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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve
Never Forget 60 Years Later

It's been more than 60 years since WW2 in Europe ended. I was inspired to post this in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated while the German and Russian people looked the other way!

Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be "a myth," it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.

Furthermore, Putin's Russia continues to oppress Chechen people much as Stalin and Lenin did years before the Holocaust.

As well, racial profiling has targeted Muslims, most of whom are not Qutbian terrorists like al-Qaeda hiding behind Islam. Yet in Afghanistan, women are still subject to oppression, as they are in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey and Africa.

In memoriam 60 years. Never forget.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 08
Join Date: Oct 2002
Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
i find it kind of funny that the reported Jewish population for that time frame was much less then the alleged 6million Jews killed by the nazis...

so like yeah, or stuff.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 08
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It's kind of sad that the scale of the killings were so massive that we have to add "alleged" and make a guess to the actual number.

So like yeah, or stuff.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 08
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Also, keep in mind the culture that existed at the time. Being openly jewish in Europe during the 30's/40's was worse then being openly gay in today's culture.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Feb 18, 08
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Originally Posted by Ragga_Wh0re View Post
i find it kind of funny that the reported Jewish population for that time frame was much less then the alleged 6million Jews killed by the nazis...
'cause if the pre-war period is known for anything, it'd be accurate population statistics and a lack of antisemitism
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Feb 19, 08
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jenai can only hope to improve
yes but during the same period, being a visible minority meant being bullied and later having your property stolen from you and sold under your noses to pay for your internment because you are an enemy alien.

bc was and still is a hotbed of racism, though it's evolved from open confrontation to whining on bc.politics.

it's been said that until sexism against minority women is resolved, a majority of minority women will be treated like second class citizens.

why? a visible minority woman is both a woman and visible minority.

i think this is the real reason why native women are on welfare. their men have been victimized to the point of drinking at home. plus not everyone can hunt and fish considering that the resources are not sustainable when commercial fishers and game hunters get in on the act -- with attendant wastage.

i think the only sustainable resource in BC is the land, and the government actually still owes the natives rent even for the land they thought didn't belong to anyone because no one resided. i wonder how much that would be per hectare.

there are 950,000 sq km of land and water that rightfully belongs to the natives.

if it was like $10K per sq km, that is like 9.5 billion dollars of property.

even ponying up 95 million dollars to all reserves wouldn't make us go broke.

if 1 million workers worked really hard at 10 bucks an hour it'd take a 9.5 hours to coff up the cash for services to natives.

Last edited by jenai; Feb 19, 08 at 10:09 AM. Reason: pointing out the obvious
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Feb 19, 08
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Join Date: Nov 2007
jenai can only hope to improve
racism led to internment of japanese canadian during ww2 not because they were a threat, but to steal their land and liquidate their assets for pennies all to pay rent at their prison camp digs.

today racism is still endemic in bc given the destitution of natives, which could be solved by integrating them into society and introducing native studies from primary to k-12 for everyone just so the native kids don't feel like they are special.

sadly though, because the natives KNOW they've been cheated out of land that rightfully belongs to them, they'd rather remain isolated on remote reserves, mainly due to the shared prejudices within communities.

i found it strange that in chilliwack, there'd be like 2 native families at hockey games but like 300 white families.

it was even stranger to see a fastfood joint only manned by white teens and NO natives in site.

then i realized that native kids don't feel safe outside of their group, just like Jews never felt safe in Europe.

why? they are a visible minority.
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