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Punching Bag Bitch, cry and whine your way into oblivion.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Biggest Pet Pev's!!!!

sometimes i see things that piss me off, hahaha, but they are so silly!!! what are yours

a few of mine are....
*track pants with high heels
*red and pink together
*camo pants mixed with a differant camo top
*same prints from head to toe
*chicks who get on the bus a gossip all screaming and laughing so loud
*ppl who r full of them selves

etc.......so what are yours????
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
>>¤<<7 DeadLy Sins>>¤<<
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¤PPL WHO HAVE HUGE EGOS!!!! they fun to talk to but they sooo ful of themselves!! LoL
¤PpL whO saY my NamE wrOng On pUrpOse!!!
¤PpL whO coNstAntLy kEep Me wAitIng

have sum more but cant think of them LoL
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
you dont knowww me
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LLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the rough
Thanks alot Tiff.. you know all of those describe me =[

I <3 heels and track pants!

Seriously the worst surrey offence ever!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
you dont knowww me
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LLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the roughLLaaUUrrYYn is a jewel in the rough
Originally Posted by Roxxy
¤PPL WHO HAVE HUGE EGOS!!!! they fun to talk to but they sooo ful of themselves!! LoL
¤PpL whO saY my NamE wrOng On pUrpOse!!!
¤PpL whO coNstAntLy kEep Me wAitIng

have sum more but cant think of them LoL
PeOpLe WhO TaLk In AlTeRnAtIvE cApS!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
&gt;&gt;¤&lt;&lt;7 DeadLy Sins&gt;&gt;¤&lt;&lt;
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^^^hahahaha i kno i almost never do dat~~~ i find it annoyin too LoL
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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aww lala...you know i was thinkin of you when i said that ...you figured me out hahahahaha!!!!! xoxoxox
Originally Posted by LLaaUUrrYYn
Thanks alot Tiff.. you know all of those describe me =[

I <3 heels and track pants!

Seriously the worst surrey offence ever!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Felix is on a distinguished road
people who post about their pet peev's....hehejk

I hate when people
-leave hair on the soap
-eat while talking on the phone (I have to wear headphones at work so it's like surround sound slurping and chewing in my head, so gross!)
-pick their face while talking to you
-bite their nails constantly
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Originally Posted by t-skywalker
*track pants with high heels
*red and pink together
*camo pants mixed with a differant camo top
*same prints from head to toe
*chicks who get on the bus a gossip all screaming and laughing so loud
*ppl who r full of them selves
Damn you, I hate all those as well. lol. But I also hate:
- chicks who wear way too much make up
- guys who wear their pants super super low showin off there boxers and are wearing shirts that aren't long enough to cover that area up
- people rockin clothes that are 2-3 sizes too small

edit - they're not my biggest pet peeves at all, just minor ones that I tend to make fun of people for. hehe. I'm such a bitch. :p

Last edited by baby-phat; Sep 12, 05 at 07:41 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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justa~gurl is an unknown quantity at this point
1) NOISY EATERS.. i can't STAND noisy eaters... ugh
2)people who misrepresent themselves to others in attempts to make themselves look more interesting/powerful/popular..etc.(i've dealt with so many i'm past the point of feeling sorry)
3)People who pick on others/gossip
4) when one says one thing and does another

other then that i think i would have to say i'm pretty laid back..
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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justa~gurl is an unknown quantity at this point
oh yeah..


.. don't like 'em
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
veN veN is offline
Basically, I win.
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*People who change the radio station or song while I'm driving. Hello, if I wanted to change it I'd do it myself. I was probably enjoying that song!

*People who blurt out, "omg! I hate this song! its soooo bad!" like its all urgent that I immediately change it. I don't think you're going to die...

*People who do nothing but complain and keep talking even tho you're not even responding. Damn I'm not talking for a reason, and I wish you'd stop too!

*Black chunky hooker boots. I'm sorry, I think they're awful. Stilettos and pointy-toed ones are fine, but otherwise ew no.

*Having to repeat myself. I really hate having to do that.

*racer-/t-back tank tops with a regular bra (with straps showing). I know this seems to be trendy or atleast acceptable, but I think it looks horrible. Wear a X-back bra please!

*Bras/underwear showing. I don't want to see what little ornament is on the back of your thong and I don't care to know what colour your bra is, or what size it is with the back of it sitting three inches above your slouching top. That's trashy.

*Girls (or guys) wearing way too many trends together just for the sake of being trendy and they end up totally clashing... Pick one fashion statement and roll with it!

*People who talk about how much they make or how much they spend on stuff.. If you've gotta talk about it all the time, it's not bc you have good taste, its about bragging rights.

*People talking on the phone for a considerable amount of time in the presence of others, especially (but not limited to) while you're in the car. If I wanted to listen to one side of a conversation I would talk to myself, or find a crazy street person dt.

*People who hint at stuff instead of just asking. Just fucking ask. Hinting is not cute, it only aggrivates me and makes me more likely to tell you to eff off.

*People who insist on guesing games even whenyou've given up and don't want to play anymore. After three guesses the game gets old and I don't even fucking care anymore what it was you wanted to tell me.

*People who are rude to retail associates or food service workers. Get off your high horse, you are NO better than them, and they deserve to be treated with respect.

*People who don't care about spelling or grammar enough that their writing seems sloppy or lazy and incoherent.

*People who pray upon others to make themselves feel better. Please you your time more constructively, like to perhaps develop some more self-esteem.

Last edited by veN; Sep 12, 05 at 08:07 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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pretty much everyone in this thread so far except for the lovely nev.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Originally Posted by t-skywalker
*red and pink together

I was totally guilty of this a couple weeks back! Luckly C-squared informed me. im trash.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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people who stand in large groups and block the sidewalk
*It's a sideWALK, not a sideSTAND!*

people who stand in front of the doors on a bus, and don't move, even tho they aren't getting off

people who stack different basket sizes together at safeway, even when there is already two seperate stacks
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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BongMan will become famous soon enoughBongMan will become famous soon enough
Annoying little girls

Meth heads

Bullshit and not backing it up when ya start said bullshit
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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t-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nice
i have to totally agree with these ...when ever i get off the bus ppl just stand there and look at me, well fucin move already idiot!!!

and the side walk thing man ppl are so stupid sometimes!!!!! sometimes ivisualize my self walking beside them and just shoving them into a wall!!! or throwing them into on comming traffic.

Originally Posted by dabbler
people who stand in large groups and block the sidewalk
*It's a sideWALK, not a sideSTAND!*

people who stand in front of the doors on a bus, and don't move, even tho they aren't getting off

people who stack different basket sizes together at safeway, even when there is already two seperate stacks
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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robyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the roughrobyn is a jewel in the rough
Why am I the only person who has heard of stand right walk left? Why?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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t-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nice
yeah but darker guys rockin the pink is hawwt!!!! its the white guys who cant pull it off well hahahaha
Originally Posted by matéo
I was totally guilty of this a couple weeks back! Luckly C-squared informed me. im trash.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
<3 Diversity
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Warm Beer.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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people who eat with their mouths open. so annoying.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
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Felix is on a distinguished road
I just got reminded of a couple

- when people leave buttfuzz on a toilet seat, like WTF?! how? that's gross! where the fuck does it all come from? again, how?!
- people who need pit stick that don't wear pitstick
-the fact that my work is a "scent free environment" so there is no way for the people who are afraid of pitstick to cover up the fact that they aren't wearing any goddamned pitstick but really need it!

(I wanna go puke now)
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
'latinum respect.
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rude people

not having dental floss with me after eating a delicious peach or nectarine

that's it for now.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sep 12, 05
--&amp;gt;Tightcore Trucker&amp;lt;--
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Bitchin will become famous soon enoughBitchin will become famous soon enough
~people that wesar more then one camo together.. its jsut as bad as fucking poke-a-dots and stripes!

~people that talk on the phone very loudly in public.


~Confusing boys

~drunk phone calls from my dad

~how the 97 b-line doesnt link with any buses. and how the 160 arrives too late to link up with the 701 95% of the time.

~fat, ugly and stupid people. that think they aren't any of those mentioned.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
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t-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nicet-skywalker is just really nice
also ppl who are always so negative and depressing, if you dont like the way your life is make some changes!!! who wants to talk to someone who always bitches or brings you down....take control of your life dont let it control you

and ppl who ask to add you on messanger and never talk to you, did you do it to just feel cool with all your contacts, wtf!!!

or ppl who block you, not sure yet if this has happend to me but, god grow a back bone tell the person they are bothering you
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sep 13, 05
no clouds in my stones
Join Date: May 2001
galaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the roughgalaxie is a jewel in the rough
My biggest pet PEEVES are people who cannot spell nor use proper grammar.

Others include:
* Those who think they have fashion sense when really they have none.
* Those who contradict what I'm saying even though they have no idea what I'm talking about.
* Bartenders who make my Blue Hawaiians incorrectly.
* Rude/impolite/inconsiderate/overly selfish/needy people.
* Insubordinate employees.
* Gossips.
* Liars.

I could go on for hours.
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