww.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old Dec 07, 07
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Originally Posted by impure View Post
what was the tinman then?
the lion was the heart.
the scarecrow was the brain.
did the tinman want a kidney?
You lose. You lose so badly.
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