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View Poll Results: Which party will you be voting for in this election?
Liberal 16 19.05%
NDP 30 35.71%
Conservative 9 10.71%
Green 9 10.71%
not voting / minor party (marijuana, Marxist-Lenninist, ect) 11 13.10%
undecided 9 10.71%
Voters: 84. You may not vote on this poll

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
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lol it made sense to me... *shrugs*
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Jun 24, 04
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
provincial politics=/=federal politics

gordon campbell=/=paul martin

glen clark=/= jack layton

Provincial government gets funding from the Federal government, and do we know who decides how this money is spent? Provincial governments!

Now write it all down kids and put it on a post-it and please try to remember! This will be your homework for the day!
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
Straight Outta Mocash
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Gusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really niceGusto is just really nice
what exactly does =/= mean anyway? :)
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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not equal to, snarky mcgee!
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
Static/COQ/DA/Exhale WUT?
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Sean can you tell me about the people in our riding.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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Originally Posted by Mc*Phee
I want to vote green party because im an advocate for the environment and I hate sign polution......but im not sure if i should vote for a party that has no chance...if that makes any sense? Im still undecided.
Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Western Wilderness Committee and several other environmental groups have all endorsed the NDP as having a better environmental policy. Also the Green party's leader is an Ex conservative which make me suspicious... I am however entirely biased on the issue (as we all are of course).

As a side note the Marijuana party has also endorsed the NDP!
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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Originally Posted by Kelster
the ndp was in power not too long ago.

they also made a pretty fucking huge mess that the liberals are still cleaning up.

the deficit has gone down since paul martins been in.
thats exactly why i voted liberal (advanced poll)
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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Originally Posted by SEAN!
I feel the same way about layton but sincerity and passion dosnt mean that he has a clue.

Buisness(buiness is all the same wether big or small, i like how lefties differentiate between the two but general whats good for big buiness is good for all buisness) and the wealthy are the ones who pay the majority of the taxes in canada, they are also responsible for much of the investment which occurs in this country. Investment is a fundamental aspect of economic growth, taxes change behaviour. if buisnesses and the wealthy stop investing the economy falls flat on its face and everyone suffers...who gives a shit about the environment or social justice if you cant afford to pay rent or feed your kids?

the conservatives will pay for your kid's healthcare and education because they know they wont last more then a single term if they dont, we've had conservative governments before do we have an american style healthcare system? no. Do we have a horrible public school system? no.

now with regards to the B.C Liberials, ask yourself this, are you not better off fincially now then you were a few years ago? good ol gordo can take much of the credit for that, the NDP governemtn we had before was shit, and if they were elected id take my subsidized education, my dual citizenship, all my capital and ambition and leave the country atleast till they get defeated in the next election...but i dont really know if you would buy that because you were the person that was complaining about how the value of her parents house quadrupled in the last 20 years(that means they made money)

P.S when the universal healthcare system we have now was founded in the 1960's the intention of its creators was to create a system that would enable people to recieve medically treatment in the event of a caterstrophic or life threatening even (ex heart attact, cancer) it was not intented to treat all ailments like it has now evolved into. the problem is alot of these waitlists we keep hearing about our not for lifethreaten ailments, but rather lifestyle threantening..in fact alot of the waitlists are for treatments that didnt exist ten or fifteen eyars ago, such as hip replacement therapy or cornea transplants. also with time the diagnosis criteria for these treatments have been laxed as they have become more routine..essentially,new medical developments and procedures are creating the demand for healthcare services. this is one of the expanations for the fact that their is a correlation between increased expenditures on healthcare by the government, and increases in the utilization of helath services that not only cancel out the effects of the increased service capacity, but also cause increased waitlist due to increase demand for health services..secondly, its really sad that so many canadians have such a viscerial reaction to any propsed changes to the health care system, the only thing they really want is more and more funding, increased funding is not a sustainable solution. its important to relaize that we can privatize certain aspects of health care while maintaining publically funded first dollar universal access. In fact we could privatize almost all aspects of the healthcare system, including administration, and the deleivery of the services while maintianing universal access as well as current health standards.
The US spends 16% of GDP on health care and Canada spends about 10%. While the US has some aspects that are way better than ours in terms of surgeries on demand our system covers everyone versus the massive amount of uninsured Americans that can not access the health services they need. Over the last 10 years of Liberal government the Provinces have consistently lost money for health care through cuts to transfer payments, thus creating a problem. Now that our system is where it's at it's a great excuse for big business to swoop in and "fix" the problem. The fact is that it public health care is a less expensive way to deliver the same service. The only way to put a less expensive privately run product on the table is to offer a lesser service.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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all these people voting ndp makes me lol. all that's left is for them to promise every little girl a pony and free hugs for all.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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Originally Posted by Senior
The US spends 16% of GDP on health care and Canada spends about 10%. While the US has some aspects that are way better than ours in terms of surgeries on demand our system covers everyone versus the massive amount of uninsured Americans that can not access the health services they need. Over the last 10 years of Liberal government the Provinces have consistently lost money for health care through cuts to transfer payments, thus creating a problem. Now that our system is where it's at it's a great excuse for big business to swoop in and "fix" the problem. The fact is that it public health care is a less expensive way to deliver the same service. The only way to put a less expensive privately run product on the table is to offer a lesser service.
you missed my point entirely, i study healthcare policy myself so i know everything that you just wrote is true...in fact you just proved my point, which is that whenever healthcare reform is discussed everyone in canada screams "oh NO." and point to our neighbours to the south of a result of what happens when you reform healthcare. there are alot of countries out there that have universal healthcare systems that are publicially funded yet privately ran. My point is we could privatize everything and still maintian universal access, privatization dose not automatically mean we are gonna eliminate public health insurence and allow private insurence companies and HMOs to fill the gap. do you understand what im saying? healthcare systems are not black and white, there are many different ways to configure them.

oh and the americans spend closer to 13% of their gdp, canada spends 9% based on 2001 figures. the problem with healthcare is not a result of budget cuts, the system is fundamentally flawed.
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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I've decided to vote NDP this election and already have. In the federal government I still think Liberals are doing an ok job. Provincialy I think they should get there asses booted. I just decided to go with the person that repersented my area that seemed like his priorities met what I valued as long as it wasn't conservative. I don't agree with a lot of there policies, and I didn't want my vote to go to them because it would be going against a lot of things I believe in.
I'm still trying to really understand the whole electoral process but I would rather vote then just sit back and see how it goes.

Last edited by Kandyapple; Jun 25, 04 at 04:54 AM.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
not equal to, snarky mcgee!
haha.. i wasn't being snarky! i actually didn't know.

anyway, its cool that we can just make up our own symbols like that %>^ ;)
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Jun 25, 04
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I am going to spoil my ballot!
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
eff eff
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Those of you who are still undecided, try this out:


(I know there is a similar post to this, but I found this link to be a better one)
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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Liberal. I was looking at the #'s on the front pagr of The Sun today. The Conservatives & the Liberals look too close for comfort. I way rather the Liberals get in then the Conservatives....yuck.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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Im not going to vote, i hate politics...but if i was i'd vote greens.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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Originally Posted by rawb
all these people voting ndp makes me lol. all that's left is for them to promise every little girl a pony and free hugs for all.
hahahah OH MAN that is great.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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so many fuckign blind people....its not about enviromental issues...its about money...we have to focus on teh economics befor we focus on enviromental issues...get ur fucing priorities straight.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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Originally Posted by Tea
Im not going to vote, i hate politics...but if i was i'd vote greens.

Thats who all the stupid ppl are gonna vote for. It's not that you hate politics, it's just that your too clueless to know whats going on in the real world.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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^ so true
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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i wish i could vote-- if so, i would vote green.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
eff eff
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Originally Posted by Dead Mike
so many fuckign blind people....its not about enviromental issues...its about money...we have to focus on teh economics befor we focus on enviromental issues...get ur fucing priorities straight.

You clearly have not read the green platform. There are some very innovative ideas in there that make sense from an economic perspective (the green party, for example, advocates cutting personal income taxes - something most economists will tell you will boost the economy - and supplement government revenues by shifting the tax burden to polluters).

That said, it IS about long term issues like the environment as well. If we always take a short term perspective (more, more, MORE! WE MUST ENDLESSLY EXPAND OUR ECONOMY) then believe me, we won't be around much longer to enjoy the benefits of high employment rates and increased investment. We'll be dead. There is no longer any 'debate' about the reality of climate change, ozone depletion, and the finite nature of our natural resources. The key is to make our way of life sustainable - and that goal is not incompatible with modern politics - maybe its you that's blind, hmm?
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
be gentle...I'm dainty
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Prissypants will become famous soon enough
Ack! I got bad karma for saying I was going to spoil my ballot. The person said I should educate myself on who to vote for...Well actually, I have educated myself on who to vote for and frankly, I am dissapointed with the choices. Spoiling a ballot is one way to send a message that you believe none of the parties to be very good or that none fit your criteria for what would make a decent leadership. It makes a much stronger statement than not voting.

Put that in your pipe mister!

Last edited by Prissypants; Jun 26, 04 at 10:57 AM.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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im not saying the green party is bad....im more REALLY REALLY against the NDP....jack layton talks out of his ass.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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Originally Posted by -ff-
You clearly have not read the green platform. There are some very innovative ideas in there that make sense from an economic perspective (the green party, for example, advocates cutting personal income taxes - something most economists will tell you will boost the economy - and supplement government revenues by shifting the tax burden to polluters).

That said, it IS about long term issues like the environment as well. If we always take a short term perspective (more, more, MORE! WE MUST ENDLESSLY EXPAND OUR ECONOMY) then believe me, we won't be around much longer to enjoy the benefits of high employment rates and increased investment. We'll be dead. There is no longer any 'debate' about the reality of climate change, ozone depletion, and the finite nature of our natural resources. The key is to make our way of life sustainable - and that goal is not incompatible with modern politics - maybe its you that's blind, hmm?

ever heard of the saying too much too fast...it applies to the green party platform.
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