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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
Join Date: Jun 2004
1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by ppcock
wow, you're dumbest, lamest girl i've ever seen on this board.

uhh first of all: your bf will probably be A: Dead in 3 years or B: in jail in 2 years being passed around like toilet paper.

C: YOU DROPPED OUT AT GRADE 8? I shouldnt complain. I dropped out in grade 10, Luckily for me i've always been able to get awesome jobs and then put them into a kick ass resume. I didnt learn anything in school it was all useless shit. The only thing I learned was how to type a blazing 93 wpm. I somehow fear you've learned nothing in school. Elementary school and highschool are two different things, you cant put "graduated elementary school" on your resume, you WILL get laughed at.

Now you have to look at your life and see what a waste of skin you are. No talent, no education, dependant on some fucker who's selling marijuana and who disrespects you and cheats on you.

Its never too late to go get your highschool.. you know this right? its posted on every bus stop in surrey (hehehe)

so you can do one of two things: Start off fresh and prepare for a very hard lifestyle of studying as well as working a shit job to pay off bills (unless you have a rich daddy)
or: you can stay with the "non typical" asian guy. Get disrespected, probably get some physical abuse. Could very well be forced into prostitution and live a really shitty life.

if you want my honest opinion.. i'd go for the first one!
thats what i said to him i don't think he'll live more than too more year theres already people that wanna be above him its a crappy life style. u don't understand how hard it is..i don't need to work i realli don't he makes more than enough to support both of us i only work so i don't have to see that shit take place infront of my face...weed is the second problem hes not dealing with that..thats the scary part hes just aiming for the top and we can barly even go any where anymore without havin to leave prepared for the worst its seemed crazy in the start he was making so much money giving me what ever i wanted he even bought me a damn car. but now im fed up and i feel like hes not the same person anymore i can't hold a proper conversation with him with out it ending up in2 an argument if it were as easy as u made it seem i would be here askin for advice..I'm not lame u don't understand vietnamese/chinese asian lifestyle..most asian (viet) people come here in search of better life for their family they have no other choice but to do what they got to do. Its just seemed right at the time and now i realize how fucken wrong it really is.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
Join Date: Jun 2004
1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
but i feel if i leave him ill regret it
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
The Orginal Trance Addict
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
and im not tryna sterotype us asian people but face the freaking facts
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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tee hee!
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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mugsy is on a distinguished road
what are you going to regret? all the shitty ways he could have made you feel?
the world is huge, dont focus on one asshole forever. you have a lifetime of other assholes to experience, and a lifetime of amazing men who will treat you with respect, not with money.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by mugsy
you dropped out of grade 8?
honestly, it seems like you have a very codepemdemt personality, which is something not alot of people can over come when they have it.
youve turned your life upside down, you allowing him to control you. you say you dont like it, but have you done anything about it in 4 years? obviously not since your still with him.
id like to say get out, but you wont.
our relationship was fine in the begining it turned up side down durin the last yr and a half..i do wanna gte i jus fell like ill have nothing after i want him 2 change but thats like asking for a miracle
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
I *Heart* Sarcasm
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Rhianna is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by 1tempting'bebe
but i feel if i leave him ill regret it
I feel that if you stay you'll regret it even more. You are aware that you can't change people right? Please tell me your mum told you that before you left.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
and the other down side i highly doubt hed let me leave hed do everything possible to make my life a living hell.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
.High Maintenance.
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*KeLLnEsS* is an unknown quantity at this point
You sound like you're in denial.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Rhianna
I feel that if you stay you'll regret it even more. You are aware that you can't change people right? Please tell me your mum told you that before you left.
I know i know its the damn materealistic things i think id be so much happier in damn box he thinks i care about that shit but i dont id give it all away if hed only stop get a legit job. fuck i need to get the fuck outta here..from every angle im trapped if i go back to school 1 he will harass the fuck outta me keeping tabs. 2 if i leave him he will most likely threaten me or my family or even himself. 3 i hate men
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
I *Heart* Sarcasm
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Oh rock on. Yeah, he souds like a swell guy. I hope that one day if I'm lucky I'll catch on just like him.

Everyday women get up enough courage to leave men that beat the shit out of them on a regular bases. And that's after being married and having kids. I'm sure that's 100x harder then leaving some guy you've been w/ for 4 years. I have faith in you. You can do it.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
im jus gonna save up all my money and leave town
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
I *Heart* Sarcasm
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Don't hate men. Hate the shitty ones. There are a lot of men out there that are great, and I'm sure you can find one. But first I think you need to master taking care of yourself.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jun 26, 04
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1tempting'bebe is an unknown quantity at this point
^^^Thanks soo much u've helped alot i really appreciate it.=)
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jun 27, 04
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BAL1STOPHER has a spectacular aura aboutBAL1STOPHER has a spectacular aura about
man this thread might as well be titled the ricky lake show...........or plain and simple DRAMA!!!!!
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
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stabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nicestabmyhead is just really nice
Is your boyfriend a dealer?? Either or, he obviously has an attitude problem.

The only reason why he's accusing you of cheating on him is probably from the guilt he feels. So he's trying to project that guilt onto you by constantly bombarding you with accusations without reason.

Another reason why, is probably because he has a ego problem. He feels that if you leave him, it's a "diss" on him, it threatens his superiority. He thinks he's big tough guy and that he can degrade you all he wants, because "you owe him your life." And I think that's the problem here. He has too much control over your life, it's like you need permission to eat, sleep or breathe a certain way. You are living your life constrained and tied back by an unsupportive, overly aggressive and abusive partner. When you get out of the situaution, you may be able to see that, "I CAN get out of this, I WILL get out of this, I AM ABLE to get through school." You're just too blinded by your insecurities and fear right now to see that. YOU ARE LETTING IT HAPPEN. GET SOME CONTROL IN YOUR LIFE.

You don't owe him shit. He is not a fuckin' bank that loans you money. Your parents don't make you pay them back for raising you. HE IS NOT A FUCKIN' LOAN SHARK.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
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SomeGuy is an unknown quantity at this point
Ok I have a little advice for you. I'm someone who grew up with Vietnamese/Chinese drug dealers(mostly coke and ecstasy) and I can tell you your not going down the right path of life. If you want to have a family and live a nice life someday this is not the way to go. I'm now 20 and at least 3 of my friends have been shot and another of my friends was killed, so far none of my friends who've dealt have been able to make it to the age of 25 without being shot, stabbed or arrested. Your foolish for ever dropping out of high school, I know about 5 girl's just like you and they wonder around form drug dealer to drug dealer because they don't believe they have any other means to survive. YOU NEED TO GROW UP!!! and take your life into your own hands, go back to school and work hard, get an honest job otherwise you will soon feel the consequences. Oh and BTW, your boyfriend will cheat on you, he will leave you if you get pregnant and he will do whatever he feels like, you should know that before you get to much more commited, boy's who stay in this line of work seem to stay at the BOY mentality for their whole life. All my guy friends who do this and have GF's cheat any chance they get cause it's all about the FUCK to them, GF's are just a regular fuck and they feel that woman are bought not earned.. and you sure as hell seem to have been bought. Good luck to you, hope you don't become like one of my friends, 19, pregnant with no money and only your parents to live off of(that's a good way to fuck up your life.)
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
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tahiti__treat is an unknown quantity at this point
^ that was well said.... ur the only person that can change ur life
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
no wonder why your so fucking stupid.

id give you some advice but itd go to waste cuz I know for a fact your goign to stay, because your weak and stupid!

hahhahahahahahahahaha dumb bitch.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
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Mo... is an unknown quantity at this point
i just think u like being spoiled but no offense or ne thing but the dumbest move u made was dropping out of high school
I just hope u kno there is better things in life then shiny new things..
And a guy who brings that up in arguments is just a loser anyway..
i suggest u lose him
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
`Life Is Trance...
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vee_baby69 is an unknown quantity at this point
ur boy friend is fucking up ur life are u blind is the money that is making u stay u remind me of my gurlfrend shes just like u she complains so much about her boyfren but does nothing about it she leaves him for like a week and den he sweet talks her ass buys her some shit an she goes running back havent u seen that movie scar face sheeshhhhh aiming for the top will get u no where espcially fucken slanging coke crack w/e the fuck it is. my fucken cuzin i duno if u people herd about it my cuzins husband they just got married like 3 years ago they had 2 lil baby sons he was found in the trunk of a fucken car 5 days after he died bcuz he was in2 that shit bcuz he was making it to the top and the people that were helping him fucked him over in the end and no one knew about his other job he got 2 deep in2 it man u see people dyeing every day relating to drugs drug dealing..someone will always be there no matter what who wants to be up above u who wants more fucken money and they cant do taht bcuz ur in there way theyll fuck up u ur family anyone who ever they need 2 to accomplish it and above them there will be someone eles who wants to fucke them up. ur dumb man can't u see that so what if ur living in an asian lifestyle i know so many vietnamese/chinese/ asian gurls who are doin something with there lives so for u to sit there and say that. thats the only thing u could do is bullshit u dont get stuff for free u hafta earn it and work hard for it people work there ass's off to provide for there familys and thoes years of hard work pay off in the end DRUG DEALING IS THE FUCKEN EASY WAY OUT BCUZ U PEOPLE ARE GREEDY AND DON'T KNOW WHAT HARDWORK IS.U SEE THE MONEY AND START JUMPING LIKE FUCKEN ANIMALS LIKE U'VE NEVER SEEN MONEY B4 IS AND DON'T YOU KNOW THAT EVERYONE STRUGGLES IN THERE LIFE. LIFE ISNT FUCKEN EASY THATS WHY HALF OF YOU ARE DEAD OR IN JAIL REGRETING IT WISHING THAT U COULD HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE BUT U ONLY GET ONE DON'T FUCK IT UP MONEY ISNT EVERYTHING. DUMB PEOPLE MAN U SICKEN ME USE SOME FUCKEN COMON SENCE. LEAVE THE FUCKEN GUY DON;T BE DUMB WHEN HE GOES DOWN UR GOING WITH HIM I GUARANTEE IT.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
`Life Is Trance...
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vee_baby69 is an unknown quantity at this point
UR THE ONE WHO IS HURT>..:tounge1: i feel sorry for u

Last edited by vee_baby69; Jun 28, 04 at 12:16 PM.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jun 28, 04
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1up motherfucker
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^^ I would have read those, but something seems to have shortwired in my brain making it impossible for me to be able to get past 2 words without wanting to shoot myself.

Back on topic, this guy sounds like a real winner.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jun 29, 04
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Wood has a spectacular aura aboutWood has a spectacular aura aboutWood has a spectacular aura about
uh, yeah... a real winner for sure

i just hope he doesn't read this thread. something tells me he'd be less than thrilled at you for discussing his (illegal) business on a public forum... to say nothing of the stuff you've said about him. maybe not such a hot idea. hope none of his friends see it either.

i have no advice for such a fucked situation... but i'd say leaving town is the best idea you've had so far.
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