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Toilet Bowl Where the shit goes. *flushed* down the drain.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
CodaDrummer is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by AqvaYak
why do people drink coffee?

it has almost no beneficial properties and costs butt loads

also, why dont people blow up mcdonalds?
Gets my ass up in the morning, that's for sure. But I am not the one who is supposed to be answering questions....
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
The Truth is..So Ruthless
Join Date: Apr 2001
AGROculture has a spectacular aura aboutAGROculture has a spectacular aura about
whens ur b-day?
its been ur b-day for a few days now on CV

My real bday is Sept 28th. I change my bday everyday on CV cause I like the free drinks I get at the club and I also like all the female lurker Happy Birthday mail I get!

how many donkeys does it take to eat a bale of hay in less than 30 minutes, if they have already ate a pound of grain each and five carrots....and they are recovering from hoof and mouth disease?

I'm thinking 16. I don't know why but yeah.....16. Yes they've recovered

what makes a bar of soap clean?

It makes you clean because it makes everything slip and slide off of your body. A bar of soap itself can get dirty.

what's the tracklist for Jay Walker live @ Exposure Music Festival 2003?

I could try and google it, but meh.....I've never even heard of Jay Walker.

Why DID the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side

should I cut the red wire or the blue wire?

what came first the chicken or the egg
I'm thinking the chicken, and it evolved slowly from some other creature

Why is life a beach?

Lifes a beach and then ya die, thats why I get high, cause ya never know when ya gonna go!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: Nov 2000
sNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nicesNyx is just really nice
Dear AGRO,
-- Sometimes after a long weekend of Raving, when late in night when im trying to sleep. I get these body shakes all of a sudden. It's like a little earthquake in my head. Why does this happen? Should I sacrifice a virgin to the volcano gods or something?

-- Anonymous
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
The Truth is..So Ruthless
Join Date: Apr 2001
AGROculture has a spectacular aura aboutAGROculture has a spectacular aura about
why do people drink coffee?

it has almost no beneficial properties and costs butt loads

I quite enjoy the flavour & aroma as well as the buzz I get from it

also, why dont people blow up mcdonalds?

Cause it's too extreme and wrong making that person as bad as McDonalds themselves. (as bad as that person percieves it to be)
Boycotting it or making a movie like supersize me would be better if you feel that strongly about it

o yeah why are people form holland/netherladns called the dutch?

the term "Dutch", used to describe the citizens of the Netherlands. "Dutch" is actually older than "the Netherlands". Until the sixteenth century, inhabitants of the Netherlands called themselves Diets (which mean "the people"). This word, pronounced "deets", was corrupted in English as "Dutch". The British continued to use the medieval name long after Netherlanders stopped using it themselves.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
The Truth is..So Ruthless
Join Date: Apr 2001
AGROculture has a spectacular aura aboutAGROculture has a spectacular aura about
Dear AGRO,
-- Sometimes after a long weekend of Raving, when late in night when im trying to sleep. I get these body shakes all of a sudden. It's like a little earthquake in my head. Why does this happen? Should I sacrifice a virgin to the volcano gods or something?

-- Anonymous

You should probably lay off the drugs. If that still doesn't work see a sleep doctor. And please send the Virgins my way
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: Nov 2003
Canar is an unknown quantity at this point
Your avatar contains a Rubik's cube. Can you solve it? If so, what's your fastest time?
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
blest w/ chest
Join Date: Jun 2001
frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
how do you say CAT in american sign language?
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
CodaDrummer is on a distinguished road
Is it wrong for me to continue to look at frogprincesse's avatar? If so, should I care?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
The Truth is..So Ruthless
Join Date: Apr 2001
AGROculture has a spectacular aura aboutAGROculture has a spectacular aura about
Your avatar contains a Rubik's cube. Can you solve it? If so, what's your fastest time?

I've never been able to solve it =(

how do you say CAT in american sign language?
You put both hands to your face and you wiggle your fingers like you have whiskers

Is it wrong for me to continue to look at frogprincesse's avatar? If so, should I care?

No, she has nice tits
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Sue Bitch is an unknown quantity at this point
are you the new magic 8 ball?
i wish mine was not broke they are fun
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
blest w/ chest
Join Date: Jun 2001
frogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the roughfrogprincess is a jewel in the rough
how do you say PIG in american sign language?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
The Truth is..So Ruthless
Join Date: Apr 2001
AGROculture has a spectacular aura aboutAGROculture has a spectacular aura about
are you the new magic 8 ball?
i wish mine was not broke they are fun

No but I do like to get my head rubbed

how do you say PIG in american sign language?

Put your hand in front of your nose and open and close your fist
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
....fucking evol
Join Date: Feb 2004
neoh will become famous soon enough

A 'snooker' table (measuring 8 metres by 4m) with 4 'pockets' (measuring 0.5m and placed at diagonal slants in all 4 corners) contains 10 balls (each with a diameter of 0.25m) placed at the following coords:

2m,7m...(white ball)
...and red balls...
1m,5m... 2m,5m... 3m,5m
1m,6m... 2m,6m... 3m,6m
1m,7m... 2m,7m... 3m,7m

The white ball is then shot at a random angle from 0 to 360 degrees.
Just to make it clear, a ball is 'potted' if at least half of the ball is in area of the 'pocket'

Assuming the balls travel indefinitely (i.e. no loss of energy via friction, air resistance or collisions), answer the following:

a: What exact angle should you choose to ensure that all the balls are potted the quickest?
b: What is the minimum amount of contacts the balls can make with each other before they are all knocked in?
c: Same as b, except that each ball - just before it is knocked in - must not have hit the white ball on its previous contact (must be a red instead of course).
d: What proportion of angles will leave the white ball the last on the table to be potted?
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: Jun 2001
Rytalin is an unknown quantity at this point
What is this question I am asking?
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
mapleleaf4ever's Avatar
sweet sensi crew
Join Date: Jan 2004
mapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the roughmapleleaf4ever is a jewel in the rough
If a 60' Western Red Cedar falls down in a North American Sub-Tropical Rainforest on a standard ICAO 15C Day with 73.4% Humidity and there was nothing or anyone around to hear it would it make a sound?
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: Apr 2003
~god~ is an unknown quantity at this point
Dave... why is your mom so good in bed?
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
_.-' Mizz TnA Unit '-._
Join Date: May 2002
sweet~kandy is an unknown quantity at this point
Why is the grass green, like why cant it be blue or pink or red?
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Living in the NOW
Join Date: Apr 2001
Bobby_T is an unknown quantity at this point
Whats the dilly, nilly?
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Join Date: May 2004
mystique is an unknown quantity at this point
who is the most random person you have ever met?

and is it the same as the most random person I have ever met?
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Records R Meant 2b Broken
Join Date: Jan 2002
Mr Ektion will become famous soon enoughMr Ektion will become famous soon enough
Why can't police be polite when they pull you over?
Which is more superior, the fork or chopstick?
Crispers: Chip or Cracker?
Will nachos ever outsell popcorn at movie theaters?
where are the nearest fall-out shelters if there were ever a need for one, and will it fit everyone?
Why do you think plad hasn't turned into the next fashion craze (like mesh caps, track suits, and baseball tee's did)?
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Nov 16, 04
Mad Acid Pirate
Join Date: Jun 2001
Dr. Doom can only hope to improve
Paint Doom's chicken coop!
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
Join Date: Nov 2003
Dead Mike is an unknown quantity at this point
AGRO dave, will u book elton john for your next party? that would be rad.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
Join Date: Jul 2004
dapimpstress is an unknown quantity at this point
dear agro....

why have i not met agro dave... all my sea town homies kick it, but i have somehow never come across this elusive man?
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
Serotonin's Avatar
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Serotonin is on a distinguished road
How does a hagfish eat ?and what is the only line of defense a sea cucumber has against predators?
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Nov 17, 04
_.-' Mizz TnA Unit '-._
Join Date: May 2002
sweet~kandy is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by AGROculture
what came first the chicken or the egg
I'm thinking the chicken, and it evolved slowly from some other creature
Finally someone cleared that up!!! Awsome answer!!! hahahahaha I said the chicken too....
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