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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
Join Date: Sep 2004
Two_Six is an unknown quantity at this point
Just Wondering Who?

Okay I didn't want to make this thread, but meh here it is. Just wondering how many people have been bullied in high school? Cause alot of people on fnk tend to attack one person or two, that's the same thing as bullying someone in high school, except its online, so in a way its even more pathetic and stupid, not to mention pointless and a waste of time.

Last edited by Two_Six; Jan 09, 06 at 05:48 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
lets not forget to mention that probably 90% of fnks population is still in highschool, or JUST graduated (or dropped out, or got kicked out..whatever)

the highschool mentality can sometimes take awhile to wear off

and for us older ones, we dish it cause we know how to take it as well
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by krisamata
lets not forget to mention that probably 90% of fnks population is still in highschool, or JUST graduated (or dropped out, or got kicked out..whatever)

the highschool mentality can sometimes take awhile to wear off

and for us older ones, we dish it cause we know how to take it as well
quoted for truth.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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I used to bully kids when i was in elementary school. I watched too much tv when i was little. Shows like "Fresh Prince of bel air" taught me that making jokes at the expense of others was cool. No joke! I smartened up around grd.7, not sure why exactly. It just started to seem cooler to embrace(or at the very least, RESPECT) the differences of others rather than knock em for it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Well I know that I grew out of the high school mentality, there was way too much drama in highschool. Even though I'm out of high school, I have to deal with drama, its so annoying.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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I was never a bulley or was bullied in highschool. However I did step in a few times to stick up for my friends. I don't think the verbal or physical abuse is the answer. Eventhough it can escape us sometimes. There are lots of other ways to solve things.. such as jello wrestling :)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by Two_Six
Well I know that I grew out of the high school mentality, there was way too much drama in highschool. Even though I'm out of high school, I have to deal with drama, its so annoying.

it doesnt matter how old you are, there will always be drama. its unaviodable. yet its how you deal with the drama that makes you more mature and wiser than most.

if you chose to get yourself involved then it can be annoying, but again its your own fault for being annoyed by it

if you leave the situation, refuse to listen, refuse to give your input and let whoevers causing the drama work it out for themselves, then you'll be just fine.

it can be easier said than done, but believe me its completely worth it
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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I never bullied, nor was bullied in high school. But I always defended people that were being bullied. I never made any verbal abuse to anyone, unless it was a joke. But i dont think in my highschool there was a big problem of bullying, most of us seemed to get along.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Highschool Drama, is Highschool Drama. Ive had a case of HS drama myself.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
tellin it like it is
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if ive noticed one thing about fnk, its that some of the people are repeating the same patterns i saw in alot of high school students. jumping the bandwagon on a particular issue/topic is that pattern, people seem to reiterate what the above poster says without actually contributing something new to the discussion, which is fine and all (in most cases), but in the case of a "flame war", its retarded.

basically.. grow the fuck up fnk (not all of you of course)
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by krisamata
lets not forget to mention that probably 90% of fnks population is still in highschool, or JUST graduated (or dropped out, or got kicked out..whatever)

the highschool mentality can sometimes take awhile to wear off

and for us older ones, we dish it cause we know how to take it as well
quoted for truth

wow allison, post like me much? <3
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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anything on fnk is all in good fun... yea sometimes it can go to far , but like krisamata said.. if you cant take it then to bad.. If you can dish it out then prepare to get some in return.. We all know half the fun is buggin people and having little arguments, getting reactions from people. Anyone who takes it serious or is serious should not be onthis board.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by wizzfish
quoted for truth

wow allison, post like me much? <3

omg you guys are like meant for each other...

now quote THAT for truth!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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tiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to alltiedye is a name known to all
I quit school because I was getting rocks thrown at me in the parking lot and my head beaten off virtually anything they could just because I had piercings and dyed my hair and wore collars and spiked wristbands and shit. God damned rednecks. I remember one time three kids at a party pinned me down and took turns jumping on my chest because I had pink hair and a ring in my septum. One girl even kicked me in the face while I was down. And another time a pickup truck drove by with two guys in the back and the threw a chunk of concrete with rebar sticking out of it at me, and I ended up not being able to walk on that knee for a week.

I'm definately not one to insult or attack anyone, verbally or physically, because it's not in my nature. I treat everyone respectfully because I expect the same, but due to history I am quick to bite anyone's head off that is ignorant enough to bully someone. I don't think that's quite the same though.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by Chewy
Anyone who takes it serious or is serious should not be onthis board.

everyone knows the old saying... "If ya dunt like the heat, get the fuck out the kitchen!"
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Lack of tolerance for stupidity =/= online bullying.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by tiedye
I quit school because I was getting rocks thrown at me in the parking lot and my head beaten off virtually anything they could just because I had piercings and dyed my hair and wore collars and spiked wristbands and shit. God damned rednecks. I remember one time three kids at a party pinned me down and took turns jumping on my chest because I had pink hair and a ring in my septum. One girl even kicked me in the face while I was down. And another time a pickup truck drove by with two guys in the back and the threw a chunk of concrete with rebar sticking out of it at me, and I ended up not being able to walk on that knee for a week.

I'm definately not one to insult or attack anyone, verbally or physically, because it's not in my nature. I treat everyone respectfully because I expect the same, but due to history I am quick to bite anyone's head off that is ignorant enough to bully someone. I don't think that's quite the same though.

thats absolutely disgusting
people like that make me sick

i hope that you are still going to continue your education despite the negative experiences. i would hate to see someone become too introverted and subcomb to the patheticness of others

you sound like a pretty strong person after all is said and done

so good luck

ps: pink hair rocks!! i want mine back!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
semblence within chaos.
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You can't equate real life to FNK. Half the time the people on here are wasting time in between doing other things online or at home or work. Of course someone is going to make a remark when you have some real shitheads acting like they know everything or just being an idiot.

Just relax, most of the people here are being sarcastic. It's those real life personal jabs people make at their friends on here that i don't agree with.

ps. I took a lot of shit in highschool for being a punk and hanging out with people from other schools.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by krisamata
i hope that you are still going to continue your education despite the negative experiences. i would hate to see someone become too introverted and subcomb to the patheticness of others

you sound like a pretty strong person after all is said and done

so good luck

ps: pink hair rocks!! i want mine back!
I haven't begun finishing my education yet, but that was more due to substance issues than other people.. but I'm going to start once I get settled in. I don't think I'll ever step foot in a highschool again, though.
I do think it's made me a stronger, wiser, and more accepting individual though... and pink hair was sweet.. I think I'm going to dye one of my dreads pink when I can find someone to help me with em.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
just to add to this.

it also seems like people are personally attacked on here, because you are able to physically see the insults on a daily basis, whereas in everyday life, you dont get this many people together everyday, therefore you dont hera the insults

besides its easier to hide behind the written word then it is to keep standing when you've used the spoken word and that person is standing 2 feet from you

so basically, theres just a lot of pussies on this board
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by tiedye
I haven't begun finishing my education yet, but that was more due to substance issues than other people.. but I'm going to start once I get settled in. I don't think I'll ever step foot in a highschool again, though.
I do think it's made me a stronger, wiser, and more accepting individual though... and pink hair was sweet.. I think I'm going to dye one of my dreads pink when I can find someone to help me with em.

dont let the substances become your substance in life

i checked your profile you're what? 17? 18?

you can apply to a college where people are more accepted than at a highschool. just dont choose kwantlen, i felt like i had walked right back into grade 8 at that school
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
'latinum respect.
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a lot of people mistake simply calling people on their stupidity for bullying, and that is stupid.

suuuck it up.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by krisamata
dont let the substances become your substance in life

i checked your profile you're what? 17? 18?

you can apply to a college where people are more accepted than at a highschool. just dont choose kwantlen, i felt like i had walked right back into grade 8 at that school
first off, that's a quote for everyone who uses to remember!
and yeah, I'll be 19 in May so I'm jumping on education while it's free. I was thinking correspondance, since I work a full time job and also the lack of a college in harrison. Is there a good college in Chilliwack?
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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krisamata is an unknown quantity at this point
Originally Posted by tiedye
first off, that's a quote for everyone who uses to remember!
and yeah, I'll be 19 in May so I'm jumping on education while it's free. I was thinking correspondance, since I work a full time job and also the lack of a college in harrison. Is there a good college in Chilliwack?

too bad the people that have become too dependent arent listening to it, they may remember it but it has no effect on them


ummm i beleive chilliwack has ucfv
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Jan 09, 06
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Originally Posted by tiedye
first off, that's a quote for everyone who uses to remember!
and yeah, I'll be 19 in May so I'm jumping on education while it's free. I was thinking correspondance, since I work a full time job and also the lack of a college in harrison. Is there a good college in Chilliwack?
If you wait till your 19, you can just take the G.E.D.
Depending on what career path you want to take, the G.E.D. might save you alot of stress and time, yet still give you what you need to get into post secondary program. Its a 7 hour test that takes very minimal studying if you have confidence in the areas. I only studied the math section briefly and i passed (with flying colours) :). It's pretty easy.. A hell of alot easier than correspondence courses or showing up everyday for highschool courses at the community college.
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