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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Dec 03, 04
just why?
Join Date: Jan 2003
pbreak is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by decypher
thanks captain obvious... i think everyone has an idea of what real punk is, its a lifestyle not a prepackaged form of music that people represent it as.
yah, werd... nobody called them punk because nobody thinks they are, so don't worry.

Hot Karl, i'm honestly not too familiar with those guys but I feel your pain brotha. It's almost like... almost as if....

I'm just a kiid, my whole life is a NIGHTMARE
I'm just a kiiid, I know that' it's NOT FAIR

Alone in the world etc etc!

I just don't know what to think anymore... maybe I'll just stop thinking. that should make things eaiser.

ps. Thanks Grapes for getting the fuckin song stuck ONCE AGAIN in my head!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Dec 03, 04
Join Date: Oct 2004
Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by pbreak
you know, there was a time (about 10 years ago) when studded belts actually were cool... in fact I still like them but I am seriously upset about how these weiners have gone and taken something that could be so much more and dragged it down to their pathetic level.

Here's a question though, since nobody I have EVER talked to, including tweenaged girls, seems to like these chumps.. why oh why do they continue to annoy us?? Can't we have them shot? Or at the very least just disappear?
studded belts make me laugh my friend has one and he jumped/slid on a guys front hood and put hella scratches in it heh

i also have this strange feelin simple plan don't actually like the music they make, they just target it at stupid rebellious teenagers who hate the world+themselves, so they get lots of sales. what i don't get is how people can listen to it, maybe its simply ignorance?? they haven't been exposed to real / good music. who knows , who cares

Last edited by Goodfellow; Dec 03, 04 at 09:35 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Dec 03, 04
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ceiling cat!
Join Date: Nov 2002
Grapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to allGrapes is a name known to all
ps. Thanks Grapes for getting the fuckin song stuck ONCE AGAIN in my head!

Count it!
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