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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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Originally Posted by Scarface
She was thirteen. Thats a pretty naive age. I doubt she weighed death as one of the consquences when she popped the pill. Most don't , because it always happens to somebody else.

Well poppin E is definately not like taking one too many Flintstone's vitamins that's for sure. Most kids at the age of 10 know the basic ideas of cause and effect. Lets face it, this is classic example of A.)Not giving yourself enough credit to say No, I don't need drugs to make myself feel happy, or B.)Hmmmm, what's it going to do??.....well, If you don't die from taking too much, it will make you super happy for a while, then you'll feel like some strung out homeless person, then have long term brain damage. Sure I might sound a lil harsh, but the reality is nothing, over-all, positive comes out of drug use.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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WOW wtf is PMA???? ive never herd of this b4 and ive been partying for 9 years!!!!
Originally Posted by Scarface
There were brown mitsubishis in edmonton years ago that would kill you if you took 2 or 3 (they were PMA)..... maybe its another batch like that. Poor kid. Way to young to be using drugs , but what a shitty way to learn a lesson.
in regards to 13 year old going out and buying e on the streets and doing it by her self...wtf!!!!! thats just insane*** and so terrible
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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Originally Posted by t-skywalker
WOW wtf is PMA???? ive never herd of this b4 and ive been partying for 9 years!!!!

in regards to 13 year old going out and buying e on the streets and doing it by her self...wtf!!!!! thats just insane*** and so terrible
Okay lets get this clear. When the media said "Street Drugs" they most likely didn't mean walking down a random street and buying random drugs. Street drugs means drugs not bought in stores. I don't think it's a far guess to assume these girls knew this dealer, even if only they had delt with him before. PEOPLE DON'T JUST BUY E ON THE STREETS. YOU BUY CRACK ON THE STREETS! You meet someone to buy e on a street.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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Chances are they may have bought it on the street though. *shrug* The shadier e dealers have gotten rather ballsy here. The other day while walking down the street I was asked if I wanted to buy weed, coke and e. :( (all by different people, but still not a good thing)
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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thanks for pointing out the oviouse myles...that really answered my question
Originally Posted by sNyx™
Okay lets get this clear. When the media said "Street Drugs" they most likely didn't mean walking down a random street and buying random drugs. Street drugs means drugs not bought in stores. I don't think it's a far guess to assume these girls knew this dealer, even if only they had delt with him before. PEOPLE DON'T JUST BUY E ON THE STREETS. YOU BUY CRACK ON THE STREETS! You meet someone to buy e on a street.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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Originally Posted by t-skywalker
WOW wtf is PMA???? ive never herd of this b4 and ive been partying for 9 years!!!!
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
DJ Deezel
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my mom clipped out the newspaper article and put it on my desk today while I was at work..... at least she never gave me a talk or anything
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Sep 08, 05
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PMA is oldschoool!!

very very dangerous drug.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
Mrs. D. Bass
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Originally Posted by brokencrayon
My take on scare tactics: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, it really depends on the person. It depends how the person views the media; if they think it is always true they probably won't touch drugs anymore or atleast be more careful when they do, then there are people who think everything that the media says is complete BS and will take nothing from an article like that and who knows whether they chose to be careful with drugs or not.

My take on the educating: Once I hit highschool age my parents let me know about certain drugs and drinking and what not, not in a "we are trying to scare you" kind of way, but in a way that let me know if I am ever going to experiment to make sure I atleast know what I am experimenting, what potential consequences could be, and to really weigh out the pros and cons and whether it would really be worth it to try in the grande scheme of things. My dad used to watch a lot of educational shows and sometimes they were about drugs and such, so he would record it and watch it with us later and we would sometimes discuss it after in a casual way.

I still went and experimented a bit but never to an excess, I have always been very cautious but it was still stupid because you never know. There are no more curiosities about drugs for me now though, I am done with experimenting and I am just glad my parents handled the whole drug topic in a way that worked to keep me from over experimenting. I mean if someone is curious they are going to try it regardless so atleast if the parents learn the best way to approach their kids, they can then use that tactic (whether it be scaring them or leveling with them) to educate them and hopefully prevent them from excessive drug experimentation or from ever experimenting at all. (especially when it comes to addictive drugs).
exactly! i agree 100% yea the media blinds us. but that is something else that kids should be educated about. it's all about finding the balance that works. the facts and the stories together. 'cuase really you need both. the facts about what drugs do and can do serve to back up the emotionally gripping stories that make people think twice about what they put in to their bodies.
still a very sad loss. it is scary, everytime people put a pill in their mouth they have no idea what they are taking, no idea if it will be their last living moment. all kinds of combonations of things can go wrong. it's a giant game of russian rulette every time any one does any kind of drug. of course...i can also step of a curb and be hit by a car and die instantly.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
Mrs. D. Bass
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Originally Posted by eighty5
I find it funny that HUNDREDS of thousands of people die every year from alcohol and cigarettes, but nobody gives a flying fuck, but one girl dies from out of the millions who have taken ecstacy, and its a HUGE fuckin deal.

Gotta love the media dont ya.
tru dat
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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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shit happens...

an athletic fellah cousin of mah co worker who was 14 went to sleep on the couch and was found blue dead by parents in revelstoke.

no drugs.

shit happens.

mmm.... i dunno though. everybody has different effects of drugs on their system and when it's your time to go, it's yer time to go.

at least she went out "flyin"
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
Mrs. D. Bass
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^^^ somethin tells me her last moments weren't quite like that. but that's just me.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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if she was 13 she probably didn't know a lot about ecstasy and how to take it in a safe manner. all the things she likely didn't do (like drinking enough water, staying relaxed, not dancing every minuite you're high, pill testing etc.) is what likely killed her, not just what was in the pill.

and boo on her friends for all getting together and doing drugs at 13!
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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Originally Posted by Scarface
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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did they even figure out what it was?... i dont think it was e....
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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I haven't heard anything about it.. but it was probably meth or that PMA stuff.. :(
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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ya no kidding.. well i hope when they do find out what it actually was they release that information.... this is just one more thing to make what is left of the scene look really bad...

i didnt even know what the hell E was when i was that age.. this shit scares the hell outta me considering i have 2 younger sisters.... i would loose it if they even touched that shit, any drugs for that matter.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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Originally Posted by t-skywalker
thanks for pointing out the oviouse myles...that really answered my question
yeah im on fire.twat
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old Sep 11, 05
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Originally Posted by ~Veni_C~
ya no kidding.. well i hope when they do find out what it actually was they release that information.... this is just one more thing to make what is left of the scene look really bad...
The media would never do that. Not only would it discredit their original story, it wouldent be as interesting. Its a far better/ far scarrier story if they make people think that a single pill of pure E killed someone. Even if it was PMA, in 5 years the RCMP will be telling of the time when a single tab of E killed someone. Bad? probably not because it may prevent some kids from trying the stuff...... True? probably not.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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she's not the first thirteen year old to do drugs, and not the first to die.

it's a tragedy, but it's also a tragedy when an adult dies from a heroin overdose.

everybody knows drugs are bad and you're taking a risk when you do them, even thirteen year olds, even junkies on hastings st.
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  #71 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
she's not the first thirteen year old to do drugs, and not the first to die.

it's a tragedy, but it's also a tragedy when an adult dies from a heroin overdose.

everybody knows drugs are bad and you're taking a risk when you do them, even thirteen year olds, even junkies on hastings st.

Exactly..... Well put!
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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oh and everyone talking about scare tactics really needs to shut the fuck up

drugs are bad, they are never safe, when you do them there is ALWAYS a gamble, sure you can know your soruce, but there is never a guarantee that your body won't react in the same way it always has to these drugs.

these aren't scare tactics, this is the truth, drugs are bad and DRUGS KILL.

just because you've been safe everytime so far doesn't mean you'll always be, you're not invisible, realize everytime you're doing it you're taking a risk. get a fucking grip on reality.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old Sep 15, 05
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greenwire is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by decypher
Thats why proper pill testing as well as people posting whats good and bad could help people be careful. No more of this "no E is the same" that all the elitists spew at newbs. Sure, no batch or stamp is the same. But if someone posts that they had bad affects from a certain type of pill identified by color, size and stamp, from the same city and within the same month. That information could save lives.
How do you propose to do "proper pill testing" when the equipment to do it properly costs more than a new car?
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old Sep 15, 05
bitch please
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yah this girl was 14... and she bought drugs downtown.... THERES YOUR FIRST PROBLEM ! ... honestly i dont feel bad for her what-so-ever.

apparenly she had an allergic reaction to it.

theres posters all around my school about it... as i walk past... " this is why we dont do drugs kids "
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old Sep 15, 05
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I Hate Drugs!
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