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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
Join Date: Oct 2003
brokencrayon is an unknown quantity at this point
worst weekend

I am so angry, shocked, upset, heart broken, and I don't even really know what else. This weekend I recieved horrible, horrible news about my much younger cousin whom I am VERY close to. To say the least, she is more like a baby sister to me. I am so heart broken for her and angry and I don't know how I can make things better for her and I feel so saddened because of that. I haven't slept, I haven't been able to eat, I am a zombie.. and she is much worse off. All I could do was hold her and let her cry and that still wasn't enough. Something was taken from her that she can never get back and she didn't want to give it up and there is nothing I or anyone else can do to change that.She is only 13 :( I want to kill the son of a bitch who did this, I want to chop off his weiner and stick it up his ass, then take his balls and shove them down his throat! FUCK I AM SOOOO ANGRY!!!! I hope that motherfucker burns in hell.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Oh my... this situation sounds horrible and may be one that would warrant her in getting professional counseling. When stuff like this happens, it is extemely important to get help like that immediately otherwise if it's pushed aside and not dealt with, it will come back to haunt the person in the future.

As far as for her being 13... I'm not sure of the dudes age but regardless, your friend (or her parents) should be seeking legal council as well to take action.

Good on ya for being there for her though.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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:( what a bastard...hearing these things just piss me off...grr....i sorta understand what you are going through, i went through a similar situation a long time ago...
but he will get whats coming to him...bad karma!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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^ she is not my friend, she is my little cousin, she is family, blood! like a little sister to me... I have grown up watching out for her and now that she lives a bit farther away it is a lot harder to do so. I feel somewhat guilty. the guy is 17 .. so its a pretty big difference.. and he goes to her school. she is grade 8 he is grade 12, and apparently we are finding out now that this isn't the first time he has been accused of something like this, it has happened 2 other times. the hopsital will be able to tell us more after her rape kit test results. They think she may have been drugged by the guy. She is also finding out through all of this that her "best friend" isn't the best friend she thought she was. she laughed at the whole thing and did nothing to help her. (she was there the whole time) ughhh fuck I am sooo upset.

Last edited by brokencrayon; May 02, 05 at 01:53 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Originally Posted by brokencrayon
I want to kill the son of a bitch who did this, I want to chop off his weiner and stick it up his ass, then take his balls and shove them down his throat! FUCK I AM SOOOO ANGRY!!!! I hope that motherfucker burns in hell.
I reccomend a rusty Hacksaw for this. *hugs* It's things like this that make me despise Humanity sometimes. That's just terrible. :(
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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I want to know who this is. its worth jail to rid the world of something like this piece of sht

im so sorry, there is nothing that gets to me like this. im so furrous right now.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
Knows where his Towel is.
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sorry im too emotonal on the subject. listen to everyone else, and take legal action. take him down.. but if that doesnt work, let me know who he is.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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well the police arrested him right after it was reported on saturday night, but unfortunately becaue he is only 17 and considered a minor still they had to let him go. Now it is a matter of waiting for her test results and investigating and talking to other people to try and get this guy. She went in today at 1 to speak with the police and give her statement on what happened. If he isn't convicted for this her older sister and I will be seeking action in our own way, and it won't be pretty that's for sure.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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peoplelike this make me sick
best of luck ang and best wishs for ur cousin
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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name and address of that guy?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Ooh! ooh! Sounds like a good ol' fashioned Lynch Mob! :D I'M DOWN! Who's got a spare Oak Tree?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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aww sweetie, that is a horrible thing to happen. I don't know what else to say. I'm pissed off, this is a situation that never should happen.

I can't believe guys like that exist. I really think that her parents should take legal action towards this guy.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Rape is wrong.
Shoot him in the legs -both knees with a shottie-, run him over with a big semi truck then take the body and burn it after that you take the ashes and bones and feedem to pigs. Take the pigs and throw them off a cliff before they poop.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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killing him is too nice. best (illegal) punishment i've heard of,
(and some people i know did this to the guy that raped one of best friends in high school)
a nice dull knife....carve the word "rapist" in his chest. rub dirt and ashes in it, or pretty much
anything you can find so that it scars. he has to live with that for the rest of his life.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Wow ..

Thats harsh, and this guy is only 17 ? ..with accusations of prior offences ?

I really hope there is some severe punishment dealt to him, or unfortunately your cousin will not be the last person to have something like this happen to them.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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fuck yes they are pressing charges! my aunt is FURIOUS!!! I have already noted that my cousin went to give a statement of her story today to the police. they already arrested him but had to let him go since he is a minor and they haven't yet proved that she didn't consent. basically it is her word against his right now unless those other 2 girls decide to come forward and say he did it to them too.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Wow ang I am so sorry, I have a younger sister and I would od anything to keep anyone or anything from hurting her. I can understand how your so upset sortof nothing like this has ever happened to me and I hope everything work's out for the best and justice is served..Im here for you when ever you need to talk, just give me a call.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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actually it doesn't matter what the guy says. she's 13. that's statuatory rape, because he is over 16. simple as that. tho that's the law here, you said she lived far away, is it still in british columbia?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Originally Posted by dabbler
actually it doesn't matter what the guy says. she's 13. that's statuatory rape, because he is over 16. simple as that. tho that's the law here, you said she lived far away, is it still in british columbia?
yes ... cloverdale/langley area. I was at her house with her yesterday just laying with her and holding her and what not. She is in pretty rough shape right now. She is very embarassed, upset and ashamed about the whole situation.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Just ensure that when you're consoling her that she is consistently reminded that this was not her fault and what he did was wrong. He took advantage of her and ultimately what he did was illegal, plain and simple. For that reason, she has nothing to be embarassed about and in fact, she is doing her town, BC and the world a whole lot of good by bringing this to the attention of the police and her family.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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yeah I know, we have been telling her it's in no way her fault this whole time. She is just still dealing with what other people will be saying about her. There have already been a couple of this fucker's friends phoning their house telling my aunt and her older sister that she is lying and she wanted it and that it is all a big joke.joke my ass! he drugged her, violated her, raped her and he'd better damn well pay for what he did to her and those other girls. :275: :enrage: :pissed: :finger:
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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Originally Posted by brokencrayon
fuck yes they are pressing charges! my aunt is FURIOUS!!! I have already noted that my cousin went to give a statement of her story today to the police. they already arrested him but had to let him go since he is a minor and they haven't yet proved that she didn't consent. basically it is her word against his right now unless those other 2 girls decide to come forward and say he did it to them too.
it's actually up to him to prove consent so it makes things harder for him (yay!)

and legal consent for sex in canada is 14 so it should be considered rape anyways

hugs to you and your cousin
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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^^ You know what, don't waste your energy on shit like that when those peeps call. Simply calmly tell them that the evidence will speak for itself and keep it at that.

You can't control what other people are going to think or say about the whole situation because they don't know the facts or the evidence so focus on what you do have control over... Helping her.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
f.k.a. DetN8R
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Originally Posted by dabbler
killing him is too nice. best (illegal) punishment i've heard of,
(and some people i know did this to the guy that raped one of best friends in high school)
a nice dull knife....carve the word "rapist" in his chest. rub dirt and ashes in it, or pretty much
anything you can find so that it scars. he has to live with that for the rest of his life.
It would actually be better to carve 'pedophile' in him. Rapists typically don't get looked down upon in prison the way pedophiles do. Alot of people in prison ARE rapists and the like but even other inmates hate pedophiles. This way he'll be someone's bitch for sure. Just pray he DOES get tried as an adult and that he does do hard time for something this low and heinous. Hope those other prior victims come forward, if not for themselves, then at least so that he doesn't do this to someone else. Stuff like this just makes me hate humanity. What kind of upbringing makes people think it is okay to drug and rape someone?!?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old May 02, 05
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too many letters....
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