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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Willis
I will mack it easy on everyone
IT IS ALL MY FAULT:imeanwell

angel...pfff... angel my ass.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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PwInCeSs is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Silverwinged
I talked to the female bartender that works there for abit about this one, she said that people who are underage are allowed to be there, just not buy alcohol/be consuming alcohol on the premise. She said its the same thing at any restuarant with a bar. (Red Robin's, Sammy J Peppers ect ect)

I rock that black X on my hand when ever I'm there, don't get me wrong.
Respect is respect.
makes sense very true!
then i think those of underage could help the situation by not drinking when they are there Or BEFOR they are there cause if cops came tribecca could still be at fault
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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where did flipmat and klockwise go?
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Even though tribeca wasnt the best of places; im pretty choked its gonna be on the lockdown.
Some people are immature about it... but fuck I can honestly say ive NEVER bought a drink from there...if anything I had people offering them. So I dont see much of a problem with underage drinking if its done with care.
Fucking people...
Whats with the nightlife scene... honestly, first we get underground raves getting busted, then we get people fucking up venues that potentially stood a chance to survive, and now we get some more immature fucks not waiting to smoke their weed somewere else and get the pigs called down to yet another chill spot cause they just needed to spark that joint soo close to the place...
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Silverwinged
I talked to the female bartender that works there for abit about this one, she said that people who are underage are allowed to be there, just not buy alcohol/be consuming alcohol on the premise. She said its the same thing at any restuarant with a bar. (Red Robin's, Sammy J Peppers ect ect)

I rock that black X on my hand when ever I'm there, don't get me wrong.
Respect is respect.
I know you rock the black X.. and you respect the people that throw events there.. and ask that anyone that is underage not to consume alcohol. I personally have thanxed you for that.

But I've still seen you comsumed liquor there. Then again tho... I know it's been given to you by.. you know who.

As for the people that are of age doing stupid drunk things.. its partcially expectfrom those of age, because they ARE legal to drink. And thats the risk the restuarant is taking.. but they are not taking the risk of having under agers there and causeing a rukus while under the influence.
Being underage and causing a rukus , and being of age and causeing a rukus are 2 diffrent things.
ones legal... ones not.

Chris... isn't Java joint like gone, gone.. like not even a cafe anymore?
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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you know who...
buahahahahah :D
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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^ I thought you beg guys to buy you drinks?
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Nah. My time and effort usually goes into a polite decline.

Must not be me you are thinking of :)
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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no no. I've hear about you hanging off guys and whining about not having any booze

I'm not mistaken.. it's you
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
^ I thought you beg guys to buy you drinks?
BAHahahhahahaha owned... :)
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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allison you are really respectful witch is awesome you dont treat the place like trah witch si so awesome
but you do drink hehe
but to my knowledge you dont buy alcohol there
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Carrie
no no. I've hear about you hanging off guys and whining about not having any booze

I'm not mistaken.. it's you
Think what you like until you actually see how I act. But thanks for talking about me even though I have no idea who you are and have never met you.:) I feel like a local Paris Hilton with as skanky as you make me sound!

I wasn't making a comment from a personal point of view, (or how I do or do not ask people to buy drinks for me) I was simply stating a fact about how people complain that bad things happen when minors drink; the exact same happens when someone OF age drinks as well.

Sam: I drink yes, I just drink... Smart? lol
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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I saw how you act. You walked right into Tribeca and starting hanging off a guy and you wouldn't leave him alone. Actually.. we've met briefly at a random rave. I'm not saying you sleep with randoms, or make sex tapes, I'm saying that you whine about not having booze.

You said that you didn't drink at tribeca, I'm just saying that you are lying!

Originally Posted by Silverwinged
Think what you like until you actually see how I act. But thanks for talking about me even though I have no idea who you are and have never met you.:) I feel like a local Paris Hilton with as skanky as you make me sound!

I wasn't making a comment from a personal point of view, (or how I do or do not ask people to buy drinks for me) I was simply stating a fact about how people complain that bad things happen when minors drink; the exact same happens when someone OF age drinks as well.

Sam: I drink yes, I just drink... Smart? lol
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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people that drink and are of age are supposed to act responsibly while drunk. a lot of them don't but an establishment is more likely to get their liquor license revoked if minors drink rather then of age people acting like morons.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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I wasn't making a comment from a personal point of view, (or how I do or do not ask people to buy drinks for me) I was simply stating a fact about how people complain that bad things happen when minors drink; the exact same happens when someone OF age drinks as well.
One thing tho.... the people that are 19+.... ARE LEGAL!
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by cubed

Whats really funny is that highschools dont know what 90210 is!?!

Yeah I finaly have somthing that makes me older than my students lol!
"In my day we didnt have the OC... no we had to have crushes on guys with really gay hair."
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Silverwinged
I talked to the female bartender that works there for abit about this one, she said that people who are underage are allowed to be there, just not buy alcohol/be consuming alcohol on the premise. She said its the same thing at any restuarant with a bar. (Red Robin's, Sammy J Peppers ect ect)

I rock that black X on my hand when ever I'm there, don't get me wrong.
Respect is respect.
Anyone who is allowed to be in there cause its a RESTAURANT not a bar, but on the other hand anyone can be in t here but li ke you said they are not suppose to consume alcohol.

Besides they never did the black x thing until just recently. Its a bad turn of events that happened last week. I wasn't there but i heard different things aboput it
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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I've whined yes, but then again everyone has whined in life about something that they couldn't/shouldn't have.

I never once blatently stated that I didn't drink there in this thread. I said I respect events, as others have taken note of as well.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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what's the black x?

anywho, i haven't read the thread at all, i just read the title...

tribeca got shutdown that day because the owner was paranoid... the cops said he can keep it open...
the owner said he is reopening the next day... btw, regis is no longer the owner, he's just a manager of that place now.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by Bitchin
One thing tho.... the people that are 19+.... ARE LEGAL!
That is the bottom line. No matter what happens people who are 19+ can drink legally, and in an establishment like that.
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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PS: Its the law a person under 19 is not aloud to drink or be in an enviroment that serves alcohol. If you can act it, have the "proff", and not get places fined/shut down... cool! I did it myself, but I never got cought or complain about not gettign in.

Its ok wait a bit. You have lots of time ahead to waste pay checks on over priced booz, cover, get punched out, and wake up to ugly ppl in your bed on a hangover sunday morning.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by KenJi
That is the bottom line. No matter what happens people who are 19+ can drink legally, and in an establishment like that.
not true...

what if they lose their wallet with their id to show or the money to buy booze? even if you got id, the money to buy booze is a necessety!
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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tribeca's never been my spot to chill but it always seemed like it's pretty easy for underagers to buy alcohol there. *shrugs* it's pretty damn easy to lose your liquor licese as well the city doesn't tolerate that shit
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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apparantly the owner got in trouble cos there was too many ppl in the place, not because of underage drinkers. the cops get called because we were smoking weed out front of the place next door, and when asked to leave, somebody (no names need be mentioned) decided to be a tough guy, and started yelling at the guy. not a good idea. if underagers (or anyone, for that matter) are going to party at tribeca, i think it needs to be treated with more respect, and not taken for granted, as it will go the way of the java joint.

my 2cents.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
Go Canucks Go!!
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Originally Posted by €uro Dollar
not true...

what if they lose their wallet with their id to show or the money to buy booze? even if you got id, the money to buy booze is a necessety!

I'm not talking about money. I'm saying as long as your 19+ you can drink legally.

Re-read my post and J'nette's post above it.

If they lose their wallet with their i.d thats their fault.
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