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View Poll Results: Which party will you be voting for in this election?
Liberal 16 19.05%
NDP 30 35.71%
Conservative 9 10.71%
Green 9 10.71%
not voting / minor party (marijuana, Marxist-Lenninist, ect) 11 13.10%
undecided 9 10.71%
Voters: 84. You may not vote on this poll

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
jim jim is offline
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wtf are you talking about?
i think you're confused between provincial and federal politics, dumbass.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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nah i think i'm just confused.

i was refering to kim campbell and brian mulroney...but they were PC.

this is my first year voting, i'm still learning bout all this politic biz-nazz.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Are we all really that unhappy with the way Canada has been in the last 10+ years?

How have things like the sponsorship scandal really affected your life, if at all?

I know people are harping to get the liberals out, but really, we're all pretty sure of what the alternative is. Do we really want that?

Remember, America impeached Clinton over a silly thing like a stained dress, and now look what they've gotten themselves into.

(btw, I'm still undecided. Just something to think about)

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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^ that's awesome myra.

I'm still not sure. I know what I don't want. harper is scary scary. but as for what I do want... I don't know yet.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Personally I'd like to see what the NDP could do. Having said that, though, I'm afraid of the Conservatives coming into power as they don't reflect my values. I'm considering playing it safe and voting Liberal to keep the Conservatives out, because even with my vote I don't think the NDP could come close this time around.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
I know people are harping to get the liberals out, but really, we're all pretty sure of what the alternative is. Do we really want that?
My thoughts exactly, Myra. The Liberals fucked up, but the Conservatives could fuck up much worse.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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The importance of voting green is not just to give them the 2% they need, its about getting the environmentalist/social justice voice heard in Ottawa. With just a few seats back east, the greens will be able to publicly critize national environmental policy and contribute to the implimentation of values that the majority of young Canadians share. The present parties (Lib, Cons, NDP) are necessary to form a government, but it is vitally important that they have strong checks/balances from the other side of the floor. This is what a green vote is good for.

Remember that the Green Party has its roots in BC, and in my opinion, speaks for us best.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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see, my thing is that i'm not at all up on these things, and i'm not able to currently make an informed decision. so i'd rather not vote, than vote wrong.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by rav3r gurl
see, my thing is that i'm not at all up on these things, and i'm not able to currently make an informed decision. so i'd rather not vote, than vote wrong.
So what you're saying is that you're too lazy to become an informed and responsible citizen?
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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NDP, i feel there gonna fuck up teh country, but im not voting for conservatives, and i want legalized weed.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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It is overwhelmingly refreshing to see that the majorty of people on this board are voting NDP
Now if only we could get all young people to just get out there and VOTE, we could maybe have a good gov't in this province and country for a change!
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by rav3r gurl
see, my thing is that i'm not at all up on these things, and i'm not able to currently make an informed decision. so i'd rather not vote, than vote wrong.
It's not about "voting wrong". EVen if who you vote for doesnt win they still get seats and they still get money for you voting. Not voting is letting other people make your decisions for you.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
Are we all really that unhappy with the way Canada has been in the last 10+ years?

How have things like the sponsorship scandal really affected your life, if at all?

I know people are harping to get the liberals out, but really, we're all pretty sure of what the alternative is. Do we really want that?

Remember, America impeached Clinton over a silly thing like a stained dress, and now look what they've gotten themselves into.
The way things are going, if the BC Liberals get back into power, or the BC Conservatives take power, by the time I have children they will have no education system and no healthcare system. At least the NDP will focus on reversing the damage the Liberals have done to those two systems. I'm thinking of the long-term - the RAV line, and small beans like that is NOT what we need to worry about. We need to worry about the FUTURE of the province in the 10-15 year range. The NDP wants to make changes that will benefit ALL BC citizens - the only people that will benefit from expensive healthcare and poor education are the WEALTHY - they can afford to pay high health insurance rates and to send their kids to private school. Average joes like you and me can't.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by *KeLLnEsS*
It's not about "voting wrong". EVen if who you vote for doesnt win they still get seats and they still get money for you voting. Not voting is letting other people make your decisions for you.
Yes, but making uneducated decisions about who to vote for is stupid. Then you put someone in power who may not stand for the same things you stand for.

It's our DUTY as Canadian citizens to educate ourselves on the political parties and what they stand for, and to vote according to who represents you best!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Aight... here goes. I know all you Lefties are going to hate me forever but whatever... I'm voting Conservative as I agree with their Economic and most of there International/Defense Policies. Socially I'm Left of Centre, but in other issues I'm fairly Right Wing. As the Conservative Party has the majority of my beliefs, they get my Vote. I vote for the Party, not the Person. My MP has done an excellent job so I have no beefs with him. As far as why I'm not voting for the others... it's easy. Liberals? HAHAHAHAH Ummm no. When you've fucked up as much as they have, no sympathy from me. Yer out. NDP... again... no, they're waaaaaaay too Left Wing for me. Economically it's kerputski... you can't make all of Canada a fucking Park! Same with the Greens... I'm sorry, but there are other issues in Canada than the Environment.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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^ yeah but how about when you have kids?
you think that the conservatives are going to pay for their schooling and healthcare?

Personally, I don't agree with everything that the NDP has done in the PAST, but I agree with their policies overall, and I also think that Jack Layton is a great man. During the debate he spoke with such honesty, passion and conviction - that was where the NDP sealed my vote.
I just felt like all of the other candidates were just reading off of their sheets, and instead of fighting for their beliefs and policies, they more went in the direction of attacking the other candidates.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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The BC Liberals are NOT liberal IMO. All they are are a different pile of the same right wing shit that Harper is spewing (with a few exceptions made for public opinion).

I do NOT want to see the country go the fucked-up way of this province. Healthcare, education and environmental responsibility are what I want to see, not never ending tax-cuts for big business and ridiculous amounts of military spending for a country that is known for its PEACEKEEPING missions. I want to be a proud Canadian, not a citizen in a country that has allowed itself to become Dubya's bitch. FUCK THAT.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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The Conservatives aren't going to do away with Public Healthcare and Education. Sure, some of the costs may increase, but is it not worth it for faster and higher quality care? Educationwise... I'm not planning on living in Canada by the time my Child(ren) are of University age.

Originally Posted by MissBehavoir
I do NOT want to see the country go the fucked-up way of this province. Healthcare, education and environmental responsibility are what I want to see, not never ending tax-cuts for big business and ridiculous amounts of military spending for a country that is known for its PEACEKEEPING missions. I want to be a proud Canadian, not a citizen in a country that has allowed itself to become Dubya's bitch. FUCK THAT
Environmental Responsibility?! That's what the Forest Practice Code is for! Environmental Issues are taken seriously in Businesses in BC and elsewhere. There is a lot of Research being done on how to do things better and cleaner. As for the Military Spending... would you rather that our Men and Women head to Combat in inadequate equipment? We only JUST got our new Choppers to replace the Labradors! Those were approaching 30 years old! Now our Sea Kings fall from the Sky... our Jeeps die... I don't know about you. But with shit ass equipment we can't maintain our reputation as a Peacekeeping Nation if we can't even keep our Military active.

Last edited by mapleleaf4ever; Jun 24, 04 at 01:55 PM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by Kelster
the ndp was in power not too long ago.

they also made a pretty fucking huge mess that the liberals are still cleaning up.
how have the liberals cleaned it up?
they're just making a bigger mess out of what was already there!

sure the NDP had a few car pile-up
then the Liberals came and threw in a few semi-trailers, some gasoline, and lit the bitch on fire!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
The Conservatives aren't going to do away with Public Healthcare and Education. Sure, some of the costs may increase, but is it not worth it for faster and higher quality care? Educationwise... I'm not planning on living in Canada by the time my Child(ren) are of University age.
I'm not talking about just university
I'm talking about public education, elementary and highschool
do you know what educational assistants (work with special needs kids) get paid? SQUAT, and they have one of the highest stress, most demanding jobs out there (I know, my mom is one). Since the Liberals have been in power, they have cut funding for Education which in turn cut her hours, and also eliminated many of the EAs out there. There are children in elementary school with mental and physcial disabilities that are not getting the amount of one-on-one teaching that is necessary for their development. There also aren't enough EAs to go around so half of the time they aren't able to take their proper breaks, or have to come in early/stay late and they don't get paid overtime for it since they're all on salary!
This is just one example of how cuts to Education are affecting students (as well as the teachers, since then their stress level becomes so much higher!).

Also, not everyone can AFFORD to pay more for necessities such as education and health care. Take a look at how many Americans don't have health care because they can't afford it - that's how we're going to turn out if we stay on this path!
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
jim jim is offline
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you all are still confusing federal and provincial levels of government.

the actions of the provincial parties are in no way reflective of that of the parties federal chapters.

The provincial liberals are completely different than the federal ones.

These are two seperate levels of government that we are dealing with here.

As for me, I'm choosing to vote for the MP that will benefit my area the most, and that person would be Libby Davies of the New Democrats.

Last edited by jim; Jun 25, 04 at 02:33 AM. Reason: due to multitasking...
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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There'll still be a base level of Health Care... they're not going to get rid of it. Jeebus... they're just adding a new level... if you want to get that Hip replaced next week instead of like now where it might take a year or more, just pay some extra and then BAM new hip and Grandma is happy and raving once again. Federally, Education is mainly Post-Secondary. You can take out your Educational anger out on the Liberals in the next Provincial election. :)
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by galaxie
^ yeah but how about when you have kids?
you think that the conservatives are going to pay for their schooling and healthcare?

I feel the same way about layton but sincerity and passion dosnt mean that he has a clue.

Buisness(buiness is all the same wether big or small, i like how lefties differentiate between the two but general whats good for big buiness is good for all buisness) and the wealthy are the ones who pay the majority of the taxes in canada, they are also responsible for much of the investment which occurs in this country. Investment is a fundamental aspect of economic growth, taxes change behaviour. if buisnesses and the wealthy stop investing the economy falls flat on its face and everyone suffers...who gives a shit about the environment or social justice if you cant afford to pay rent or feed your kids?

the conservatives will pay for your kid's healthcare and education because they know they wont last more then a single term if they dont, we've had conservative governments before do we have an american style healthcare system? no. Do we have a horrible public school system? no.

now with regards to the B.C Liberials, ask yourself this, are you not better off fincially now then you were a few years ago? good ol gordo can take much of the credit for that, the NDP governemtn we had before was shit, and if they were elected id take my subsidized education, my dual citizenship, all my capital and ambition and leave the country atleast till they get defeated in the next election...but i dont really know if you would buy that because you were the person that was complaining about how the value of her parents house quadrupled in the last 20 years(that means they made money)

P.S when the universal healthcare system we have now was founded in the 1960's the intention of its creators was to create a system that would enable people to recieve medically treatment in the event of a caterstrophic or life threatening even (ex heart attact, cancer) it was not intented to treat all ailments like it has now evolved into. the problem is alot of these waitlists we keep hearing about our not for lifethreaten ailments, but rather lifestyle threantening..in fact alot of the waitlists are for treatments that didnt exist ten or fifteen eyars ago, such as hip replacement therapy or cornea transplants. also with time the diagnosis criteria for these treatments have been laxed as they have become more routine..essentially,new medical developments and procedures are creating the demand for healthcare services. this is one of the expanations for the fact that their is a correlation between increased expenditures on healthcare by the government, and increases in the utilization of helath services that not only cancel out the effects of the increased service capacity, but also cause increased waitlist due to increase demand for health services..secondly, its really sad that so many canadians have such a viscerial reaction to any propsed changes to the health care system, the only thing they really want is more and more funding, increased funding is not a sustainable solution. its important to relaize that we can privatize certain aspects of health care while maintaining publically funded first dollar universal access. In fact we could privatize almost all aspects of the healthcare system, including administration, and the deleivery of the services while maintianing universal access as well as current health standards.

Last edited by SEAN!; Jun 24, 04 at 02:31 PM.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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^ I'll give you Karma when I can again. You said what I was trying to. lol Thank gawd someone else got my thoughts typed out properly.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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Originally Posted by mapleleaf4ever
^ I'll give you Karma when I can again. You said what I was trying to. lol Thank gawd someone else got my thoughts typed out properly.
it wasnt really typed out very well, im sure theres lots of errors and it reads like shit...but i dotn relaly give a fuck.
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