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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
school causes brain damage

Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!

Last edited by azazel; Mar 15, 08 at 08:33 PM. Reason: controversy
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 08
I'm on the trail!
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wishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of light
yet you go to university
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
not after this semester
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mar 14, 08
I'm on the trail!
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wishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of light
grats on dropping out
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Celebrate or Suffer
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
obviously that is way you were home schooled and why you dropped out of that program too.

welcome to the thing called reality, its unfortune that your parents were lying to you.

i hope you live a good life luben'nissans that come to the shop that your aunt owns and the only reason she gave you the job was because your alcholic angel molested you when you were a kid

Last edited by SEAN!; Mar 15, 08 at 01:45 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
I was homeschooled? i wish
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Celebrate or Suffer
Join Date: Nov 2001
SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
the world has changed and any homeschooled kid is at a disavanted. you may think that the world is at a disadvantge but the reality is that you know absolutely nothing that you are talking about
i would put this suggesting to you. brawn up your critical thinking skills and real history from no ones viewpoint. im out take care.

Last edited by SEAN!; Mar 15, 08 at 02:19 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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^ Awesome.

As for the subject, everyone knows that FnK is what makes you dumb.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough

For a guy that constantly asks for Coles notes, you could at the least make some bullet statements as to the main points these clips address.


Originally Posted by SEAN! View Post
obviously that is way you were home schooled and why you dropped out of that program too.
Baseless accusation count #1

welcome to the thing called reality, its unfortune that your parents were lying to you.
Baseless accusation count # 2
i hope you live a good life luben'nissans that come to the shop that your aunt owns and the only reason she gave you the job was because your alcholic angel molested you when you were a kid
Ad hominem.

the world has changed and any homeschooled kid is at a disavanted.
Baseless accusation count # 3

you may think that the world is at a disadvantge but the reality is that you know absolutely nothing that you are talking about
Pot calling the kettle black?

Why is it that you haven't addressed one point brought by these clips?

The thing is, you may even be right, but you're going about this in totally the wrong way.

The first 5 mins alone can draw a slue of important questions, all of which you ignore.

This shows you are a man that leads with the impulses of his heart, not the cold calculated logic of his mind.

i would put this suggesting to you. brawn up your critical thinking skills and real history from no ones viewpoint. im out take care.
Though you have shown no critical thinking skills whatsoever. You show no sign of having an educated base of 'real' history.

You not only offered no alternative, you appear to have denied the argument wum presented without even looking at it.

The fact is, institutionalized schooling is very much so a conveyer belt that is not inclined to satisfy the more controversial questions of its students, but since most just do as they're told, it is not nearly challenged enough...you seem to be a shining example of this.

There are problems with homeschooling as well without a doubt, namely religious indoctrination and lack of a classroom setting, though by and large most home schooled individuals I have come across are far beyond the intelligence as displayed on average in the public school yard.

My mother being a public school teacher, apart from my own experiences of not being allowed certain information from teachers all throughout grade school and high-school because it 'went against the curriculum' is a strong testament of indoctrination, not education.

State examples in history to assert your claims, or admit at least that you have no basis to your argument.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Grapes View Post

As for the subject, everyone knows that FnK is what makes you dumb.
No wonder you're on here so often.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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lols@ markpauls drop bsmt fury!...

education is extremely valuable and personally enriching for alot of people....

hardly makes you stupid.

but, it dose tend to make the make alot of people overly institutionalized....
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Nov 2001
djmarkpaul will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Revolver View Post

public education is extremely valuable and personally enriching for alot of people....

hardly makes you stupid.

but, it dose tend to make the make alot of people overly institutionalized....
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
I'm on the trail!
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wishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of lightwishbone is a glorious beacon of light
Originally Posted by Revolver View Post
lols@ markpauls drop bsmt fury!...

education is extremely valuable and personally enriching for alot of people....

hardly makes you stupid.

but, it dose tend to make the make alot of people overly institutionalized....
it's really how you take your own approach to education, I think. Some people always look at their education as a step towards the NEXT step in education. That, I agree, is thinking inside the box of the perpetuating institution. If you take shit away and think "what can I personally do with this?" and change yourself for the better, or address problems in the world, or whatever, you can break out of the education cycle and actually do some good :)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by SEAN! View Post
the world has changed and any homeschooled kid is at a disavanted. you may think that the world is at a disadvantge but the reality is that you know absolutely nothing that you are talking about
i would put this suggesting to you. brawn up your critical thinking skills and real history from no ones viewpoint. im out take care.

perhaps I need to listen to more pedagogues, read more textbooks, and spend more money and time in an institution to have 'critical thinking' like you.

look ma, i has critical thinking and i'm only 20 grand down :nuts:
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
For a guy that constantly asks for Coles notes, you could at the least make some bullet statements as to the main points these clips address.

they're called cliff notes, dewd ;)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
I think the most important thing about institutional schooling that we need to remember is the phrase: 'the medium is the message'.

We've traded the curiosity, imagination, free spirit, and self-sufficiency that a child could have for a bowl of soup (school certificate).

SEAN is having a backlash towards anyone who is self made, and literate enough to be his own priest and read his own book, without having some schoolteacher supervise and control him. He's been beholden to the system his whole life, and early on, gave up the fight to be one of the lemmings. Now he is exhibiting something akin to Stockholm Syndrome.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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Originally Posted by djmarkpaul View Post
No wonder you're on here so often.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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Loved the deep, meaningful psychoanalysis of Sean's drunken, off the cuff ramblings MP. Keep up the good work.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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azazel is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by wishbone View Post
it's really how you take your own approach to education, I think. Some people always look at their education as a step towards the NEXT step in education. That, I agree, is thinking inside the box of the perpetuating institution. If you take shit away and think "what can I personally do with this?" and change yourself for the better, or address problems in the world, or whatever, you can break out of the education cycle and actually do some good :)

If more people started a lemonade stand like my 3 year old neighbor and her five year old cousin did, instead of going for some 'entrepreneurial degree' which mostly consists of watching 3 hour power point presentations every day and learning useless buzzwords like "collateral interference" (means you're standing in front of someone ;) ) they would be much better off.

People have allowed a man made system to subvert reality. Deep down they realize this, and their actions have no intentions and are powerless.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
Join Date: Dec 2007
azazel is on a distinguished road
hawla back

Only put the video ID in between the BB code tags, NOT the full URL!
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
I'm on the trail!
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Originally Posted by azazel View Post

If more people started a lemonade stand like my 3 year old neighbor and her five year old cousin did, instead of going for some 'entrepreneurial degree' which mostly consists of watching 3 hour power point presentations every day and learning useless buzzwords like "collateral interference" (means you're standing in front of someone ;) ) they would be much better off.

People have allowed a man made system to subvert reality. Deep down they realize this, and their actions have no intentions and are powerless.
this post has tons of dynamic synergy.

However, taking a business degree, I must admit there definitely are USEFUL courses, and there have definitely been absolute shit courses. For instance, finance and Management Information System kids benefit a lot from what they pick up in classes. (my marketing and international biz concentrations, honestly in my opinion, would be better suited to a 50/50 split of classroom and job shadowing).

However, as you said, if you want to run your own business.....a degree is really a waste of time. Take night classes for a few months on exactly how to run a business, and you'd be set. The 'entrepreneurship' concentration in the business program at sfu is the biggest waste, i don't know why anyone would do it - even the advisers tell students not to do it.

Last edited by wishbone; Mar 15, 08 at 12:26 PM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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azazel is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by wishbone View Post
this post has tons of dynamic synergy.

However, taking a business degree, I must admit there definitely are USEFUL courses, and there have definitely been absolute shit courses. For instance, finance and Management Information System kids benefit a lot from what they pick up in classes. (my marketing and international biz concentrations, honestly in my opinion, would be better suited to a 50/50 split of classroom and job shadowing).

However, as you said, if you want to run your own business.....a degree is really a waste of time. Take night classes for a few months on exactly how to run a business, and you'd be set. The 'entrepreneurship' concentration in the business program at sfu is the biggest waste, i don't know why anyone would do it - even the advisers tell students not to do it.
I'm not saying all those classes are totally useless, but on the balance of things we need more action and less 'education' which for the most part keeps people in a state of arrested development.

A lot of times, the textbooks and classes simply codify what is obvious, self-evident, or something you would quickly learn on your own. I remember giving my head a shake after reading a whole page in my marketing textbook on "physical differentiation" where they told me that the purpose of changing the look of an advertisement is so that it can be differentiated from other ones. In other words, looking different means looking different :nuts: Of course they couldn't sell a textbook without this abundant word padding, but c'mon guys, your slip was showing there.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mar 15, 08
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azazel is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by djmarkpaul View Post
Though you have shown no critical thinking skills whatsoever. You show no sign of having an educated base of 'real' history.

You not only offered no alternative, you appear to have denied the argument wum presented without even looking at it.

The fact is, institutionalized schooling is very much so a conveyer belt that is not inclined to satisfy the more controversial questions of its students, but since most just do as they're told, it is not nearly challenged enough...you seem to be a shining example of this.

There are problems with homeschooling as well without a doubt, namely religious indoctrination and lack of a classroom setting, though by and large most home schooled individuals I have come across are far beyond the intelligence as displayed on average in the public school yard.

My mother being a public school teacher, apart from my own experiences of not being allowed certain information from teachers all throughout grade school and high-school because it 'went against the curriculum' is a strong testament of indoctrination, not education.

State examples in history to assert your claims, or admit at least that you have no basis to your argument.
Another thing to look into is unschooling. It basically follows the libertarian idea that no one takes care of his property better than himself.

If people were allowed to take ownership of their own education without being traumatized first in the early years, they would thrive just like early Americans who had the highest literacy rate in the world.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mar 16, 08
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Originally Posted by azazel View Post

look ma, i has critical thinking and i'm only 20 grand down :nuts:
haha. that is actually funny.

Anyway, regardless of whether it makes you dumber or not, the reality is that educational credentials (like any skill) from a recognized educational institution looks better on a resume. It isn't necessary in order to succeed, nor does it guarantee success, but in many cases it does help.

The end.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mar 16, 08
TooDrunk to SpeakJapanese
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Drazkers will become famous soon enoughDrazkers will become famous soon enough
I don`t want a self taught lawyer who spent afew months doing night courses, same with my accountant....
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