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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
~FuK ^ DavĂŠ~
Join Date: Sep 2003
NeVeRLooKBacK is an unknown quantity at this point
depressing people suck
and people who always worry about the past
nothing you can do bout the past
just learn from it
hence you never look back ;)
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
rip zilla.
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ash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really niceash1ee is just really nice
People who constantly sing along to whatever song is playing but they have no idea what the words are. It is just alot of humming and a right lyric every few lines.

Sales people that go on and on about how 'great' something looks although it looks like ass and they just want a sale.

People that are late for everything. That is the rudest thing ever.

People that don't take messages...or don't return messages.

Leaving the empty ice tea/juice container in the fridge.

99% of the things people do (or don't do for that matter) at my work.

People that guilt trip you into going places you don't want to go. (ie. the bar)
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
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Felix is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by ash1ee
People who constantly sing along to whatever song is playing but they have no idea what the words are. It is just alot of humming and a right lyric every few lines.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
Join Date: Jul 2005
Play-it-hard is on a distinguished road
People who you can't talk to, Like that critisize waht you say i guess peopl with big egos and think that they are better then you.

When plans dont work out

The abundent amount of fags that live in my town

When people think that they are so smart
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
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t-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nice
*people who sell you out!!!
*friends who are inconsistant(sp?),selfish,liars
*guy friends who keep trying to hook up with you even tho you have already told him your just into them that way......im not going to change my mind because you keep trying! my feelings are my feelings!!! get over it. be my friend or stop trying to push me into something i dont want...do ppl actually want to have someone out of pitty??? wtf!!!
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Sep 14, 05
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Originally Posted by t-skywalker
*guy friends who keep trying to hook up with you even tho you have already told him your just into them that way......im not going to change my mind because you keep trying! my feelings are my feelings!!! get over it. be my friend or stop trying to push me into something i dont want...do ppl actually want to have someone out of pitty??? wtf!!!
Omfg, argh! I hate that soooo much. If I like you you'll know it and if you don't know it then obviously I only think of you as a friend, so paws off!!
And as much as I do enjoy to cuddle/snuggle sometimes I just don't want to and people who try to snuggle anyways make me wanna kick them! grr
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Sep 14, 05
Love always finds a way
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Lil Jenna has a spectacular aura aboutLil Jenna has a spectacular aura aboutLil Jenna has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by t-skywalker
sometimes i see things that piss me off, hahaha, but they are so silly!!! what are yours

a few of mine are....
*track pants with high heels
*red and pink together
*camo pants mixed with a differant camo top
*same prints from head to toe
*chicks who get on the bus a gossip all screaming and laughing so loud
*ppl who r full of them selves

etc.......so what are yours????
ROLF I thought I was the ONLY one who hated that. I see people or should I say one person who always dresses like that every f'ing weekend.... and all I want to do is give her some fashion advice!!! I have this new found hatred for girls in camo.

Things that drive me nuts....

-People that underestimate me/look down on me because of how young I look
-Annoying drunks that wont stfu that take the night bus home
-Snotty girls.
-People that feel the need to sing along *loud* with every song they hear.
-Spilly drinkers.
-Young girls in clubs. I mean girls that I know are only 16/17....

Last edited by Lil Jenna; Sep 14, 05 at 02:12 PM.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Sep 15, 05
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t-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nice
new one!!!! cold showers in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
bus drivers who come way too early, wait for you to get up to the bus a drive away!!!

~what a horrible day!!!
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
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Cory J is an unknown quantity at this point
When people at my office use the words "utilize" and "fyi" to try and sound important.... why!! why must you torment me??!!
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough
- people who dont make eye contact while talking
- people who drive slow in the fast lane
- people who drive with their blinkers on
- people who chew/talk with food in their mouth
- people who are watching a show and change the channel right when you get into it
- people who say they are going to call and don't
- skipping cd's
- people who say "it's the last place you look."
- slow internet access
- segmentation faults
- drunk driving
- not having dental floss/toothpicks handy
- people who say "did you see that?" while watching something
- people who snore while awake
- not being able to fall asleep
- people who give advice and can't take it
- people who do meth
- people who chew loud
- loud mouths
- pop music, especially UK pop music
- people who drive with their bass up high and their trunks rattling
- men who wear pink
- people who brag
- women who have no respect for themselves
- people who ask "can I ask you a question?"
- people who drive while talking on their cellphone
- people who are walking then stop when your behind them
- burning the top of your mouth
- when people take too long to accelerate
- people who go slow while merging onto the highway
- gas prices
- people in retail who dont speak english properly
- people who say "right" and "serious" and "like" in a conversation
- americans
- thugs
- rap music
- people who point to their wrist when asking for the time

Last edited by neoh; Sep 18, 05 at 11:34 PM.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
tellin it like it is
Join Date: Feb 2005
ja_raul is an unknown quantity at this point
people who say "achoo" or anything to disturb me from sneezing while im winding up for the big sneeze. i could kill a man at that moment

edit : it seems like alot of these are personaly one time probs, would they still be considered pet peeves?


Last edited by ja_raul; Sep 16, 05 at 01:14 AM.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
Need More BASS
Join Date: Jun 2005
justShell is on a distinguished road
* people that cant fucking drive
* people that drive drunk and think there fine ... you should just die... seriously I HATE YOU!!
* people that are always negative and can never have a good time
* bitchy girls that really arent all that they think they are. and there notmally skanky ass ho's.. not worth anyones time. particularly mine to even listen to them breathe
* guys that are sluts
* girls that are teases.. your not cool. and i dont mean you. and you know who im talking about. i love you to pieces dear<3
* people that leave their blinker lights on
* people that say they'll call back and never do. just dont fucking say you'll call back then. gosh. grow some balls ( and yes mands im being a hypocrite here)
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
baby-phat's Avatar
*bassline baby*
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baby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the roughbaby-phat is a jewel in the rough
* mixed messages
* bus drivers that see you running for the bus look at you then drive away
* people who call my parents house for me late at night (like wtf, I ask you not to call after a certain time and you do anyways, more than once, which wakes my mom up and pisses her off)
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
Love always finds a way
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Lil Jenna has a spectacular aura aboutLil Jenna has a spectacular aura aboutLil Jenna has a spectacular aura about
^ When I lived with my parent that happened all the time! Id get drunkin calls at like 3am.... on a wedensday!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
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thread killer
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C_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the rough
in no perticualr order:

catty bitches.
people w/ b.o.
reality t.v.
people that say "agreed"
warm beer.
scenesters that actualy aren't but pretend to be.
goa trance.
maxi pad/tampon commercials.
people who can't dance.
attention whores.
munching out with a bad case of cottonmouth.
george w. bush.
people who do bad impressions of arnold schwarzenegger
right said fred.
that hindu guy on the jack fm commercials.
soggy cerial.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
Join Date: Sep 2002
Ryan Ross will become famous soon enough
theres a fair number of things i find kind of annoying but the things that piss me off alot are

- Know-it-all people who refuse to look other peoples views (or even acknowledge the fact that other peoples views may also be valid).

- Loud food chewing
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
Originally Posted by C_squared
scenesters that actualy aren't but pretend to be.
Hahaha - I am so with you on that one....in fact...I could name a few.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
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C_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Avana
Hahaha - I am so with you on that one....in fact...I could name a few.
thats the worst kind too!

Last edited by C_squared; Sep 16, 05 at 01:15 AM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Sep 16, 05
ToTaLLy AdDiCtEd To BaSs
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Jeaninah is an unknown quantity at this point
having a cold with a plugged nose that is continually running, and you have to keep blowing it but it does nothing.. WHERE DOES ALL THIS DAMN SNOT COME FROM!>!>
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Sep 18, 05
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gnosis has a spectacular aura aboutgnosis has a spectacular aura about
I have to agree w/ quite a few peeves already posted.

To repeat:

-greedy bastards (corporations, banks, people, gov't's...)
-drivers of the Lower Mainland (the WORST!; not using signals, not doing the speed limit, unsafe/dangerous driving...)
-people with low/no integrity who refuse to take responsibility for their actions

(sometimes seething in disgust)
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Sep 19, 05
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fable is an unknown quantity at this point
that hindu guy on the jack fm commercials.
hey carlos, just a little fact for ya - Hinduism is indactive of RELIGION not ethnicity, so in turn just because one sees someone whos "brown" does NOT mean that he/she cannot be a variety of religions including seik, muslim,jewish, as well as what used to be classically anglo-saxon religions such as catholosism and christianity

i liken the remark to calling a latino person "mexican" and believe me after having various kitchen crews over the last decade, one does NOT call his Nicaraguan, or Gautamalan cooks MEXICAN!

on a side note, i hate that hindu too!:)


Last edited by fable; Sep 19, 05 at 12:37 AM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Sep 19, 05
C_squared's Avatar
thread killer
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C_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the roughC_squared is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by fable
hey carlos, just a little fact for ya - Hinduism is indactive of RELIGION not ethnicity, so in turn just because one sees someone whos "brown" does NOT mean that he/she cannot be a variety of religions including seik, muslim,jewish, as well as what used to be classically anglo-saxon religions such as catholosism and christianity

i liken the remark to calling a latino person "mexican" and believe me after having various kitchen crews over the last decade, one does NOT call his Nicaraguan, or Gautamalan cooks MEXICAN!

on a side note, i hate that hindu too!:)

fawk..shame on me. I was waiting for someone to correct me on that. Im glad it was you Shak.

and to add to my list of pet peves: I also hate it when ppl call me mexican, because I'm not... I'm Salvadorian.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Sep 19, 05
--&amp;gt;Tightcore Trucker&amp;lt;--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
not knowing.

i fucking hate waiting for answer.... when I'm fucking confised to shit.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Sep 20, 05
Shut the f*ck up n dance
Join Date: Nov 2004
*K*i*t*t*e*n* is an unknown quantity at this point
when people make noises when they eat, they make me wanna stab them with a fork
when people little or dont say please and thank-you
when my little sisters friends try and hardcore and be rude to me, ahhh makes me ticked off just thinking about it
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Sep 20, 05
Love always finds a way
Join Date: Jul 2002
Lil Jenna has a spectacular aura aboutLil Jenna has a spectacular aura aboutLil Jenna has a spectacular aura about
Drama... All drama and people who expect you to stay quite and let people walk all over you. I hate drama but sometimes you have to stick up for yourself.

Oh and people who get involved in other peoples private relationships…
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