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View Poll Results: pro-life? or pro-choice?
pro-life 10 15.38%
pro-choice 55 84.62%
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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I have no right to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their own body.

You have every right to make the decision if you yourself are faced with the situation, but telling someone what they can and cannot do in this sort of circumstance is wrong.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by k-pryde
the kid inside the womb will feel no pain and will avoid having to deal with being a bastard child.
yeah because so many 'bastard' children go on living life, wishing their moms had aborted them, right?

I agree that women should have the choice to do what they want. but I also think it's wrong to judge which woman's baby would be better off aborted, or which mother is unable give their baby a 'better life'.

--Joanne :P
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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to add on...

I think one of the big things that should be noted about the abortion debate is that it's an argument about non-moral facts, not fundamental values.

where the big argument usually lies is about non-moral facts, such as, when does a zygote or a fetus become 'human'? the fact that some believe that it may start at conception and others believe it's during the 2nd semester, does not necessarily mean that pro-choice supporters value human life any less than a pro-life supporter.

that being said, I'd like to take into account my experience in first year biology, being in the lab and seeing fetuses donated by some clinic, sitting in jars filled with formaldehyde. some were half the size of my thumb, while some were developed enough that you could see their fingers and toes. after seeing this, I don't think I could ever consider a fetus a 'non-human'.

I think that it's great that women have the options to do what they want in our country. but at the same time, it's a decision I hope to never have to make.

--Joanne :P
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs

I think that it's great that women have the options to do what they want in our country. but at the same time, it's a decision I hope to never have to make.

--Joanne :P
Agreed. I should have added a disclaimer to my post saying: "At this present moment, not being pregnant, I feel that..." However put me in that position for real, and I honestly don't know what I could do.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Flip
I consider myself pro-fetus-fort.

My plan is to get as many chicks pregnant as possible, then get them to drink copious amounts of Drano during thier pregnancy, which we all know is a sure fire way to have your babies come out still-born. Then I'm gonna collect all the dead fetuses and instead of donating the bodie sto stem cell research, I'm gonna build a big fort out of fetuses. Then I can play in my fort all day long and I'll hang a sign on one of the fetuses that says "No Gurlz Aloud" and it'll be great!

By the way, what is the plural for fetus?
1 octopus, 2 octopy
1 fetus, 2 fety?
that's feti with an i foo.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Cheez
that's feti with an i foo.
plural form of fetus is fetuses.

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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by bananasinpjs
plural form of fetus is fetuses.


thanks helpy helperton
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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pro choice- sometimes birthcontrol is not effective! It's not fair bringing a child into the world when the mother isn't ready for it.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Jen-E-03
pro choice- sometimes birthcontrol is not effective! It's not fair bringing a child into the world when the mother isn't ready for it.
for argument's sakes, there are lots of women who have gotten pregnant at young ages, completely unprepared to bring a baby to this world, and yet, they eventually become awesome mothers.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by C_squared
Hey look! I'm one of the few weirdos that voted PRO-LIFE.

If I can sum up a family story realy quickly: I'm the oldest of my siblings, two younger sisters both had babies at a very young age. This is something I was very upset with at the time when it happened. Of course I would be, I'm the big brother, and thats the way it is. Back then tho, I had no preference as to wether these kids should be brought into this world or not, personaly I didn't care, but at the same time I strongly felt that I had to be supportive of whatever decision my sisters made. Reyna, at 18 years old gave birth to Tyson James and a couple of years later, Belem my youngest sister at 17 gave birth to Kaiden Alijah. Both were honoured as a blessing and were given their right as human beings and given a name and were not left forgotten. And Fortunetly after Tysons 3rd birthday and Kaidens 1st, both my sisters and their baby daddy's are still together, and love each other as a family and have contributed to our entire family and its name. I look into both my nephews eyes whenever I see them, and they bring so much joy to my life. I'm proud of what my sisters have proven as mothers, and I'm proud to be the uncle of two handsome nephews. I couldn't picture a world without them.

don't bother quoting this or arguing this one bit. It is what it is, and I'll leave it at that.

But don't you understand that is your story, and I think it's wonderful everything worked out so well, but because something worked for you and your family doesn't make it so cut and dry for people who are in entirely different circumstances. You can't assume every time it's going to turn out as well as yours did. It's not black and white. Two of my closest friends growing up were both adopted and had mothers who were young and addicted to drugs, and of course I'm greatful I had them in my life, but I can't assume every child's life is going to turn out as well as every success story that is close to you. I know you didn't want me to argue it, but I had to put in that point. Because something wonderful happened to other people, doesn't really give anyone the right to assume the same thing is going to happen in every other circumstance

now to verge away from responding to that post..

Being pro choice doesn't mean handing out abortions to everyone who faces an unwanted pregnancy, it means you're for giving options to people in those circumstances. I even really disagree with the term pro life itself because it makes people who support options out to be the opposite- or anti life or pro death as it may be. As someone who believes strongly in pro choice, I don't just believe the option for a woman to decide to terminate a pregnancy is the only choice, I also believe in choice for more birth control options readily avaliable and more inexpensive to women all over the world. I also believe in the choice for school districts to have more freedom to design their own sexual health and education programs to students because different issues affect different areas (I didn't even get one minute of sexual education in all of my years in private and public school). I strongly believe in educating the effectiveness of abstinence as a method of birth control to young people (however, I very strongly disagree with places that preach abstinence as the only form of birth control). This is a bit of a rant, but I think culture even terms 'pro life' and 'pro choice' creates a really unnecessary dichotomy between whoever sits on either side of the fence.
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Oct 03, 05
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Originally Posted by Cheez

thanks helpy helperton
Make like a fetus and abort yo.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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I understand Myra, and to that I can only say to that is: When people start making choices like having sex, then they can at least make the choice to use protection. Women need to start making the right decisions, and not let men take advantage of them or tinker with their inhibitions. Women THINK they have control over men when it comes to sex, but when the blood is boiling and the juice is flowing, the ball is OUR court. Its primal instinct, shits been around since before I was rocking huggies-- theres no arguing that. Think about desiase.. Men need to make the decision and not pout over using rubbers when the time comes. Men also need a reality check. Most of us men don't realise the reality until it weighs in at 9lbs 10oz and its fucking screaming in your eardrum. We live in a world made of selfish people. People will look out for themselves before they take on someone elses shit (especialy men) So in that sense, make the right choice: use contraception so you wont have to be stuck at another fork down the road.

so all men and women, just stfu and listen. avoid the fucking hastle if you think its such a big one.

and yes Myra, these success stories are few and far between. Its just a strange fucking world we live in.

Originally Posted by miss.myra
But don't you understand that is your story, and I think it's wonderful everything worked out so well, but because something worked for you and your family doesn't make it so cut and dry for people who are in entirely different circumstances. You can't assume every time it's going to turn out as well as yours did. It's not black and white. Two of my closest friends growing up were both adopted and had mothers who were young and addicted to drugs, and of course I'm greatful I had them in my life, but I can't assume every child's life is going to turn out as well as every success story that is close to you. I know you didn't want me to argue it, but I had to put in that point. Because something wonderful happened to other people, doesn't really give anyone the right to assume the same thing is going to happen in every other circumstance

now to verge away from responding to that post..

Being pro choice doesn't mean handing out abortions to everyone who faces an unwanted pregnancy, it means you're for giving options to people in those circumstances. I even really disagree with the term pro life itself because it makes people who support options out to be the opposite- or anti life or pro death as it may be. As someone who believes strongly in pro choice, I don't just believe the option for a woman to decide to terminate a pregnancy is the only choice, I also believe in choice for more birth control options readily avaliable and more inexpensive to women all over the world. I also believe in the choice for school districts to have more freedom to design their own sexual health and education programs to students because different issues affect different areas (I didn't even get one minute of sexual education in all of my years in private and public school). I strongly believe in educating the effectiveness of abstinence as a method of birth control to young people (however, I very strongly disagree with places that preach abstinence as the only form of birth control). This is a bit of a rant, but I think culture even terms 'pro life' and 'pro choice' creates a really unnecessary dichotomy between whoever sits on either side of the fence.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
I would have to say that I am on the fence for both of these choices...

The way I was raised, I was always told, if you are responsible enough to have sex, you are responsible enough to deal with the consequences.

I think that a lot of people forget that sex takes some responsibility on both sides. I agree that abortion should be used in cases of rape or say incest. But I don't agree it should be used when you find out that your child is going to be born with a birth defect. I, in fact, think it is appalling that someone would do that. This isn't natural selection, you don't get your choice.

I have a cousin, who when in the womb was tested and was found to have several birth defects, according to these tests. My Aunt and Uncle were going to have her aborted but decided against it. She was born, and turned out to be the healthiest and happiest child.

I have another Aunt who had 7 abortions and used this as a form of birth control. She disgusts me.

Then there is my mother, who was adopted. She was brought into a great loving home and raised by a good family. But for years she looked for her biological parents just to see where she came from. When she finally found them, she found that she came from a mother who married an evil, vile man. And a father that never, ever told his family about her. She was the dirty secret. It was really hard on her to learn all this.

I don't want kids, I never intend on having them. But I do know that if I were to get pregnant right now in my life, I would probably choose to have the child, and not put it up for adoption. My biggest mistake might be the greatest joy of my life.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by mugsy
i dont agree with people using the morning after pill as a form of birth control. i know some ladies who do. "well we forgot to use a condom...."
I don't think anyone really does this on a regular basis.
I've taken it twice myself, strictly because of condom breakage. I was 16/17 when it happened and there was no way in hell I was risking getting pregnant.

I'm pro-choice.
With that said, I don't know if I could ever actually go through with an abortion myself unless it was an extreme situation. However, I do believe that the option should be available.

I would also like to mention for all those that are talking about "using protection"...IT CAN FAIL. Even if you use two or three types at a time, there are still going to be the freak incidents in which a woman still gets pregnant.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by galaxie
I don't think anyone really does this on a regular basis.

sadly enough, i do. i agree with the morning after pill, for many circumstances its definately a positive. i just know two gals who dont use any birth control\get easily caught up in the heat of the moment, and say "its ok, ill take the morning after pill"

but again, i think its a really good thing for those who need it for legitimate reasons.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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^ ew, gross.
I hope they don't ever plan on having babies 'cause they probably won't be able to after fucking with their system like that.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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I stated Pro Life
I don't have a problem with a chick having an abortion if they used protection though. But if you're a whore and you sleep around. Then get what you deserve.
But since it's too hard to determine if they used protection or not then Pro Life it is.

Also for religious reasons which I'm sure you know about.

This is my first and possibly my only reply to this cause I don't want it to turn into a relgious battle.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Anjew
I stated Pro Life
I don't have a problem with a chick having an abortion if they used protection though. But if you're a whore and you sleep around. Then get what you deserve.

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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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i was pro-life up until last winter when I was greeted with the tough decision to keep it or to abort it...needless to say now Im pro choice.

What you people need to realize is that,you can never stand firm in your convictions 100% when it comes to pro-life/pro-choice,until you are actually staring this problem in the face.

Go ahead and be cliche and say" oh use domes&pills" yeah well turns out condoms break and pills can be interfeared with anti biotics,its easy for guys to say this because they`ll never know what its like to choose,what its like to carry that baby in you and have to decide wether it lives or dies.
And the women who think this,give your fucking head a shake!

You cant raise a baby on good intentions,sadly...if that were the case id be a mother right now.

So,any of you who are pro-life,or are pro-choice but opt for adoption,please dont ever force your views so strongly on a friend,girl friend,sister,mother,aunt,or cousin;its a tough enough decison as it is and it shouldnt be made any tougher by the person(s) who are supposed to be there for them and support them UNCONDITIONALLY,wether or not you agree with thier choice or not.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Anjew
I stated Pro Life
I don't have a problem with a chick having an abortion if they used protection though. But if you're a whore and you sleep around. Then get what you deserve.

Wow. For a religious person, this statement baffles me.
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Anjew
I stated Pro Life
I don't have a problem with a chick having an abortion if they used protection though. But if you're a whore and you sleep around. Then get what you deserve.
But since it's too hard to determine if they used protection or not then Pro Life it is.

Also for religious reasons which I'm sure you know about.

This is my first and possibly my only reply to this cause I don't want it to turn into a relgious battle.
if it does turn into a religious battle, it is only because you decided to bring your religion into the argument (i personally dont give a damn how you waste your sundays) . The only reason you brought your religion into it, is because it was an easy way for you to try and justify your shit lame opinion.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by Anjew
I stated Pro Life
I don't have a problem with a chick having an abortion if they used protection though.
See this is confusing to me... You say they should have the choice if the condom breaks, but they shouldnt have the choice? Or is it that most of the women who have the abortions are "whores" who deserve it, so we shouldnt give any of women the benefit of the doubt because of the odds?

ps. what is the ratio of deserving whores to upstanding women with "good" morals?
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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It's a big issue, but here goes....

I'd go with Pro-life.

When I was way younger I was more to the choice side.
Mostly because it was an easy way out, but later I found I couldn't keep
supporting that viewpoint ( at least not morally).

First off my/our child would be of my blood, essentially a part of me.
Just as I wouldn't kill one of my brothers or family I couldn't just eliminate my

Second there's just no way I would ever put myself in the position of having to explain to the children I did have later (guarenteed there would be some)
how I eliminated their older brother/Sister.
I think i'd rather never have sex than have that conversation.

As far as the "I don't think it would be fair to bring a child into this world if I wasn't ready for it" argument.
First off whose ever really ready for a child?

I can tell you right now I wouldn't care if my mother was ready for me or not.
I'm happy being alive and I would be gratefull that she actually went to the trouble of having me, even if she had to give me up for adoption.
(don't misread that, I'm not adopted but if I was I'd be glad I wasn't aborted)

My final point would be that I know a young mother, she was a strong abortion supporter. Later she got knocked up and had a son.
Now you can't even talk to her about abortion.

Now try not to freak out people, just an opinion.
I don't need a gallon of militant feminism poured out on me here.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Originally Posted by mugsy
my mom used to work at cabe and one girl was raped, and kept the baby. baby cme out looking just like her rapist and she wouldnt nurture the child\didnt have it in her to do it. her mom ended up caring for the child.
for situaitons like that, pro-choice.

i dont agree with people using the morning after pill as a form of birth control. i know some ladies who do. "well we forgot to use a condom...."

Lemme get this straight.

You think killing a 3-5 month old living human is ok under certain circumstances, but you think its wrong to take a morning after pill that merely stops a chemical reaction???

I don't get it.

PS pro choice

PPS Studies have shown a surge of DMT in the unborn fetus's brain at the 49 day mark.(Which oddly enough correlates perfectly with the death-rebirth cycle, as described by the Tibetan book of the dead) This suggests that the 7 week point may be the point where the fetus actually becomes a human being with a soul, and not just a lump of flesh.

PPPS Go read DMT: The Spirit Molecule

(holy tangents...)
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Oct 04, 05
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Am I the only one who agrees with Myra here, in the sense that pro-life vs. pro-choice isn't quite the cut and dry arguement it's perceived to be?

I think you can be anti-abortion (pro-life) personally, and AT THE SAME TIME, be pro-choice. WHY? Because if abortion isn't right for you & your morals/situation, then you can choose not to use it. It's that easy. Just because you don't think it's right, doesn't mean you can push your values and ideals on others. Do you see people who are for abortions forcing everyone to have them!? NO. It's not a question of whether it's right or wrong, because EVERYONE feels differently about it, in different situations. It's a question of upholding people's rights to choose.

If we lose that right then what's next, thought crime? No thanks.
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