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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
....fucking evol
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Victoria girl dies from ecstasy?



Police, hospital say amphetamine killed teenager
Girl buys drug on Victoria street, suffers reaction

Jack Keating
The Province; CanWest News Service

September 7, 2005


A 13-year-old girl died last night after taking street drugs in Victoria on the weekend.

The girl and two friends consumed what they believed was ecstasy, which they bought in downtown Victoria on Saturday.

"Within the hour she started feeling unwell and violently sick and ended up in hospital Saturday night," said Victoria police Insp. Clark Russell.

Her two friends were not harmed.

"She died this evening directly as a result of taking an amphetamine," Karen Heimlich, spokeswoman for the Vancouver Island Health Authority, said last night.

"And we want other people to know that it was an easily accessible drug. And [the parents] want other parents and young people to know about it. We're not sure if it was ecstasy or crystal meth."

Asked about reports that she died from an allergic reaction, Heimlich said: "She died directly as a result of taking an amphetamine, not because of an allergy to the drug, but directly as a result of taking the amphetamine.

"It's an amphetamine, we know that. It could be crystal meth. It could be ecstasy. We don't know that at this point."

The girl had been "critically ill on life support" in Victoria General Hospital until she succumbed.

She would have turned 14 in November.

Authorities are trying to find out what was in the deadly drug.

"One of our focuses is to track down the person who sold [the pills] to her," Russell said.

"It's important for the public to be aware that when you go out to purchase street drugs you have to recognize that you're running a risk, in terms that you take the person's word that it is what they say it is."

Anyone intent on using illegal drugs should use the buddy system, Russell said, although that didn't work in this case.

"Don't take them alone, and if you start to feel unwell, then seek medical attention sooner rather than later."

Said Dr. John Blatherwick, chief medical officer for the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority: "Nobody cares about quality control in street drugs."

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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I read that in the paper today..
Honestly, wtf is a 13 year old doing buying exstacy!? *shakes head* That's sad really. :( When I was 13 I had practically never even heard of drugs let alone e. And more importantly- why the fuck did that ass sell it to her and who was he!?! GRRR!!! He so deserves a shit kicking and a jail sentence imo.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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I heard this on my way to work this morning.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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FeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the roughFeelGood is a jewel in the rough
I agree 13 yr olds shouldnt be taking 'ecstacy' but you know these days its the 'cool thing' to do. Sorry to hear she lost her life, when only she was trying to have some fun.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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There were brown mitsubishis in edmonton years ago that would kill you if you took 2 or 3 (they were PMA)..... maybe its another batch like that. Poor kid. Way to young to be using drugs , but what a shitty way to learn a lesson.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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I can't help but wonder if this 13 year old was one of the lil 13 year olds high on e that me, Jess and Berta saw at VEMF..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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i don't see how she could have just upped and died on ecstacy.. she MUST have been on some sort of medication or something that just didn't mix right or something.. if her friends were fine and she died.. who knows.. people are idiots.. it's not that i don't feel bad.. but you shouldn't be doing drugs at 13 anyway.. its her own dumbass fault.. and hopefully now her friends will think twice before taking drugs.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Sad sad things. At 13 too... I was unaware of such things like that when I was 13.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Solange
i don't see how she could have just upped and died on ecstacy.. she MUST have been on some sort of medication or something that just didn't mix right or something..
Well, from what I had read in the paper here the police weren't even 100% sure that it was actually ecstacy she ingested.
It's odd that she died and her 2 friends were fine. So yeah, it very well could've been a bad mix of e and prescription meds.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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There was a girl in Edmonton who died from ecstasy too a couple weeks ago.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Hell when i was 13 i was scared to smoke pot!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Maybe this?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Scarface
Ya never know. *shudder* Wtf is that shit anyways?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Originally Posted by baby-phat
Ya never know. *shudder* Wtf is that shit anyways?
Just a different type of amphetamine with similar effects to ecstacy at low doses ....but depending on how much is in a pill....a few pills will kill you. Back in '01 a bunch of brown mitsubishis contained PMA and people died ...dont remember how many , but all the local afterhours and parties had warnings everwhere.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Thats why proper pill testing as well as people posting whats good and bad could help people be careful. No more of this "no E is the same" that all the elitists spew at newbs. Sure, no batch or stamp is the same. But if someone posts that they had bad affects from a certain type of pill identified by color, size and stamp, from the same city and within the same month. That information could save lives.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Theres a rumour going around my area right now about who it is.....really sad..13 is damn young..
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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13? the dealer is pathetic to even have agreed to sell anything to a 13 year old, i've sold drugs, and i remember turning away kids that looked too young or admitted they were really young, i didnt want to be the reason they died or became addicted

we dont know her whole story though, maybe she was doing meth before this and her body finally said "thats enough" when she did her last little bit.

whatever the case, its sad and disgusting.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Im surprised that the police havent released what kind of 'ecstacy' it was.

I wonder how many she ingested compared to her friends.
Obviously it was a body complication that made her die if her friends were fine.

So sad.
My heart goes out to her friends and family.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Originally Posted by liquid_haze
Theres a rumour going around my area right now about who it is.....really sad..13 is damn young..
Oh oh.. I hope it wasn't someone you know. :(
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Originally Posted by eighty5
Im surprised that the police havent released what kind of 'ecstacy' it was.
Well.. I sure hope they know by now, but this morning they didn't.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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i love all the righteous anger in this thread.

because 13 is so different from 15.

i'm just sad i'll never get to see her in booty shorts at a party in the winter.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Right. Terrible tradgedy but the fact of the matter remains that the media (under who-evers guidance) seems to be blowing this way out of proportion in a similar way that they did with acid back in the 70s...Scare tactics and propoganda to terrorize our youth into never ever doing ecstasy...There are a few factors that could have played a monumental part in this poor girls death that the media would be very quick to overlook....Any past drug history could have had a huge factor on what happened to her...The fact that she was doing drugs at 13 leads me to think that she may have been doing them even before then, which can never be good for a person...Another possible complication that is more than likely what happened is this: This girl had some kind of medical condition (whether known or not) that could have been severely effected by the consumption of any drug in the amphetamine family. Any sort of heart condition, thin blood or low red blood cell count very easily could have contributed to this girl's death...The fact that her two similarily aged friends were not adversely effected after taking the same dosage lends credibility to this theory, and the media would be quick to pass over this information and let us all believe that it was ecstasy (or whatever) and ecstasy alone that led to this poor girls death....Hell, for all we know, this girl didn't eat for a week and was deathly ill when she took this pill of ecstasy, and all the major news corporations would have to do is "leave that out", and BOOM, one pill of ecstasy kills another person....This IS a tradgedy no matter how you look at it, but I can promise you there are some things that we aren't being told intentionally that would shine some light on what ACTUALLY caused this girl to pass away....
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Originally Posted by WoodStock
Right. Terrible tradgedy but the fact of the matter remains that the media (under who-evers guidance) seems to be blowing this way out of proportion in a similar way that they did with acid back in the 70s...Scare tactics and propoganda to terrorize our youth into never ever doing ecstasy..
So why is this a bad thing? I say scare the kids shitless, show em pictures of cancerous lungs and call it ecstasy. The Vietnam war, ecstasy. New Orleans, ecstasy. Whatever it takes to scare em!

Look at the facts (however distorted), if that young lady came across this story a month ago maybe she wouldn't' have felt the need to go out and 'party' that evening. Maybe this story will feel some others into thinking twice.

I feel for the loss, I hope for the repercussions. Make an example of that dealer, show what could happen to if YOU sell ecstasy.. All in the bottom line is clear, better tactics need to be enforced to scare kids away from ever trying.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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To everyone who's posted that a 13 year old should be doing E...think about all the 14 year old ravers you see at every party that pop...what's the diffrence!

She tried drugs...she unfortunatly died. Everyone of us takes the same risk when we do drugs.

It's sad and I feel bad for her family but maybe hearing things like this will keep kid's from doing drugs.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sep 07, 05
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Auschwitz , yeah that was E!
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