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View Poll Results: pro-life? or pro-choice?
pro-life 10 15.38%
pro-choice 55 84.62%
Voters: 65. You may not vote on this poll

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dave
If every one had as much cum in their other offices as you have in your mouth, yet I bet a lot of people would get impregnated.
That would have been a lot more effective if you had spell checked it.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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I consider myself pro-fetus-fort.

My plan is to get as many chicks pregnant as possible, then get them to drink copious amounts of Drano during thier pregnancy, which we all know is a sure fire way to have your babies come out still-born. Then I'm gonna collect all the dead fetuses and instead of donating the bodie sto stem cell research, I'm gonna build a big fort out of fetuses. Then I can play in my fort all day long and I'll hang a sign on one of the fetuses that says "No Gurlz Aloud" and it'll be great!

By the way, what is the plural for fetus?
1 octopus, 2 octopy
1 fetus, 2 fety?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by robyn
That would have been a lot more effective if you had spell checked it.
you can't spell-check intelligence.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by robyn
That would have been a lot more effective if you had spell checked it.
I did,,, but I did not look over the spell checking.


Last edited by Crazy Dave; Oct 03, 05 at 01:13 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
you can't spell-check intelligence.
Spelling has little to do with intelligence.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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I have always been pro-choice.
I hope that most people make the choice wisely. But in my case I would hate to bring a child into this world when I am not ready to care for it.
I mean there is also adoption. But there are so may horror stories with that system as well. I don't think I could live with myself, if I found out that someone had taken my child and was abusive, or just gave up on them, and they ended up bouncing from home to home. It would kill me to think that I put them in that situation.

I have always made it important in my relationships to voice this in the begining. I always take my birth control. but accidents can happen. And if it were ever to come to that, I would not want to find out that all of a sudden I have a partner that is not going to support me in my dicision.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by kichu
Why do you say that? You don't think it happens?
i wasn't saying that those abortions don't happen. i was just saying that the pro-choicers here are probably NOT talking about those kind of abortions.

i was just trying to make the point that someone who supported euthanasia for example wouldn't really support killing someone in the way i described. it's the same for abortion and the way you described.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
i wasn't saying that those abortions don't happen. i was just saying that the pro-choicers here are probably NOT talking about those kind of abortions.

i was just trying to make the point that someone who supported partial-birth abortions for example wouldn't really support killing someone in the way i described. it's the same for abortion and the way you described.

Yes but partial-birth abortions as the kid said, happens just that way. And it's not all that rare.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dave
Yes but partial-birth abortions as the kid said, happens just that way.
not denying that at all.

but being pro-choice doesn't mean you agree with that type of abortion. just like agreeing with euthanasia doesn't mean you agree with killing people in a terrible way.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dave
Spelling has little to do with intelligence.
that wasn't the point of what i was saying.

that sentence you wrote about the cum in the mouth didn't make sense. hence, you can't spell-check intelligence only spelling. so it would have fixed the spelling, but your sentence would still have made no sense.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
not denying that at all.

but being pro-choice doesn't mean you agree with that type of abortion. just like agreeing with euthanasia doesn't mean you agree with killing people in a terrible way.
Opp I missed the up date...

"And it's not all that rare."

But like ether side they take the 1 in 100 chance of things and make it out look like a major issue. Take the rape on pro-choice side, it is used and used again as if every one is pop out babies from rape every day. But really how many cases are of rape, and how many are of people using as birth control?

If you look think in equal light you quickly notice every thing is a twisted truth at best.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
that wasn't the point of what i was saying.

that sentence you wrote about the cum in the mouth didn't make sense. hence, you can't spell-check intelligence only spelling. so it would have fixed the spelling, but your sentence would still have made no sense.
do you mean spell checking grammar then?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
like a kick in your side
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Originally Posted by Crazy Dave
do you mean spell checking grammar then?
syntax, diction, etc...

that sentence just didn't make sense structurally.

and as for the abortion thing:

so now i can say i'm pro-choice, but i don't agree with partial birth abortions.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by kichu
If you look think in equal light you quickly notice every thing is a twisted truth at best.
Totally agree[/quote]

Make sure I made my self clear... Thats BOTH sides.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
syntax, diction, etc...

that sentence just didn't make sense structurally.
meh, why is Dyslexia such a hard word to spell. Some things cum out right some things come out wrong.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Sidekick
not denying that at all.

but being pro-choice doesn't mean you agree with that type of abortion. just like agreeing with euthanasia doesn't mean you agree with killing people in a terrible way.
Yeah. See, this is my main problem with pro-lifers. They always seem to go around talking about how abortion is like the holocaust.

Whereas whenever the Pro-lifers have a demonstration, the pro-choicers always seem to be there handing out condoms and birth control information.

You'd think it'd work the other way, but it just goes to show that most of the pro-life groups out there are really just sexist fundamentalists who are trying to push an agenda.

One of my favourite protest signs at a UVic GAP demonstration (GAP = Genocide Awareness Project, one of the biggest Pro-Life movements in North America) was:
"You go back to illegal abortions, we go back to coathangers."

Simple and effective. Gets the point across.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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I'm pro-choice, but only when it comes to certain situations (such as rape). And I agree it shouldn't be used as a form of birth control. Abortions, even just one sometimes, can really ruin a girls body/ability to get pregnant.
Come on girls, is it really so hard to take your pill/wear your patch/get your shot/etc? And guys, so easy to wrap it up.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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usually people who have abortions in the second or even third trimester are those with fetus' that will come out with some sort of awful deformaty. something that would cause the child pain or possible death after brith. they are also now doing surgeries within the uterous to prevent and fix some of these deseases which i think is bloody intersting.
anyways, personally, if i found out in my second or thired trimester that my child was going to be born with some sort of desease and it was severe and they woud be in pain for most of their life, and inside the uterous surgery couldnt help, i would seriosuly consider abortion. how could i bring something into the world that would be in pain most of the time?
is this not one of htereasons we have testing for fetus' ?

but like i said operations have been developed to prevent this. spinalbifida (sp?) can be helped if its deteced on the fetus.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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^ Have you ever watched that documentary called the boy who's skin fell off?
I can't remember if it was the mother or the man that was dying, who said that if there was a way to tell back when he was born, that he was going to turn out the way he did, that they wished that the mother had had an abortion.
In those situations I think I would agree. Watching someone go through pain and suffering to that extent, would make me wonder if it was worth it to put that child through all that. Even if you were wanting to keep the baby.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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pro-choice. if you take all preventative measures possible but yet still become pregnant, or some horrible misfortune happens which leads to pregnancy.. then yes, since you were aware you didn't want to have a child in the first place definitely pro choice.

if you're just lazy and to dumb to use birth control.. argghh..
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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any pro-life replies? anyone? three people voted (so far)...

don't be afraid... I promise that as long as the arguments are civil, mine will be too...
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Hey look! I'm one of the few weirdos that voted PRO-LIFE.

If I can sum up a family story realy quickly: I'm the oldest of my siblings, two younger sisters both had babies at a very young age. This is something I was very upset with at the time when it happened. Of course I would be, I'm the big brother, and thats the way it is. Back then tho, I had no preference as to wether these kids should be brought into this world or not, personaly I didn't care, but at the same time I strongly felt that I had to be supportive of whatever decision my sisters made. Reyna, at 18 years old gave birth to Tyson James and a couple of years later, Belem my youngest sister at 17 gave birth to Kaiden Alijah. Both were honoured as a blessing and were given their right as human beings and given a name and were not left forgotten. And Fortunetly after Tysons 3rd birthday and Kaidens 1st, both my sisters and their baby daddy's are still together, and love each other as a family and have contributed to our entire family and its name. I look into both my nephews eyes whenever I see them, and they bring so much joy to my life. I'm proud of what my sisters have proven as mothers, and I'm proud to be the uncle of two handsome nephews. I couldn't picture a world without them.

don't bother quoting this or arguing this one bit. It is what it is, and I'll leave it at that.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Abortion History.........

Back in the good ol' days of Babylon, they had a huge steel owl with a fire burnin' in it's belly 24/7 named Molek.

Whenever a woman was raped or simply didn't have the means to support and raise a child they would "Sacrifice" the child to Molek.

So yeah basically they had a big ass steel owl abortion bin in Babylon.

Now if that isn't fucked up, I really don't know what is.

Except maybe the fact the world's elite come together every year in the summery grove of northern cali known as Bohemian grove, to worship Molek.

I'll spare you the links. I'm sure you're capableof Googlin' shit yerself.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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pro choice. the kid inside the womb will feel no pain and will avoid having to deal with being a bastard child.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Though some people make bad choices, it is still THEIR choice, and no one else's.
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