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  #76 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by ~*goddessa*~
I dont hate religion,and i dont like at the same time...is that so wrong?

Scarring affects of what my preachers have taught me? I put down the bible when I was 7 yrs old and picked up books on satanisim and wicca so go fuck yourself idiot.Even when i did attend churhc I would question my religious"menotrs" and challenge them on the bible. Quit making assumptions and generalizations.
I havent stepped foot in a church since my best friend died when I was 14 yrs old.
It seems pointless now, talking to someone with such a distorted view on religion telling me to shut the fuck up every sentence...you make no sense. But it WAS nice being able to see another view.

Originally Posted by goddessa
Do you even know anything about the free masons?
Or anything else for that matter?
This is found from that got questions site..it's obviously Chrostian, but I edited it to make it a bit more factual rather than Jew hating:) HAha. I couldn't believe it..

The Free Masonry, Eastern Star, and other similar organizations appear to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of them even promote believe in God and good character. The societies do not believe in Christian beliefs and practices. They are Jewish. The following is a comparison of what the Bible says with the "official" position of Free Masonry:

The Bible's View: Jesus became the sinner’s sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and died as the payment for the sins of the whole world (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8, John 3:16). All from the New testament.

Mason's View: The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to deny everything Christ accomplished on their behalf. A person will be saved and go to heaven as a result of HIS good works and personal self-improvement.

basically yes, it's a Jewish thing...so what...that doesn't mean it's SATAN.

What I edited was all this crap about how anti-christian it was to not believe in Christ...rhetorical bullshit. Like how the free masons are a "secret societies..with hidden meanings...like anti-bibliical beliefs" When in reality, it's just the New Testament they don't believe in.

Originally Posted by goddessa
Satanisim is very real,satan is very real,free masonry is very real.Just because you choose not to see it,doesnt mean its not there. Because it is,it always has been,and it always will be.
Free masonry is satanic because they don't believe in Jesus? See how fucked up your religion has made you?

Originally Posted by goddessa
instead of talking about john paul the second lets talk about the one that came before him?
I did talk about Pope John 23...sorry I looked back and I should have put his name in there...he was the one that apologized for the first time in history to the Jews in 1965.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Tayfoon
Why do jews get so worked up about other religions ?

You say stuff that are based on you coocoo ideas and no reliable source

Then they cry anti-semitism

You obviously don't undertsand anything. Christianity IS anti-jewish because they state that if you don't believe in Jesus then you're the ones who killed their messiah aka satan...that's what it was based on two thousand years ago...the reason why Goddessa thinks that free masonry is satanic is because they don't believe in Christ as their savior. It's really not worth arguing seen as how this is a two thousand year old book, but at least I know what's up.

PS, my reliable source is HISTORY...not the frigging NEW TESTAMENT that is proven to be lies that sound good.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Tayfoon
Why do jews get so worked up about other religions ?

You say stuff that are based on you coocoo ideas and no reliable source

Then they cry anti-semitism

I would say every one is getting worked up about this... not specifically jews or anyone else... It seems rather pointless to be sitting here arguing about something that neither side can prove, and neither will back down nor admit themselves wrong.
~ Asheai
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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I just had this question that I needed to be answered..

"What started this whole thing about anti-semetic views?"

and I found the answer in the New Testament..it just makes so much sense now, for instance, why Adolf would choose the Jews...there's been a deep down hatred for Jews since the beginning of the new Judaism that claimed non-believers to be satanic..he could find all of his material hidden in the new testament. THAT is what starts wars, gossip from a two thousand year old book that is the best seller.

To me it makes so much more sense now that I understand how Christianity came to be. I wasn't born Jewish, I'm just an intelligent person that believes that there is a sense of respect I feel towards the mother religion that was mamed for reasons that I now believe to be correct. The more I look into it, and believe me, I used to HATE religion so much I wouldn't even want to say the word religious, the more I see that it has a stronger impact on society than even politics. That's why I'm arguing, not because I feel like I'm a friggin' chosen one. I just came across some heavy political facts.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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to me, he was just some dude that died. that guy never had any bearing whatsoever on my life...

and HOW MANY MORE DAYS do i have to see his dead body on the front page of every newspaper?!
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  #81 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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dude, I can't stand people that put make-up on dead bodies so you can look at them...bwahahah* I have the scariest memories from when I was a kid.

clown make-up...it's a ridiculous way to be burried.

my disgusting memories of climbing up to see my dead cousin with pink cheeks and a grey scalp..
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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i heard the pope is gonna be buried on the Solar Eclipse this friday
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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the man led two great lives, he accomplished more than most people we regard as 'heroes' did before he even became the pope.

one of the most important world figures of the last 100 years, all religion aside.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
i heard the pope is gonna be buried on the Solar Eclipse this friday

when he was elected pope?! or whatever it was on a solar eclipse as well.

as for the pope that came before him,he was murdered 33 days after he was elected?! pope. 33 is a significant number of sybolizim with free masons. why is there a connection? Because the pope received a list of 100 names of cardinals,priests,bishops,inside the vatican and outside of the vatican that were guilty of being free masons.
24 hrs before the pope was to drop the hammer,the popes handler murdered him.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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I just came across some heavy political facts.

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  #86 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by lou_belle

The Free Masonry, Eastern Star, and other similar organizations appear to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of them even promote believe in God and good character. The societies do not believe in Christian beliefs and practices. They are Jewish. The following is a comparison of what the Bible says with the "official" position of Free Masonry:

The Bible's View: Jesus became the sinner’s sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and died as the payment for the sins of the whole world (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8, John 3:16). All from the New testament.

Mason's View: The very process of joining the Lodge requires Christians to deny everything Christ accomplished on their behalf. A person will be saved and go to heaven as a result of HIS good works and personal self-improvement.

basically yes, it's a Jewish thing...so what...that doesn't mean it's SATAN.

What I edited was all this crap about how anti-christian it was to not believe in Christ...rhetorical bullshit. Like how the free masons are a "secret societies..with hidden meanings...like anti-bibliical beliefs" When in reality, it's just the New Testament they don't believe in.

Free masonry is satanic because they don't believe in Jesus? See how fucked up your religion has made you?

I did talk about Pope John 23...sorry I looked back and I should have put his name in there...he was the one that apologized for the first time in history to the Jews in 1965.
....which brings me back to the judaizers and messianic jews:)
do you know who either of those two groups are? No...no you dont,and yet you continue to spew off anti-christ bullshit.

Maybe you should go read up on the judaizers and the tribe of cain,and how cain came to be,and the messianic jews,and see what tribe they come from...and then try to hand me this bullshit.

maybe even read some of father malachi martins work,in hopes that the wool might be lifted from your eyes and you will see whats really going on and what has been going on for 2000 years.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Tayfoon
Why do jews get so worked up about other religions ?

You say stuff that are based on you coocoo ideas and no reliable source

Then they cry anti-semitism

because jews beleive that anything that is not straight up judaism is a cult.

thats why.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
I thought lou belle wasn't Jewish, I thought it was just her boyfriend that was.
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
I thought lou belle wasn't Jewish, I thought it was just her boyfriend that was.
^jew by association?
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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here lou belle
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  #91 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by lou_belle
The Free Masonry, Eastern Star, and other similar organizations appear to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of them even promote believe in God and good character. The societies do not believe in Christian beliefs and practices. They are Jewish. The following is a comparison of what the Bible says with the "official" position of Free Masonry:
so that's why their grand commander says things such as
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the son of the morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with it's splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not "

If that's not Satanic then I don't know what is.
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by lou_belle
I just had this question that I needed to be answered..

"What started this whole thing about anti-semetic views?"

and I found the answer in the New Testament..it just makes so much sense now, for instance, why Adolf would choose the Jews...there's been a deep down hatred for Jews since the beginning of the new Judaism that claimed non-believers to be satanic..he could find all of his material hidden in the new testament. THAT is what starts wars, gossip from a two thousand year old book that is the best seller.
The majority of Jews are good people, it's just the Pharisee class that has taken over.

If you look at every socially destructive movement Jews, or people who claim to be Jews, have always formed the vanguard.

Rothschild = International Private Banking

Karl Marx = Communism

Gloria Steinem = Radical Feminism

Freud = Infantile Sexuality and the normalization of all things obscene

Anti-Defamation League (ADL) = Multiculturalism

Wolfowitz, Perle = The Neocons and One World government

Satan is alive and real, and his name Lucifer literally means "light-bearer". The Devil's trick is to make people think they can define their own reality without God, thinking they control their own destinies 100 percent through attainment of knowledge. It goes back to the Tower of Babel, onto 17th Century "Enlightenment" in Europe that itself harkens back to Grecian Humanism that makes "man the measure of all things."

Unfortunately, Jews disproportionately make up the ranks of atheistic humanism that vists untold miseries onto humanity. That's why I call them the Pharisees.

And the ironic thing is, Hitler actually lifted his ideas from the something called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion interchanging Jewish Supremacists with Germans (of course the real people running the show aren't representing Jewish interests, but just hide behind this mask to make people believe it's a "Jewish" problem).
Originally Posted by lou_belle
To me it makes so much more sense now that I understand how Christianity came to be. I wasn't born Jewish, I'm just an intelligent person that believes that there is a sense of respect I feel towards the mother religion that was mamed for reasons that I now believe to be correct. The more I look into it, and believe me, I used to HATE religion so much I wouldn't even want to say the word religious, the more I see that it has a stronger impact on society than even politics. That's why I'm arguing, not because I feel like I'm a friggin' chosen one. I just came across some heavy political facts.
I think you should take a closer look at Zionism, rather than the New Testament.


1. IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:

a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and

b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and

c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

2. IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

3. IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:

a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.

b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.

c) No ransom will be paid

4. IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

5. IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved.

6. IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Asheai
I would say every one is getting worked up about this... not specifically jews or anyone else... It seems rather pointless to be sitting here arguing about something that neither side can prove, and neither will back down nor admit themselves wrong.
~ Asheai
Agreed......it's one of those arguments where you could say that niether side is wrong and at the same time niether side is right.......it's all a matter of personnal opinion
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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More Proof that Zionists are betraying the Jewish People

Israel wants to disarm settlers who need their guns for protection

Skip to 33:45 of the broadcast

Last edited by wum; Apr 07, 05 at 06:08 PM.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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So if christians killed mozes you jews would just forgive and forget ?

Dont you get it yet ?
You cannot force people to believe in what you do

And easy on the whole Jesus was a joke the new testemant is a lie crap

I bet that God split the sea in two, and Noah lived 969 years also

Since you are being such an idiot, ill play along.

Why is it that other religions hate jews ? not only christians or muslim...

Its not too hard to figure out champ ;)
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old Apr 07, 05
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how could i forget about moses!

MOSES WAS BULLSHIT! how can jews sit there and glorify moses as some crazy ass dude that apparently split the sea apart by some fucking stick?! CHYA RIGHT!

thats my lame brained rebuttal to your views on Yashua Ha Massiach!
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old Apr 08, 05
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Originally Posted by ~*goddessa*~
the judaizers were the ones who persecuted jesus,not the catholic church,infact catholisism wasnt even around in those times mu fucka so shut yo mouth!
The judaizers betrayed jesus because jesus spoke poorly about them,and quite frankly if the shoe fits wear it and those sunsabitches did.

so until you learn yer bible,dont speak about it OK?!


Jews never wrote a NEW BIBLE to condemn christians for their beliefs!!

You are a disgusting person to actually believe that communities around the world of spiritual beings would actually deserve to have their religion's name mamed with satanic scribes because they didn't want to convert to Christianity. I'm not talking to you anymore...I just remembered you the biggest freak on here...GAWD WHAT A WASTE OF MY TIME YOU ARE...but thanks for letting me use you as a wall to bounce my ideas off of~
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old Apr 08, 05
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Originally Posted by Tayfoon

So if christians killed mozes you jews would just forgive and forget ?

Dont you get it yet ?
You cannot force people to believe in what you do

And easy on the whole Jesus was a joke the new testemant is a lie crap

I bet that God split the sea in two, and Noah lived 969 years also

Since you are being such an idiot, ill play along.

Why is it that other religions hate jews ? not only christians or muslim...

Its not too hard to figure out champ ;)
Ugh! This is what bugs me! JEWS ARE ONLY TRYING TO LIVE and of course prosper in greatness just like everyone else. It just so happens that the reason for this hatred originated when Jesus was crucified by the Roman.
If you don't understand the difference between the Romans and the Christians and Jews....then you obviously don't understand the difference between polotics and religion. The Bible is the book that leads the religion of Jews AND Christians. Christians were Jews too, how can you say they were Christians before the fact. The Roman Empire killed Jesus.
Jesus was but a man, not God. Jesus was a man that got shot, just like Rabin was a man and the Pope was a great man and JFK was a great man. Jesus didn't come up with any new religion that brought people from being slaves to a civilization, when he was killed he was just like any other.
Jesus was a part of civilization that Mose created.The Christians couldn't have killed Moses? What are you stupid? Moses spearheaded the whole IDEA OF BEING GOOD and being IN TOUCH WITH A GREATER LIFE. All they would be without Moses is a bunch of man loving sexually supressed leaders that wouldn't even know that God's existence was reachable even if Jesus hovered in mid-air...they would have called him a fucking witch.
The sea didn't split in two and Noah didn't live 969 years..that's supposed to be an example of a long long time.

FUCK YOU GOD...I say it because I can say whatever the hell I want to say to God because God isn't a fucking well-spoken man! He doesn't come in the FORM OF ANY MAN! THAT!! IS STUPID and that starts wars between people. GOD DOESN'T IMPREGNATE VIRGINS WITH "LONG HAIRS" THAT GET KILLED BY HIS OWN PEOPLE TO DIVIDE THEM. GOD IS ENERGY. NOT POLITICS.

I'm bored of stupid people. I don't tell you to believe in anything new, I don't deny that Jesus was a great man...I only say that Goddessa and everyone else for that matter is wrong to think that it's the Jewish Religion itself that created the hatred the Christians have for Jews today. It's written in a book called the New testament. A religion shouldn't make hatred for other human beings a part of their everyday readings. THAT CREATES WARS.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old Apr 08, 05
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^ don't say that :(!
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old Apr 08, 05
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lou belle youre fuckt.


stupid jew poser.

Last edited by Ragga_Wh0re; Apr 08, 05 at 02:13 AM.
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