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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mar 24, 04
tomates seche a l'huile
Join Date: Feb 2004
ryantron is an unknown quantity at this point
my parents are still together. they dont seem happy though. i have to watch them either fight or force conversation every day. i think this has made me kind of scared of straight relationships.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Mar 24, 04
~FuK ^ DavÊ~
Join Date: Sep 2003
NeVeRLooKBacK is an unknown quantity at this point
nope mine seperated a long time ago
it was for the better
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Mar 24, 04
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by Attila
what kind of question is "are your parents still together?" , of course mine are...

What kind of question is it? It's a very good one. But you probably don't see that because you're a tool.

My parents are still together, which seems to be rare these days.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Mar 24, 04
Hugs & Kisses
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*Geminiz* is an unknown quantity at this point
My parents split up about 6 years ago and it was for the best. Long long LONG story but now everything is how it should be. My mom remarried about 2 years ago to a wonderful man with whom she's completely inlove with and they are so happy. My Dad remarried about 3 years ago to a woman he barely new and met in the philipines - she's been living here with him with her son for almost a year and I haven't met her, nor do I really want to right now.

The fact that my parents aren't together hasn't effected me as much as how it was when they were together. What I saw and felt during that time and how my mom handled everything she went through has made a major impact on me as I'm so much like my mom now.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
~FuK ^ DavÊ~
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NeVeRLooKBacK is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by M!SKA

What kind of question is it? It's a very good one. But you probably don't see that because you're a tool.

My parents are still together, which seems to be rare these days.
I say ouch for attila
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
Revolution Productions
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-DLO_604- is an unknown quantity at this point
still together
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
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My parents split up when I was really young. My parents both remarried other people and both marriages failed. I really don't think it's affected the way I look at relationships, people maybe. I'm jaded because of my own relationships, not my parents. :P
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
'latinum respect.
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No and yes..

Tho dad is gone, they weren't together before that happened. However, my mom and dad were really really good friends, so the seperation was amiacable, which I think was extremely important.

It may have affected my outlook on relationships, because marriage is not something that is extremely appealing or doesn't seem extremely necessary to me- if it happens, it happens, but I don't see myself going out and looking for someone to marry so my life will be complete. I think it taught me that a perfectly healthy family can still exist without marriage (my mum did eventually remarry and I had a stepdad later that was really really essential in my upbringing.)
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
You know you love me <3
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starsprite is an unknown quantity at this point
Ya they're still together...but I don't think they really love each other like they used to.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
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jaydream is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Attila
what kind of question is &quot;are your parents still together?&quot; , of course mine are... getting married is supposed to be about being together forever, now many people rush into it, without much thought which end up in divorce and help grow the &quot;marriages that end in divorce&quot; statistic :kam:
thanx dr phil
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
El No
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Mr.Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Attila:

w/e biyatch
'Fraid I'm gonna have to second that.


You're what, 21? And yet you seem to know this marriage thing cold. Please, share your gift with the world and make it a better place for all of us.

Your wholoe high and mighty attitude really sucks dude. You're looking down on a lot of people and their families with those comments. Honestly, who the fuck are you to talk like that when you've never been married yourself? I bet you flaunt your parents' money like you're the one that earned it too.

I would place good money on you coming home to an empty house one day, after some period of what you see as a "happy" marriage. Your wife will have left you, probably with very good reasons if your online personality is anything like you in real life, and you'll probably still be convinced that there must have been something wrong with her.

Good luck in life.

/me waits for 1 - 3 word response
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
Join Date: Jan 2001
~lazee_grrl~ is an unknown quantity at this point
nope..mine got divorced nearly three years ago..BUT i found out about 2 years ago..they were arguing since i was born so it was bound to happen i guess...not that its for the better...nothin has changed..
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
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20 years and counting, who would of thought.
It would be nice to see my mariage to last that long. :kimmie:
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
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jaydream is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Mr.Dave

'Fraid I'm gonna have to second that.


You're what, 21? And yet you seem to know this marriage thing cold. Please, share your gift with the world and make it a better place for all of us.

Your wholoe high and mighty attitude really sucks dude. You're looking down on a lot of people and their families with those comments. Honestly, who the fuck are you to talk like that when you've never been married yourself? I bet you flaunt your parents' money like you're the one that earned it too.

I would place good money on you coming home to an empty house one day, after some period of what you see as a &quot;happy&quot; marriage. Your wife will have left you, probably with very good reasons if your online personality is anything like you in real life, and you'll probably still be convinced that there must have been something wrong with her.

Good luck in life.

* Mr.Dave waits for 1 - 3 word response
and that my friend deserves a BOO YA
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
Celebrate or Suffer
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
Originally posted by Mr.Dave

You're what, 21? And yet you seem to know this marriage thing cold. Please, share your gift with the world and make it a better place for all of us.

Your wholoe high and mighty attitude really sucks dude. You're looking down on a lot of people and their families with those comments. Honestly, who the fuck are you to talk like that when you've never been married yourself? I bet you flaunt your parents' money like you're the one that earned it too.

i can tell from his posts that he most certaintly is, i absolutely dispise that in people. I mean, im cocky as fuck and my arrogance is quite apperant in nearly all my posts, however the source of my cockyness is from my perspective on my own accomplishments, however i dont see how one can act like their so special and brag about the BMW M3 that daddy is buying him...why judge people because you have mor things when you didnt earn them.

i went to highschool with alot of kids like that, they were losers too, with little chance of being as successful as their parents are.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
Join Date: Jan 2001
jaydream is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Attila
Sorry if this might have caused any offense to you but i am from overseas, we look at things in a different perspective. Call it culture shock, but if you went to Europe and spoke your mind and views, you'd be the weirdo/the tool/the one with the attitude.
what a ignorant response that that does absolutly nothing to justify your retarded comment
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
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I think bev hit the nail right on the head.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
Join Date: Apr 2001
M!SKA has a spectacular aura aboutM!SKA has a spectacular aura about
Originally posted by Attila
Sorry if this might have caused any offense to you but i am from overseas, we look at things in a different perspective. Call it culture shock, but if you went to where I came from and spoke your mind and views [that your culture has thought you], you'd be the weirdo/the tool/the one with the attitude.
Hi, you live in Canada now. OK?

I'm not saying that everything you think and do should be done the 'Canadian way' (which is... ?), but I'm pretty sure you've been living in this country for a while now, so using the culture shock excuse isn't valid anymore. Sorry. You just lose. Get over it.

Last edited by M!SKA; Mar 25, 04 at 02:13 AM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
prangin' out
Join Date: May 2001
zarlon will become famous soon enoughzarlon will become famous soon enough
i guess technicaly they would be together but my mom isn't with us anymore.

but given different circumstances they definitely would be!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
Join Date: Dec 2001
*STARFISH* is on a distinguished road
my parents have been together for almost 25 years
sometimes i dont think think they should be
although they get along..
me and my mom dont really talk to my dad
even though hes home all the time.
its weird. lol
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
I *Heart* Sarcasm
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Rhianna is an unknown quantity at this point
Umm..........yes you guys marriage is forever! Even if your husband beats you everday. Our your wife is always drunk and fucking up your kids.

Attila, Miska knows what's up. You seem like a tool.

No my rents are not together anymore.....thank god! My mum left my dad when I was a year and a half. He is trash. And no my mum didn't rush into it. He just changed 100% after they got married.

Has it changed my view on realtionships. It made me think men were not important in the role of the family for a long time. Because really, what do they do besides fuck up. However, my older brother rocks so that helped out a lot. And my mum just pounded it into me what kind of guys to stay away from.

So the outcome is that I'm crazy picky now.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
El No
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Mr.Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally posted by Attila:
Sorry if this might have caused any offense to you but i am from overseas, we look at things in a different perspective. Call it culture shock, but if you went to where I came from and spoke your mind and views [that your culture has thought you], you'd be the weirdo/the tool/the one with the attitude.
I fully respect that your views may not be the same as someone born and raised in Canada. Often people don't recognize inherent cultural differences and it leads to battles that should not happen. If both sides are saying/doing what they think is right, then resolving the matter can prove to be quite difficult.

I consider that when I read your posts. But I also consider the fact that you seem to know the english language pretty well and probably a lot of other things about North American culture. Even by just reading this thread, it should be pretty damn obvious that your comments could be hurtful to some people.

All I'm asking you to do, Atilla, is to consider that before saying what's on your mind. And when someone mentions that you're being a tool, or whatever else, maybe realize that there might be some sort of reasoning behind their conclusion about you. Check your previous comment, throw in some sort of disclaimer like you just did, except before everyone rips into you, and all will be good.

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
femme fatale
Join Date: Feb 2003
Jingles is on a distinguished road
It is a cultural norm now for parents to have split - Canada has 49% divorce rate or something while the States has like 51%

with rates like this kids are less and less likely to be in a home with both parents - there is also a huge number of single parent families that have no resulted in divorce
and many a family that has had more then one divorce
or a spouse that has left the family altogether

Has it affected pur relationships? I think this is an interesting question with divorce now seemingly a norm I would think that as a society we are developing ways to cope - It used to be the child with divorced parents felt isolated and embarassed -- But now our idea of the definition of family is changing from that of the nuclear model

Studies indicate that if parents divorce the child is more likely to divorce also - but that certainlly doesn't mean a child will divorce or if they do it would be for similar reasons to the parents --- i personally feel that if the parents are good communicators and the child doesn't feel the 'i caused the split' guilt that the child will grow up and be more cautious about entering marriage because they don't want it to end the way their own parents did

That's how i feel anyway -- I am lucky lucky girl my mom left my dad when i was like 3, they were officially divorced when i was 6 and my mom remarried that same year
and then gave me a little bro -- She married the most remarkable man who has been my 'dad' ever since -- So i have essentially grown up most of life with 2 parents that respected and loved one another and really what more could a gal like me ask for

and more then anything if i have kids i'd like to provide that same environment for them!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
El No
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Mr.Dave is an unknown quantity at this point
To answer the question, my parents have been together pushing 30 years. There has been very little divorce in my family.

So far it has affected my relationships in both a positive and negative manner. My parents are absolutely amazing people whose love for myself, my brother and each other is seemingly boundless. And believe me, I've put it to the test more than once.

I, in turn, go into relationships with this example in mind. It's cool because I get close to people rather quickly and the good times come like crazy.

At the same time, however, I sometimes keep this ideal in mind a little too strongly when by every right I should have left the relationship long ago. Even when everyone around me is saying what I should be thinking, I just put up the "it's love" blinders and keep on truckin'. Makes for pretty messy endings when they finally do happen.

That being said, I learn from each relationship (I hope), and I know that one day when I finally do find the person who's right for me that we are gonna have a blast!
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Mar 25, 04
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Jblaze is an unknown quantity at this point
Yes they are still 2gether
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