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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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The Rave Scene Is Dead and No One Cares

As it is Swing Kids and Twisted are the only productions still standing. All the top DJ's don't get booked to play parties any more and can only be found in clubs. Even the top new school promoters (AGRO) can't get any support when they go to the effort to bring in one of the best line ups to EVER hit Vancouver. There's basically one legal venue left. Now more than ever it seems every little snot thinks they should be VIP for some unknown reason...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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beach*bum is an unknown quantity at this point
agreed....but nolan...you can't MAKE ppl rave....
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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cheeseburger is on a distinguished road
its not dead, its just underground
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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cerah is an unknown quantity at this point
No one really understand the effort that goes into these events until they help in throwing one or they do it themselves. Nearly everyone seems to want the perfect lil party in a really cool venue downtown with fancy lights n lasers and big name DJs from overseas that'll go all night for no more than $10-15 a ticket.

As for "it's not dead it's underground" sure it is to some degree but you still need the influx of "newbies" to keep things going. Every underground scene be it the punk, rock, metal, etc. needs the main scene to survive. Underground parties still cost money and "ravers" are dying out, growing up, moving on with their lives.

It's no wonder the larger scene is dead with the type of attitude "newbies" get upon arrival. Going to a rave was supposed to be a fun happy thing where everyone was accepted and now it's as large a clique as they come. The second a "newbie" makes one lil mistake (that we ALL initially made back when we started partying) they're torn apart and flamed and made to feel like absolute shit. Tell me is this the type of scene you want to be involved in?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
^pretty much.

(to ninewells' post)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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*STARFISH* is on a distinguished road
its not dead.
it just has turned into a smaller, tighter crowd.
more smaller parties with a good vibe.
and i care! :)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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cheeseburger is on a distinguished road
Originally posted by cerah

As for &quot;it's not dead it's underground&quot; sure it is to some degree but you still need the influx of &quot;newbies&quot; to keep things going. Every underground scene be it the punk, rock, metal, etc. needs the main scene to survive. Underground parties still cost money and &quot;ravers&quot; are dying out, growing up, moving on with their lives.

I was trying to be funny with my previous comment.

Raving is in a recession right now, promoters will have to reduce prices and make "having a good time" the focal point.

We're responsible for the growth of the scene. Its neat to think we can all actually make an impact VS a scene where we have absolutely no control or little contrubution.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
Join Date: Feb 2003
beach*bum is an unknown quantity at this point
i actually agree more with cerah....
i've never actually thrown a party, but have been involved...and not for that long mind you...but still...even i've seen changes in people [and in myself]...

what once was is now changing...
it's not cool to be a "raver"...it's now cool to NOT be a "raver"....
it's not cool to go to "raves"...but it's cool to see the music in clubs...

i don't know where it's going to end up...but it's def diff. then what it was.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
meat princess
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Chet is an unknown quantity at this point
I think Cerah is right
the first few parties I went to was really clicky
the only time people seem to mingle and have fun is when everyone is drunk
not only that but everyone gets flamed for doing e and listening to trance when that is the reason alot of people started raving
there seems to be a few people coming in
but everyone under 18 just gets harassed and all the Candy kids get bullied

well thats from my limited short term veiw of the sceen
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
'latinum respect.
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Things can change and progess, but that is only healthy for any kind of scene. Too much staganation breeds too much boredom.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
b to the izzo
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narcotix is an unknown quantity at this point
werd.. cheaper tickets.... more variety in music at each stage.. i want to hear breaks in the mainroom.. or something .. :D

since u know that the method that these promotion companies are using.. and are beginning not to work how they used to be.. mite as well experimement.. and see what works.. what doesn't.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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Clayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura aboutClayton. has a spectacular aura about
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by cerah

It's no wonder the larger scene is dead with the type of attitude &quot;newbies&quot; get upon arrival. Going to a rave was supposed to be a fun happy thing where everyone was accepted and now it's as large a clique as they come. The second a &quot;newbie&quot; makes one lil mistake (that we ALL initially made back when we started partying) they're torn apart and flamed and made to feel like absolute shit. Tell me is this the type of scene you want to be involved in?
nothing has changed. there's always been a hazing of sorts, as far back as i can remember. if you ask someone who's been around for 5 years or so, or even ask someone who was a regular on NWR way back when, i'm sure they'd all agree nothing much has changed. this doesn't mean that we're all big meanies and that we're ruining the scene. it just means that it's the way that internet communities usually work.

even if this were just a recent appearance, i'd be skeptical that it'd have an effect. the amount of people that attend plaza parties number in the thousands, but the amount of people who read the boards on a regular basis is quite low in comparison. of those, the newbies that choose to contribute to discussion is an extremely low perecentage. most of them lurk, and are thusly immune to hazing. supposing that this were a phenomenon that had a great effect, i doubt that these kids would be around that long anyways, if they were that thin-skinned.

i think that the real reason there aren't as many newbs about as there once was is just because raving isn't that cool anymore. which, some would argue, is a Good Thing.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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Honestly seeing RN get cancelled was a huge wake up call. When some large cookie cutter event fails that was thrown by people with no roots in the local scene I'm never surprised. When a large event fails that was thrown by "old school" promoters I'm not usually surprised either as after a while promoters lose touch with the grass roots.

However when a well promoted show, with quality talent, thrown by well respected promoters who are still very in touch with the underground fails... Well I've never really seen that happen untill now. Sure these type of events have been cancelled due to lack of organizational skills (i.e. the venue falls through) but not due to a lack of support from partiers.

Yes there are small parties going on and what not (HOLLA Chills August 9th) but these are in most cases based off of people who have been around the mainstream for a while and are looking for something different. I think the reality of having parties every weekend is basically gone minus a main stream.

Now that said there are many different aspects of what is underground and there are parties that go on that are completely seperate from anything mainstream.

Drinking on the beach anyone?

Last edited by Senior; Aug 01, 03 at 04:53 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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cerah is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by inkster

i think that the real reason there aren't as many newbs about as there once was is just because raving isn't that cool anymore. which, some would argue, is a Good Thing.
I tend to agree but you must admit that the boards have become a lot meaner over the last little while.

Plaza parties will always do well because they're at the Plaza and the vast majority of people don't give a fuck who's playing so long as it's at that venue.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
just why?
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pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by narcotix
werd.. cheaper tickets.... more variety in music at each stage.. i want to hear breaks in the mainroom.. or something .. :D

since u know that the method that these promotion companies are using.. and are beginning not to work how they used to be.. mite as well experimement.. and see what works.. what doesn't.
cheaper tickets?? as if $20 isn't cheap enough for a party - even very small raves cost a lot of money to throw (in proportion to how much money is in the bank account, i.e. none) - 1st party i went to 7 years ago was $35 and i didn't think that was too much then. A scene can linger through the dedication of individuals who are doing it out of love for it, but will never flurish unless there is financial support from the people in it.

As per variety in music, check out the edumacated thread and then get back to me. And we (at least some of us) are experimenting - only problem with that is when something doesn't work it ends up costing the promoter a LOT of money, which is usually coming straight out of their paycheck.

a lot of other good points above from both sides, too many to get into but whether or not it's dead... probably never die, just change - for better or worse we will have to wait and see.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
just why?
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pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Senior
Honestly seeing RN get cancelled was a huge wake up call. When some large cookie cutter event fails that was thrown by people with no roots in the local scene I'm never surprised. When a large event fails that was thrown by &quot;old school&quot; promoters I'm not usually surprised either as after a while promoters lose touch with the grass roots.

However when a well promoted show, with quality talent, thrown by well respected promoters who are still very in touch with the underground... Well I've never really seen that happen.

Yes there are small parties going on and what not (HOLLA Chills August 9th) but these are in most cases based off of people who have been around the mainstream for a while and are looking for something different. I think the reality of having parties every weekend is basically gone minus a main stream.

Now that said there are many different aspects of what is underground and there are parties that go on that are completely seperate from anything mainstream.

Drinking on the beach anyone?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
when i first started partying in 98 everyone was extremely nice to me and looked out for me quite a bit. I think 14-15 yr olds at parties used to be abnormal so older kids would look out for the younger ones. I think today us older people don’t look out for younger kids in the scene we "make fun of them" as cerah said, its true. But thy come in the masses and can be annoying. Everyone today thinks they are "cool", its like high school almost.
i don’t think it is "scary" at all that we cant support big name dj's infact i really don’t even care. This city cant bring in any talent in the rock or other genre's either why should any type of electronica get more of a response? i don’t like plaza parties or a massifs for that matter, I never really have all that much.
I am contempt with enjoying smaller parties put together by good people who are having fun, not making dollars or ego's. I don’t need to see big names and I don’t need trippy lasers, i just need good music and beer!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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vesperstina is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Senior
However when a well promoted show, with quality talent, thrown by well respected promoters who are still very in touch with the underground... Well I've never really seen that happen.
teamlounge 10 year party, 2003
kiss, 2003
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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Originally posted by Narc:

silly americans, what's next?

Ecstasy Awareness Act of 2003 (Introduced in House)


To prevent the abuse of the illegal drug commonly called ecstasy .

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Ecstasy Awareness Act of 2003'.


Section 416 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 856) is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(c) Whoever profits monetarily from a rave or similar electronic dance event, knowing or having reason to know that the unlawful use or distribution of a controlled substance occurs at the rave or similar event, shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the defendant is an organization, the fine imposable for the offense is not more than $2,000,000.'.


In addition to any other amounts authorized to be appropriated for such purpose, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Attorney General $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2004 to make grants to provide training to State and local prosecutors and law enforcement agents for prosecution of ecstasy offenses.


Section 4115(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7115(b)(1)) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (C), by striking `and' at the end;

(2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting `; and'; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

`(E) include activities to prevent or reduce the use of the illegal drug commonly called ecstasy .'
I stand corrected...
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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Originally posted by vesperstina:

teamlounge 10 year party, 2003
kiss, 2003
Sorry I meant to say I've never seen a show like that not sell tickets.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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inkster is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by cerah
I tend to agree but you must admit that the boards have become a lot meaner over the last little while.
i haven't been reading ed in the last little while, so my viewpoint may be a bit different than yours. :)
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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cinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the roughcinist is a jewel in the rough
lounge x could get mean. i remember everyone turned on me cuz i said the price of water wuz gonna kill someone...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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Originally posted by Senior:
However when a well promoted show, with quality talent, thrown by well respected promoters who are still very in touch with the underground fails... Well I've never really seen that happen untill now. Sure these type of events have been cancelled due to lack of organizational skills (i.e. the venue falls through) but not due to a lack of support from partiers.
For Vespertina; I editted that bit to make sense.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Aug 01, 03
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vesperstina is an unknown quantity at this point
:kimmie: :kimmie:
Originally posted by inkster

i haven't been reading ed in the last little while, so my viewpoint may be a bit different than yours. :)
*omg hug* ~plur~ :kimmie: :kimmie:

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