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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Nov 30, 05
Join Date: Sep 2005
nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
god i love this country!
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 05
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Join Date: Sep 2005
fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by Two_Six
Apology accepted. I hope you realize the only reason I got pissed of at you is cause you dissrespected women and that's one thing I will never stand for. Anyways let's end this childish behaviour, its too sad and pathetic for mature adults like us to be acting like. Any ways this is the end then, so peace.
Fair enough bro.

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  #78 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 05
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Join Date: Sep 2005
fable is an unknown quantity at this point
where's fable now? He's read our responses a handful of times without replying... stumped maybe?
1) at a "Immigration and Refugee Rights" workshop that i was helping put on"
2) finding oneself "stumped" is a blessing, because its only in these situations that one can trully get informed
3) i doubt you could stump me on your best day

Okay now that the childish posturing is outta the way, ill give you some honest feed back as respectivelly as i can (i have blood running down my chin, from biting my tongue so hard!)

Why should the natives have ANY claim to ANYTHING in Canada over the average citizen? They lost, these treaty's and reserves are a complete mockery. Where else in the wrold do you see this happen? genocide, oppression, etc by an outside force...
I agree. The Natives are being coddled to death
1) Im not going to chew off anyones heads, as your these thoughts are shared by a few prominent governmental figures in history such as:
-Mel Smith (constitutional advisor to BC for 30 years up until 1991) He was contracted as a paid consutant by the Reform Party to establish the Anti Indian Task force which later became the basis and subsequent bible for ther Federation for Individual Rights and Equality (FIRE) I presume i do not need to rehash the precedent of this reactionary racist group

2) Tom Flanagan a professor turned Chief of Staff for the direct opposition party in 2002-2003. He wrote the novel "first nations, 2nd thoughts" and coined such famous line as "why dont indians drive taxis" and "aboriginal people should follow the example of immigrants and take menial jobs rather than expecting the government handouts."

So you guys are in good company!

Your belief that because the genocide associated with the Indegenous peoples of Canada is the same as across the globe, and thus negated or rendered irrelevant at the very least is what people would call reactionary, or a process that further deviates policy from any humanitarian or socially just solution and further lead to a governmental instituted doctorine of racism, and artivicial division between various oppressed peoples.

Before i go on Alex, i totally appreciate you taking the time, to communicate your beliefs, its good to know what the specific extremes of people are. But as you are speaking on your beliefs you manage to both contradict yourself and ignore all historicall precedent, and further,you go so far, as believing that the current situation of Indegenous peoples and all oppressed communties are seperate, exist in a bubble, and have no connection with governmental rule.

We can both agree that this country was based on a system of colonization that essentially attempted to eliminate ALL indegenous peoples, but were unable to do so, as a result of being dependant on Indegenous peoples to help them survive and navigate through new terrain.

AS a result of this need, and the direct oppostion of mobilized Indegenous resistance led by the likes of Chief Pontiac, there was a secondary need by britsh colonies at the time, to concede. This concession was in NO PART related to any feeling of blovelance by the settlers, rather a need to end armed conflict that was taking a considerable toll on settler forces at the time.

For the next few decades, the colonization and systeic genocide of the Indegenous peoples was carried out through more subversive and less "obvious tactics" This included programs where if and when Aboriginal Peoples gave up all rights of nationhood, they would recieve small parcels of land ( the majority of which, where stolen back by countless township militias. The Civilization of Of Indian Tribes act of 1857 was based on a need to commodify land and enter into the new capatalist system It was essentially the structure of a sytem to obtain land other than brute force, but its impact was as brutal and calculating as the armed slaughter itself.

It was about land, and it was about resources, and the government at the time were willing to "assimilate a people" by force in order to achieve the goals set out. But even in this period there was a large settlement communite/s that realized the subsequent racism of policy and action taken by the government of the time. But these settlers were far outnumbered by the masses who sought to expand their own power, wealth, and scope of control, and understood that to gain this, they would have to follow policy of the government. (this is somewhat simplified, but along with the creation of capitalism, came the first series of divisions, based on opinion of the oppression of Indegenous peoples)

I know, this is getting long, but hang in there, i read all YOUR info! The following years eventaully meet up to the present day. These times include countless offensives against indegneous peoples through forced assimilation, outright armed theft of land, rape of resources, and of course the massive propaganda campaigns that to this day, convinces people that the idea of Self Determination, and land rights of the Indegenous peoples would in some way infringe upon the rights of everyone else. Such as you.

You can argue all you want, but you ignored all this. You ignored the Indian Act. The White Papers. You ignored Gustafen Lake, you ignored Oka. You ignored the FLQ and you ignored the THOUSANDS of smaller standoffs.

Why am i saying this? Becuase you didnt draw a single connection between the operation of Government then, and Government now. You didnt mention anything about Canadas wars abroad, you didnt draw any connections with current Immigrant rights ( lack of), you didnt draw any connections with the attacks of the working people of Cananda.

By your own words, or lack of, I am under the impression that you dont see a DEFINATIVE correlation between all these actions?

So heres the coles notes::

-by ignoring of glossing over the events of the past, then you cannot draw a relevant picture of the present and the future. Doctorines and policies created and enacted by the government do NOT exist individually from eachother.

-You speak on the "Indegenous Problem" as if it is something that effects you - as in the (illusion) rights and tokenistic concessions given to the Indegenous Peoples, somehows takes away from your wellbeing.

-You echoe sentiments of uncontestable racists that have been in government before you.

-You find more allegience with government than the very people who are at the same level or below you.

The Indegenous "problem" is perpetuated, orchestrated, and developed by the government as so, to eventaully get complete control of land and resources of Canada, of which the the general population will see very little of any profit. What makes me sick to my stomach, is that somehow there are people out there, who think that the Indegenous People are the reason of their woes, spoiled, lazy, whiners and are only looking to gain as much as they possibley "steal"

There is only one demand and that is Self Determination, and seperation. I hope someday you can realize that there fight, is your fight. And once again, i want to reiterate that is current governmental structure and coporations and specific individuals that i see as the enemy, through there imperialistic agenda abroad and at home.

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  #79 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 05
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Join Date: Sep 2005
fable is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by nabs
god i love this country!
but rest assure, that the this countries GOVERNMENT hates you.

Wheres your ancestory? India? Pakistan? Fiji? Sri Lanka?

regardless, your one of many on the wrong list.

Last edited by fable; Dec 01, 05 at 01:56 AM.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 05
normies scare me
Join Date: Jun 2005
PaIniNyErAnUs is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by fable
but rest assure, that the this countries GOVERNMENT hates you.
thats relly not very nice
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  #81 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 05
Join Date: Sep 2005
nabs is an unknown quantity at this point
I love our current Gov't, which is none, cuz all politicians are liars.

Seriously think about it, has there even been one government to actually do what they promised without a catch. Lower Taxes: my ass, they all promise that but we all know its not possible for the Gov't to afford lowering taxes.

A little FYI for you all...

Did you know the Income Tax we pay right now, which the government takes out of our paychecks is technically ILLEGAL, the Gov't is stealing our money. The Income Tax which we all pay now (for those that dont know, the huge chunk thats missing off of our paychek) started back in World War II, it was then called Income War Tax, which started because the Govt needed money to pay for the war. The Govt found out that they were making so much money that they decided to keep it. They convinced people at that time (since they were already used to having the money taken out of the paycheks) that they need to keep the Income "War" Tax, because we are still at war "The Cold War" (Which had nothing to do really with Canadians). Since then Canadians have been paying this BS Income Tax, which the then time Govt PROMISED to take away after the "War" was over, which for some reason has not yet happened. Nowadays Canada does not have an active army, like the US who need constant money so without permission the goverment puts it into other things, that we dont need, such as "Their increased salaries". The govenment will not take away the tax because they make too much money out of it, but some might think, "It pays for schools, healthcare". Think about this, Canadians are the most heavily taxed in the world, they take taxes from, us buying Gas (+2.5c a litre), the goods and services we purchace (7%+7%), PROPERTY TAX (over $1000 anually), the list goes on and on (Levy's on CD's and MP3 players), and our government CAN survive without income tax. COMON at least give us back the money we earned. We already give you taxes when we do ANYTHING. The govenment has enuf money to pay for everything, why do you think they tried to raise their salary, becuz of extra money.

I can think of numerous, numerous ways the govt takes money out of us.

People actually took the government to court and WON and now they dont pay Income Taxes, because of the fact that it was supposed to be taken away after the war, and they won.

This is why im tired of any Canadian government system, they all just find ways of milking money out of us.

Last edited by nabs; Dec 01, 05 at 04:12 AM.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old Dec 01, 05
Join Date: Dec 2003
FlorpIncarnate is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by nabs
Did you know the Income Tax we pay right now, which the government takes out of our paychecks is technically ILLEGAL, the Gov't is stealing our money.
Taxes are the removal of individually owned property by the state by way of physical force, which is by definition stealing. The Canadian WWII income tax example is hardly a unique example of this. The question is whether you think that this stealing is acceptable or not. Many do!

Originally Posted by nabs
COMON at least give us back the money we earned. We already give you taxes when we do ANYTHING. The govenment has enuf money to pay for everything, why do you think they tried to raise their salary, becuz of extra money.
Your plea falls mainly on uninterested ears. Socialism demands complete government control over all property. The magnitude of your taxes has very little to do with "how much is needed" (which of course is always going to be "more, more, more" as long as some is withheld), but rather "how much we allow them to take". The only way to reverse this is to actively rebuke socialism from a philosophical standpoint rather than decrying the current situation as if it violates some code of common sense (which it does, but that's just my opinion).

Since we have both groups (socialists and capitalists) in our society, we have a mixed system which makes both sides grumpy and prone to rants on internet forums :imeanwell .

Originally Posted by nabs
People actually took the government to court and WON and now they dont pay Income Taxes, because of the fact that it was supposed to be taken away after the war, and they won.
Yes, this can also be accomplished by claiming Magna Carta rights as "Natural Persons" under which law we are able to form contracts between persons which are protected from government intrusion (ie run your entire business by primitive contracts rather than the new-age employment system and never pay tax). Don't say it too loudly though, or they'll close the loophole, like the US.
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