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View Poll Results: pro-life? or pro-choice?
pro-life 10 15.38%
pro-choice 55 84.62%
Voters: 65. You may not vote on this poll

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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Rytalin
PPS Studies have shown a surge of DMT in the unborn fetus's brain at the 49 day mark.(Which oddly enough correlates perfectly with the death-rebirth cycle, as described by the Tibetan book of the dead) This suggests that the 7 week point may be the point where the fetus actually becomes a human being with a soul, and not just a lump of flesh.

PPPS Go read DMT: The Spirit Molecule

(holy tangents...)
thats fucking awesome that you brought up the spirit molecule... I came inches away from discussing it both in my previous debate and in this one but thought it might have been a bit too esoteric and thought of as "weird"... thank god for not being alone on this point :)
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Rytalin
Lemme get this straight.

You think killing a 3-5 month old living human is ok under certain circumstances, but you think its wrong to take a morning after pill that merely stops a chemical reaction???

I don't get it.

She didnt say abortion= OK
Morning after pill=not ok

She said she thought it wasnt right for people to use the morning after pill as a form of birth control ("no condom... ah well! Ill just take the mornign after pill tomorrow!") Just like im sure she (and most others) would agree that its not right to use abortion as a form of birth control either. If things get fucked up despite your best efforts though, then sometimes less desireable alternatives need to be considered.

PPS Studies have shown a surge of DMT in the unborn fetus's brain at the 49 day mark.(Which oddly enough correlates perfectly with the death-rebirth cycle, as described by the Tibetan book of the dead) This suggests that the 7 week point may be the point where the fetus actually becomes a human being with a soul, and not just a lump of flesh.

PPPS Go read DMT: The Spirit Molecule

(holy tangents...)
Thats actually pretty cool. Ive heard about that book before, I may have to check it out.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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I would have to say I'm pro-choice.......but to a point
if abortion is being used as a form of birth control then I would lean more towards pro-life.....there are many more forms of birth control that can be used

the way I'm pro-choice is what happens if a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant because of it.....I feel it is they're right to choose if they want to have this baby that they never wanted or planned on having in the first place
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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did any one see the prostesing for pro life on King George on Sunday? it from 98 to 88. I know we will never be able to all be on one side but that just kindof bugged me.
I am pro choice
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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Originally Posted by Vitamin-X
Second there's just no way I would ever put myself in the position of having to explain to the children I did have later (guarenteed there would be some)
how I eliminated their older brother/Sister.
I think i'd rather never have sex than have that conversation.
It's actually quite simple.
My mom had this conversation with me when I was 16.

I asked her if she regretted it or ever wondered what life would have been like had she kept it. She said no. I asked why. She said "Because I wouldn't have been able to give it a fair chance at life. I would have been all alone because my boyfriend at the time would have taken off, and everyone would have looked down on me. Besides, I wouldn't have ever had you guys (referring to myself and my brother) if I hadn't made the choice I did."

I understand why she did it, and I respect her for having the strength to go through with it and not feel horribly guilty. I would probably feel terrible guilt for the rest of my life.

Like I said, I don't think that I could ever have an abortion MYSELF, but I do believe that every woman should have the choice. They'll still happen, legal or not, but at least legally they're a hell of a lot safer.
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  #81 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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unless under extreem issues...such as rape-insenst-or for health of mother.

not *i'm a 14 year old slut who can't keep her legs shut*


oh...just incase any one didn't know i'm a survived abortion. my dad was 14 and my dad was 21 and they made an appointment to abort me. but in the office waiting to get me sucked out. they changed there minds and went for addoption.


Last edited by Discord; Oct 05, 05 at 10:54 AM.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
^thats really fucking terrible that you would refer to a woman as a slut regardless of age,creed,or circumstance.

way to be champ,give yourself a pat on the back.
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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I think its the womens perogotive, if shes young and she cant even support herself how is she gunna support a child and give that child everything that it needs. you have to think of the life that child would have if you are broke, I wouldnt want that for my child, I would want to be able to give my child everything that it needed or wanted.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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I find it funny that people still constantly use the word "slut" and "whore" as though sex is suppose to be treated like receiving an enema...
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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Originally Posted by tct69
I think its the womens perogotive, if shes young and she cant even support herself how is she gunna support a child and give that child everything that it needs. you have to think of the life that child would have if you are broke, I wouldnt want that for my child, I would want to be able to give my child everything that it needed or wanted.
if the only reason why a woman shouldn't have a baby is due to financial reasons, there is always the option of adoption or surrogacy...

and also, nowadays, the whole idea of teenage pregnancy has become more tolerated than it was say, 50 years ago, resulting in more community resources out there to help them.

coming from a pretty poor family, my sisters and I have never had any wishes to be aborted because our low finances. :P
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
if the only reason why a woman shouldn't have a baby is due to financial reasons, there is always the option of adoption or surrogacy...
If you think that abortion is a tough decision to make, you ain't seen nothing until you've actually had a baby and then you have to give it up.

Surrogacy seems like a good compromise though.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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im not a woman so i dont really give a shit/i dont think i should be even in the position to decide. but im glad that option is available, because i dont like the idea of having people tell others what to do/think.

and on a lighter note..."that baby gonna cost me alot of money, so i kicks the bitch in the tummy." - Ice-T

Last edited by SEAN!; Oct 05, 05 at 09:50 PM.
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  #88 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by IntakE
Im pro-choice....I myself wouldn't have an abortion if I got pregnant. I think that it's not usualy an accident anymore you should be on top of the pills, condom thing. I think peopel who use abortions as a from of birth control are fucking stupid. That fuck's around with your body, you have the risk of never getting pregnent. The only way I could have an abortion is if I was raped and got pregnant...I couldn't look at my child if that was how he/she was created.

I think if other people get pregnant and can support the child that an abortion is a good thing, but still you shouldn't get pregnant if your not ready for it.

i question the fact that the use of abortion as a contraceptive is even a widespread phenomena. Its most likely an occurance that is over emphasized and broadcasted by anti-choice groups in order garner support for their views or otherwise cast women who get abortions as careless sluts. The practice of abortion as a contraceptive just dosnt make economic sense(much less so in health terms given the potential side effects/risks of the procedure) given the cost of an abortion relative to other contraceptives. this is compounded by the reality that most women who seek abortions do so because they are not financially or otherwise prepared for childrearing and therefore are unlikely to be in the financial position to have abortions on a regular basis.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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Originally Posted by ebbomega
If you think that abortion is a tough decision to make, you ain't seen nothing until you've actually had a baby and then you have to give it up.

Surrogacy seems like a good compromise though.
well in the event that the mother realizes she does not want to give up the baby, she still does has the option to keep it, does she not?

I just have a problem believing that a pregnancy must be terminated just because they would be living in a 'financially poor' environment. I mean... it's not like we're living in a third world country here. I've met quite a few single mothers, who by the way, are awesome mothers, with not a lot of money, but still manage fine with some social assistance.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old Oct 05, 05
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do what u want
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  #91 (permalink)  
Old Oct 10, 05
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Originally Posted by SEAN!
i question the fact that the use of abortion as a contraceptive is even a widespread phenomena. Its most likely an occurance that is over emphasized and broadcasted by anti-choice groups in order garner support for their views or otherwise cast women who get abortions as careless sluts. The practice of abortion as a contraceptive just dosnt make economic sense(much less so in health terms given the potential side effects/risks of the procedure) given the cost of an abortion relative to other contraceptives. this is compounded by the reality that most women who seek abortions do so because they are not financially or otherwise prepared for childrearing and therefore are unlikely to be in the financial position to have abortions on a regular basis.
hi...this is canada,the only abortions that cost money are the medical abortions not the surgical ones...bud.

i think youre confusing canada with america.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old Oct 24, 05
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im pretty sure you get charged for any kind of abortion if you arent covered.
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 05
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pro lifers are fucked in the head

you know they actually kill people who rip babies out of womens pussies?
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 05
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'these people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors! what, they'll do anything for the fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it?'
- carlin, who has many interesting things to say on the issue.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 05
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You must spread some Karma around before giving it to ebbomega again.

P.S. where's the preacher when you need him...
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Discord

unless under extreem issues...such as rape-insenst-or for health of mother.

not *i'm a 14 year old slut who can't keep her legs shut*

It's abuse to the baby to be a "burden" or "lesson" on someone
who obviously wasn't aware of what they were putting themselves into and were disrespectful to themselves and careless. abuse!!!

It's not the baby's fault. Besides, an abortion is a horrible enough experience to go through, not only emotionally but physically demanding as well. They drug you to no extent, narc u up, vaccuum you up for infinite, you have pain after for days, complications come up, you feel like shit. You're torn up completely. that should be burden/lesson enough.

No one wants to use this as a method of birth control.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 05
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Originally Posted by SEAN!
i question the fact that the use of abortion as a contraceptive is even a widespread phenomena. Its most likely an occurance that is over emphasized and broadcasted by anti-choice groups in order garner support for their views or otherwise cast women who get abortions as careless sluts. The practice of abortion as a contraceptive just dosnt make economic sense(much less so in health terms given the potential side effects/risks of the procedure) given the cost of an abortion relative to other contraceptives. this is compounded by the reality that most women who seek abortions do so because they are not financially or otherwise prepared for childrearing and therefore are unlikely to be in the financial position to have abortions on a regular basis.
i question the use of abortion as a contraceptive not because of financial reasons, but god, do you know what those women have to go through? its hideous, no one would make that their method of birth control unless they were insane
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 05
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and just to fuel the fire, anybody see the latest drawn together?

'thanks, unborn whale fetus. you were as helpful as you were delicious.'
- captain hero
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old Nov 19, 05
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Originally Posted by Cheez
im against both. i disagree with ending a human life for any reason, but im also against unwanted children being brought into this world. cover your frickin tools, and take yer frickin pills. nuff said.

im the exact same way....

if people are being lazy about it and just not using condoms and not be on birth control then A) dont have sex and b) dont bitch if u get an STD or become pregnant...
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