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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 08
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kir mokum has a spectacular aura aboutkir mokum has a spectacular aura aboutkir mokum has a spectacular aura about
i'm still mad that sex ed teachers told us that blue balls are a myth. they're fuckin' real and it hurts, OK.

...lying sacks of blue balled shit....
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Sep 30, 08
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Originally Posted by Alex View Post
having a child should be a privilege not a right. Would cut down on so many situations like this.
prolly cut down on ragga whore posts too.

Last edited by kir mokum; Sep 30, 08 at 10:52 PM.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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Naked suspect dies after stun gun use - UPI.com

Damn't they should have realized this guy was depressed too, totally not his fault he robbed a bank naked.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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Wood has a spectacular aura aboutWood has a spectacular aura aboutWood has a spectacular aura about
^they don't mention in the headline that he JUMPED OUT A SECOND STORY WINDOW before being tasered. minor detail.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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^ Suicide Victim :(

clearly caused by mental illness
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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maybe he was suffering from male post-partum
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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Originally Posted by Wood View Post
^they don't mention in the headline that he JUMPED OUT A SECOND STORY WINDOW before being tasered. minor detail.
The aristocrats!
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
tiestn vancorstenfold
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ppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of light
his anus landed on a fist and then some old grandma drilled his mouth with her walking stick
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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^The punchline was already given, you can't keep the joke running after that.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
tiestn vancorstenfold
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ppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of lightppcock is a glorious beacon of light
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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Originally Posted by Wood View Post
^they don't mention in the headline that he JUMPED OUT A SECOND STORY WINDOW before being tasered. minor detail.
Again... Could have been avoided if they had used blow darts.

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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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Originally Posted by Pussy*Kat View Post
^ Suicide Victim :(

clearly caused by mental illness

you know, its not uncommon for people to off themselves because they dont wanna face the music.
my friends dad was a long time cop for vpd and said multiple times people killed themselves so they wouldnt have to go to jail. sometimes death is better than competing with goatse.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Oct 01, 08
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Oct 02, 08
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by NinjaBoy View Post
I didn't say the justice system gives out "get out of jail cards" I said you are giving that out.

And you diagnosed her based on NO INFORMATION. None. You know nothing about the situation, but apparently have the the insight to diagnosis without any information.

This is a bullshit arguement. If you can only argue your point, by stating nobody else is allowed to argue your point then you need to learn how to properly debate before you start discuss politics/current events.

This is like saying you are not allowed to have an opinion on abortions because you've never got one.

Or you can't talk about STD's until you have suffered from one.

Or that you can't have an opinion on American Politics until you are an American citizen.

It's a weak arguement.

PS - You should also read the updated article that state the Child had a life threatening medical condition that required immediate attention. Child is dying, mother has been in a three hour stand off smothering child. What should the cops do in your opinion other then a fucking ninja blowdart like you suggested earlier?
Ninjaboy, 80% of women suffer from baby blues after having a baby. Lasts anywhere from 6 weeks to a few months, based on that little piece of information its a safe bet going for baby blues minimum.But because theyre calling her "mentally ill" probably PPD as PPD is a mental illness unlike baby blues which is hormonal changes after birth. I didnt say that was the case for sure, however granted the circumstances its more then likely the cause of her irrational behaviour.

Now,what pisses me off about your rebuttals is the negative undertones pertaining to PPD. You shouldnt try to discredit something you obviously know so very little about first or second hand :) Your arguement is bullshit, its like arguing about a vagina or arguing about breasts...or abortion. So yes, its safe to say that you cant speak NEGATIVELY about something that you havent experienced. Thats my whole point here.

I am not giving a get out of jail free card,I am simply showing empathy,compassion and understanding for a fellow human being regardless of her background.Maybe you should do a bit of the same?I dont think its acceptable to crucify someone completely when you yourself do not know the full story, maybe entertain some of the thoughts ive given and once you look past your own contempt for me then hopefully youll be able to see that they are probable cause.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Oct 02, 08
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^ the only thing that would be blue is the kid because of it possibly being smoothered.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Oct 02, 08
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ragga i have a serious question to ask you.

you vote ndp dont you?
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Oct 02, 08
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Originally Posted by Ragga_Wh0re View Post
*snip rant about post-partum*
So, getting back to your original point... it's okay to suffocate a child as long as you have a valid emotional condition to blame it on?
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
^its not okay but it gives an explanation for the action. PPD changes a person like all other mental illness,so often the persons actions are manifestations of the illness itself and not of the person.

Like someone whos bipolar,when theyre not manic theyre not out being hypersexual,shooting meth and going on shopping sprees at Holt...right? Its a manifestation of the illness,not of the person. The illness takes over the person.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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I like how you have stated as a fact that she has PPD.

Even though your only evidence is she has a child.

I would ask you to consider the fact that she's 16 with a child, the mother never stated any problem with the police taking the child away (just the technique used), the ministry of family development had her under supervision and monitoring before this incident, the mother was already living in a group home (which she was missing from) or the quote: "The mother - who suffers from mental health problems - was taken to hospital under the mental health act."

This would lead most people to believe that she has a history of mental health problems.

However, even if this was just PPD, then how would this change the fact that the child's life was in danger.

As a side note, I talked to a friend who works at 1130, the reason this went orginally to news is because the mother and grandmother called several media outlets hours after it happened telling their sob story. However upon finding out the issues surrounding it, all media outlets realized that it was an unavoidable circumstance.

Why do you think there hasn't been any other media coverage for this event after the first story?

As bad as it is, this is a teenager with mental issues that was with holding life saving medical treatment from a child and smothering her child. Police stepped in and after several hours had to use a taser. This wasn't shot at the teenager, it was applied directly to her back so the chances of her child being hit was nil.

It's a shitty situation, but it had to be done. At least till the new shipment of ninja blowdarts the VPD ordered from the back of Amazing adventures #221 arrives in the mail next week.

Last edited by NinjaBoy; Oct 03, 08 at 10:55 AM.
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
^ the current of electricity can travel right? I didnt state PPD as a fact, I stated it as a propable cause. If she has a history of mental illness it also makes her that much more suseptable to getting PPD which makes it even more probable that she was suffering from that and her actions were a manifestation of the circumstances as well as possible PPD or baby blues at minimum. Quit trying to twist my words and take them out of context to prove your point.

They did not say she was 100% smothering her child, they said it looked like a possibility on how she was holding the child. Youre taking the reports out of context to serve your own purpose which is to villify this young girl at whatever costs.

I think the situation could have been avoided all together by not getting the police involved at all, when a person is emotionally and mentally unstable the police arent seen in that state as a helpful outlet, thus making the situation deteriorate even more so as soon as they arrive on scene. I beleive a neutral third party unrelated to the ministry and to the police could have been used to defuse the situation as opposed to using police force which escalated the situation.

Maybe they could have sent a nurse, medics...a pediatrician? Maybe even someone the mother trusted like a friend or family member? There needs to be better procedures in place to avoid a potentially tragic situation.

If she was a foster kid and had a child while in care its the ministries standard procedure to monitor the parent(s),when you factor in mental health issues and an emotionally stressful situation is it any wonder to you that the mother reacted the way that she did?
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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Originally Posted by Ragga_Wh0re View Post
^ the current of electricity can travel right?
Uh, no. I though this was well established?

I didnt state PPD as a fact, I stated it as a propable cause. If she has a history of mental illness it also makes her that much more suseptable to getting PPD which makes it even more probable that she was suffering from that and her actions were a manifestation of the circumstances as well as possible PPD or baby blues at minimum. Quit trying to twist my words and take them out of context to prove your point.
Are you kidding me, this entire thread has been about you saying she has PPD.


They did not say she was 100% smothering her child, they said it looked like a possibility on how she was holding the child. Youre taking the reports out of context to serve your own purpose which is to villify this young girl at whatever costs.
Alright, despite the fact cops used to bust you for drinking underage most of them are not bad people. It was a long stand off. Cops get a ton of shit if they taser someone. They wouldn't taser someone unless they felt it was nessesary.

You are taking all the reports out of context and ignoring them to make the teen seem like the victim.


I think the situation could have been avoided all together by not getting the police involved at all, when a person is emotionally and mentally unstable the police arent seen in that state as a helpful outlet, thus making the situation deteriorate even more so as soon as they arrive on scene. I beleive a neutral third party unrelated to the ministry and to the police could have been used to defuse the situation as opposed to using police force which escalated the situation.
Child is being withheld medical attention, and we have to have a neutral third party to come and have tea with her to discuss it? Are you serious? What third party should it be. (PS read the various reports, social workers were there before the police).

Maybe they could have sent a nurse, medics...a pediatrician? Maybe even someone the mother trusted like a friend or family member? There needs to be better procedures in place to avoid a potentially tragic situation.
Alright, when your done in fantasy land where every case has the time for the ill baby to have the family researched, and call the pediatrician (who would run over the second the bat signal is called) you can join us in reality.

Sure in a perfect world, everytime there is an issue it would be handled without police involvement. But that's not the case, and expecting that to occur during any serious incident is just crazy.

If she was a foster kid and had a child while in care its the ministries standard procedure to monitor the parent(s),when you factor in mental health issues and an emotionally stressful situation is it any wonder to you that the mother reacted the way that she did?
And when you factor in a three hour stand off where the police know that they need to get the child to a doctor or it could die, do you see why they reacted the way she did.

I can't help you. I've stated it sucks, and it shouldn't have happend. But if you insist on living in a world where all the world's problems can be solved without force not mater the litigating factors, then so be it.

I'll be waiting over here with the rest of society who realizes that just wishing that everything would work out nicely doesn't mean it will.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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too much to read, is there an audio commentary?
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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Originally Posted by Ragga_Wh0re View Post
^its not okay but it gives an explanation for the action. PPD changes a person like all other mental illness,so often the persons actions are manifestations of the illness itself and not of the person.

Like someone whos bipolar,when theyre not manic theyre not out being hypersexual,shooting meth and going on shopping sprees at Holt...right? Its a manifestation of the illness,not of the person. The illness takes over the person.
Still doesn't change your outrage with the popo in what they did.

Regardless of whether or not her action is explainable, that doesn't make it right.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 08
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and regardless of whether or the not the cops actions are explainable doesnt make thiers right either.

Ninjaboy, i did not say she had PPD for a fact. I said that based on the circumstances it is quite probable that she does. I dont see how you can misunderstand that, but anyways.

Also, social services or anyone from the ministry of family and children arent a neutral third party. Sure they were on site, and probably escalating the situation well before the police were called,cops show up and it gets out of control.

anyways,this is pointless so im removing myself from this "discussion".
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