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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Euro Dollar is on a distinguished road
doing your research? hahaha
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
semblence within chaos.
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decypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the roughdecypher is a jewel in the rough
"you may not want to have to get along with your neighbours who cook funny smelling food and speak in a different language, but chances are that where they come from there's a family just like them who doesn't want to have to walk down the street and see signs with scantily clad women advertising soft drinks from yours."

Auto - 1, Wum - 0
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
Originally Posted by wum
Multi-culturalism is a tool of the NWO that attempts to mongrelize and pacify the Western Nations. Divide and conquer, bishes.
the mere fact that you bring up conspiracry theory(one which is supported by rather weak anecdotal evidence) to back your argument proves that you lack 'da steez' to take on auto in an intellectual debate.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by €uro Dollar
^^ what's wrong with communists? don't hate!


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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
since the pope lives in meatball land,wouldnt it be safe to say if anything hes a facist?

I mean everyone knows those spaghetti eating,vino drinking,meatball slinging goombas are facists.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Before you take an antagonist stance to every single thing I say I'll have to rant for a bit just to get my shit across. I'll reiterate that the central point of my thesis is that the NWO seeks to control.

I've still got the other response on the back burner, but lemme preface by saying a few things first.

The New World Order is a scheme to bring the world under a singular government. This is pure evil, but of course human nature is repelled by evil, and so evil must masquerade as something good.

So you will hear things like Globalism being put in a good light. It was the same deal for Communism. Of course by now we know that Communism had nothing to do with the relationship between proletariat and the bourgeouise.

Under the auspices of "liberation" the people had to be united and identities had to be destroyed in the process. Feminism is straight from the mouth of Marx and seeks to undermine the sovereignty of the family unit. Religion and spirituality was abolished because it was the "opiate" of society, and Free Speech was replaced with Political Correctness.

One draws identity and strength against Tyranny from the axiomatic ideals of family, race, religion, and nation. Just look at how Scotland would not submit to England, and so they used tools like miscegenation to ‘breed’ the Scots out.

Everyone living outside the West understands this, but most of us do not. Rather, from primary school onto young adulthood such things, especially Race, are endlessly deconstructed and become mere “social constructs.” Failing that, “anti-hate” legislation is enforced to quell dissidents. Truth doesn't need violence.

In such a set up, individuals must sacrifice one’s identity for nebulous "community values" (like "saving the earth," "peace" and "tolerance" which the UN defines.)

What have been the ramifications? Well look around. Canada and Western Europe face nothing less than an unarmed invasion. I sometimes ride transit and I’m usually the lone white guy. Canadian “identity” is mongrelized to such a point that it’s like being in a foreign country in many parts, but what can be said when we’re all “Canadian?” France is the first European country with Sharia type laws and will probably be the first Muslim nation. England isn’t far behind. They don’t call it Londonistan for nothing.

The whole idea is prevent any united front of Resistance against this New World Order, and diluting identity is a classical Communist tactic.

Are we to really believe that a healthy society would organically give up its racial and cultural identity just like that?

Points to ponder…

PS. I blocked the other fags who keep coming out of woodwork trying to snipe at me
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough


youre basically implying that "canadian identity" should be and is white european identity.

gah! shut the fuck up.

As for your healthy society remark please see my above statement "GET THE FUCK OUT THIS ISNT YOUR LAND ANYWAYS"

If canada should have any racial or social identity it should be that of native culture,the true owners of this land.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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^ well they say that the natives were originally Asiatics that crossed the Berring Straight from China. Looks like they're getting they're land back after all! :)
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Ragga_Wh0re will become famous soon enoughRagga_Wh0re will become famous soon enough
...yes i know that fucwad,but guess what youre still an ignorant sunofabitch that takes this NWO thing the wrong way.

if you look at what youve said,and then look at you trying to say youre a good old god fearing christian,and then look at what you said...

it just completely contradicts itself over and over again.

But I guess youre one of those christians that thinks residential schools were a god send...right?

I mean with you saying what youre saying about the Nwo,about them supporting multi culturalism...is completey bass ackwards. The NWO is all for creating the "perfect race" just like the aryans,the nwo is modelling thier perfect world like ATLANTIS,u know that place thats supposedly under the sea somewhere?

so from the statements youve made it sounds like you dont really understand the concept of the nwo and it also sounds like this nwo youre so against youre actually all for hence your "only white dude on the train" remark.

now fuck me at anytime if im wrong here?
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
'latinum respect.
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miss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to allmiss.myra is a name known to all
wha wai... Race? Culture?

Someone who is Asian who has been in Canada for as many generations as my family has? (my grandparents came from Scotland, makes me a 2nd generation Canadian) wouldn't that mean we share the same culture? Sure, commonly we'd dabble in this and that to keep it real to our homies back in the homeland, but really, we're born and raised immersed in essentially the same culture? What seperates us? Wum, I'm totally interested to see your opinion on this?
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by ~*goddessa*~
I mean with you saying what youre saying about the Nwo,about them supporting multi culturalism...is completey bass ackwards. The NWO is all for creating the "perfect race" just like the aryans,the nwo is modelling thier perfect world like ATLANTIS,u know that place thats supposedly under the sea somewhere?
uhh.. if the NWO is trying to create a "perfect race" then what's with importing millions upon millions of non-whites mongrelizing all the Western Nations? Or do you think that with this policy the Western countries are lashing out against the NWO and this is how we're "fighting" them? Honestly, i'm confused.
Originally Posted by ~*goddessa*~
now fuck me at anytime if im wrong here?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
eff eff
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Originally Posted by miss.myra
wha wai... Race? Culture?

Someone who is Asian who has been in Canada for as many generations as my family has? (my grandparents came from Scotland, makes me a 2nd generation Canadian) wouldn't that mean we share the same culture? Sure, commonly we'd dabble in this and that to keep it real to our homies back in the homeland, but really, we're born and raised immersed in essentially the same culture? What seperates us? Wum, I'm totally interested to see your opinion on this?

my favorite part is when he doesnt answer your question.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
el jefe de automático
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Originally Posted by wum
Before you take an antagonist stance to every single thing I say I'll have to rant for a bit just to get my shit across. I'll reiterate that the central point of my thesis is that the NWO seeks to control.

I've still got the other response on the back burner, but lemme preface by saying a few things first.

The New World Order is a scheme to bring the world under a singular government. This is pure evil, but of course human nature is repelled by evil, and so evil must masquerade as something good.
why is a world government inherently evil? suppose it was a democratic government that was inclusive, supported human rights and freedom of expression, and provided everyone with a decent standard of living and the rule of law? explain to me why a world government is evil if that government serves the needs of it's citizens?

Originally Posted by wum
So you will hear things like Globalism being put in a good light. It was the same deal for Communism. Of course by now we know that Communism had nothing to do with the relationship between proletariat and the bourgeouise.

Under the auspices of "liberation" the people had to be united and identities had to be destroyed in the process. Feminism is straight from the mouth of Marx and seeks to undermine the sovereignty of the family unit. Religion and spirituality was abolished because it was the "opiate" of society, and Free Speech was replaced with Political Correctness.

One draws identity and strength against Tyranny from the axiomatic ideals of family, race, religion, and nation. Just look at how Scotland would not submit to England, and so they used tools like miscegenation to ‘breed’ the Scots out.

Everyone living outside the West understands this, but most of us do not. Rather, from primary school onto young adulthood such things, especially Race, are endlessly deconstructed and become mere “social constructs.” Failing that, “anti-hate” legislation is enforced to quell dissidents. Truth doesn't need violence.

In such a set up, individuals must sacrifice one’s identity for nebulous "community values" (like "saving the earth," "peace" and "tolerance" which the UN defines.)

What have been the ramifications? Well look around. Canada and Western Europe face nothing less than an unarmed invasion. I sometimes ride transit and I’m usually the lone white guy. Canadian “identity” is mongrelized to such a point that it’s like being in a foreign country in many parts, but what can be said when we’re all “Canadian?” France is the first European country with Sharia type laws and will probably be the first Muslim nation. England isn’t far behind. They don’t call it Londonistan for nothing.

The whole idea is prevent any united front of Resistance against this New World Order, and diluting identity is a classical Communist tactic.

Are we to really believe that a healthy society would organically give up its racial and cultural identity just like that?

Points to ponder…

PS. I blocked the other fags who keep coming out of woodwork trying to snipe at me
what is our "racial identity" as canadians? native? english? french? irish? i hate to break it to you, but where i live in canada, British Columbia, a sizeable proportion of the ORIGINAL immigrants were asian. this whole country as it is now was largely built by immigrants. the japanese have been fishing in steveston for almost since this province began. as a fascinating side note, there were several villages of hawaiian whalers already established on the northern tip of vancouver island when this province began. the chinese were here since the very first settlements in this province. we've ALWAYS been a multicultural province, so exactly what "identity" to you see being eroded? as for the idea that "family, race, religion, and nation" are the bastions against tyranny, i guess you've never noticed how many times "family, race, religion, and nation" have been used to ACHIEVE tyranny....what do you think mussolini and hitler used as a rallying point for their rise to power? in fact "family, race, religion, and nation" have almost ALWAYS been the battle cry of the tyrant. the true bastion against tyranny is a citizenry who refuse to blindly follow such a cry.

i don't see my "healthy society" giving up any of it's culture or identity, because i know that the things that make me proud to be a canadian have shit all to do with the color of my skin, or the language of my neighbours. i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to come from a society that values people for who they are not what they are. i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to belong to a society that believes in human rights. i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to belong to a society that believes there's room for all colors, creeds, and beliefs, and i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to belong to a society that believes in equal justice for all. and i think that if you actually talked to anyone who immigrated to this country from the middle east, or asia, they're proud to be here too for the exact same reason. in fact since most of them came here to escape societies that are just the opposite, i think you'll find many of them take our "canadian values" much more seriously than we do sometimes.

sure, there are always going to be some malcontents, but then again it's not like there aren't any on the other side of the fence.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by ~*goddessa*~
so from the statements youve made it sounds like you dont really understand the concept of the nwo and it also sounds like this nwo youre so against youre actually all for hence your "only white dude on the train" remark.
actually i'm for independent nation states, where people can form their own societies which are not forcibly "diversified."

Please don't tell me you're falling for this globalist bullshit of Universal Brotherhood in the form of Multi-Cult???
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Chewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura about
1)we originated from the same ape like mammal(or a bunch of them)

2)over hundreds of thousands of years mankind migrated from contenant to contenant

3)the color of your skin has to do with where you ancestors lived.... closer to the equator the darker you are... ..

say if you were black or brown.. if you moved north.. your skin wouldnt produce as much mellonin as needed.. therefore your skinwould lighten .. although this takes centuries . eventually your family tree wil become lighter if you stayed ina colder northern climate..

in conclusion.. we were once all the same color and that makes us all equal inevery aspect.... what a boring place the world would be if every one was the same color... i enjoy seeing different faces or different colors..
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
el jefe de automático
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Originally Posted by wum
uhh.. if the NWO is trying to create a "perfect race" then what's with importing millions upon millions of non-whites mongrelizing all the Western Nations? Or do you think that with this policy the Western countries are lashing out against the NWO and this is how we're "fighting" them? Honestly, i'm confused.
so does this mean you think the white race is inherently superior to all other races?

so we're smarter on the average than say...asians? we're more athletic on the average than say....africans? what exactly makes the white race superior?

and the NWO isn't "importing" anyone, people move around because we invented the airplane and the steamship.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
Dum Spiro, Spero
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Originally Posted by €uro Dollar
^^ what's wrong with communists? don't hate!
All hail MOTHER RUSSIA! Sprikdikine!
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Chewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura aboutChewy has a spectacular aura about
Originally Posted by automatic
so does this mean you think the white race is inherently superior to all other races?

so we're smarter on the average than say...asians? we're more athletic on the average than say....africans? what exactly makes the white race superior?

and the NWO isn't "importing" anyone, people move around because we invented the airplane and the steamship.
they still use steam ships????
sweet. i wanna go on one
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
el jefe de automático
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Originally Posted by wum
actually i'm for independent nation states, where people can form their own societies which are not forcibly "diversified."
where are the black cargo planes dropping of loads of immigrants under cover of darkness? where are the trains with the windows blocked out steaming across our borders? where are the ships docking at night with a suspicious lack of paperwork? where are these huddled masses "forced" upon our shores? WE'RE A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS. WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS. IMMIGRANTS BUILT THIS COUNTRY.

what you are saying now is exactly what people were saying about the irish in the 1800's, or the ukrainians and germans around the turn of the century, or the russians after 1917, or the serbs and croats. immigrants who come as one group fleeing persecution tend to band together in a new country, but by the third or fourth generation they tend to be pretty much assimilated, and the culture they brought with them is assimilated to, and i for one think we're that much richer for it.

Last edited by automatic; Jan 17, 05 at 09:59 PM.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
The NWO dosnt exist, you know what the driving force behind globalization has always been? Technology, not any shadowy conspiratory and inherently evil technology is the sole force behind globalization.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
el jefe de automático
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Originally Posted by SEAN!
The NWO dosnt exist, you know what the driving force behind globalization has always been? Technology, not any shadowy conspiratory and inherently evil technology is the sole force behind globalization.
...that, and the global flow of capital established by the great EUROPEAN trading nations.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by automatic
why is a world government inherently evil? suppose it was a democratic government that was inclusive, supported human rights and freedom of expression, and provided everyone with a decent standard of living and the rule of law? explain to me why a world government is evil if that government serves the needs of it's citizens?
Well I don’t blame you for wanting a world government at this point. After all, wouldn’t the abolition of racial, religious, and cultural identity cease all wars? Unfortunately this common theme of history has been designed and it’s called the Hegelian Dialectics.

This might seem a bit off topic here, but keep reading…

The dialectic process as described by Hegel can be reduced to three parts: a recursive pattern of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The thesis (each idea) is opposed by its antithesis and reconciled with the thesis in a synthesis (consensus), which in turn becomes a new thesis opposed by antithesis. Hegel said that history was nothing but the expression of this flux of conflicting and resolving ideas. Since every synthesis is the thesis of a new dialectic, social change is guaranteed. The process continues until society reaches the Absolute Idea: the ultimate synthesis, giving rise to no antithesis. In the context of this document, the "Absolute Idea" is world government.

It's like two companies with undisclosed common stockholding submitting competitive tenders for a project on a site for which their stockholder has different plans altogether. Whatever the outcome, the stockholder is in beneficial control.

In contemporary terms, Bush hypocritically talks about defeating “terrorism” while doing nothing to secure the porous border between Mexico and the US. In fact, he comes out with the brilliant idea of “Amnesty” for 10+ million illegals. And let’s not forget the fact that the alleged “terrorists” also had visas to work and live in the US. When the population is so heavily “diversified” and one cannot tell the difference between American or Terrorist, what’s the next logical step? National ID cards.

What we have are artificially fomented problems, and then “solutions” like that Patriot Act that only serve to further control people.

And so they’ve taught you that the problem with the world is the fact that people hold separate identities, and since this “War on Terror” is nothing more than a clash of civilizations, multi-cult seems like the only logical answer.
Originally Posted by automatic
what is our "racial identity" as canadians? native? english? french? irish? i hate to break it to you, but where i live in canada, British Columbia, a sizeable proportion of the ORIGINAL immigrants were asian. this whole country as it is now was largely built by immigrants. the japanese have been fishing in steveston for almost since this province began. as a fascinating side note, there were several villages of hawaiian whalers already established on the northern tip of vancouver island when this province began. the chinese were here since the very first settlements in this province. we've ALWAYS been a multicultural province, so exactly what "identity" to you see being eroded? as for the idea that "family, race, religion, and nation" are the bastions against tyranny, i guess you've never noticed how many times "family, race, religion, and nation" have been used to ACHIEVE tyranny....what do you think mussolini and hitler used as a rallying point for their rise to power? in fact "family, race, religion, and nation" have almost ALWAYS been the battle cry of the tyrant. the true bastion against tyranny is a citizenry who refuse to blindly follow such a cry.

i don't see my "healthy society" giving up any of it's culture or identity, because i know that the things that make me proud to be a canadian have shit all to do with the color of my skin, or the language of my neighbours. i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to come from a society that values people for who they are not what they are. i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to belong to a society that believes in human rights. i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to belong to a society that believes there's room for all colors, creeds, and beliefs, and i'm proud to be a canadian because i'm proud to belong to a society that believes in equal justice for all. and i think that if you actually talked to anyone who immigrated to this country from the middle east, or asia, they're proud to be here too for the exact same reason. in fact since most of them came here to escape societies that are just the opposite, i think you'll find many of them take our "canadian values" much more seriously than we do sometimes.

sure, there are always going to be some malcontents, but then again it's not like there aren't any on the other side of the fence.

Yes, but those minorities were small enough to be managed. In fact up until 1965 Canada had laws that prevented non-white immigration. If you want historical examples though, look at how multi-culti Yugoslavia fell apart, or northern India, or south Africa and so forth. In the end, the host society must be consulted about what direction the government takes, and there was never a referendum, plebiscite, or anything on making the country multi-racial.

But it’s not just Canada. What precedent establishes Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Germany, the UK, and France as multi-racial, multi-cultural countries? I challenge you to find me a shred of evidence that shows a referendum or poll or anything, that suggests that local populations wanted to undertake this dramatic change to their society. Kind of strange that all these countries all of sudden decided to take on millions of Muslims who are declaring Jihad on them huh?

Last edited by wum; Jan 17, 05 at 10:24 PM.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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SEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of lightSEAN! is a glorious beacon of light
Originally Posted by automatic
...that, and the global flow of capital established by the great EUROPEAN trading nations.
yeah well that wouldnt have been possible with out technological innovation.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
Well I don’t blame you for wanting a world government at this point. After all, wouldn’t the abolition of racial, religious, and cultural identity cease all wars? Unfortunately this common theme of history has been designed and it’s called the Hegelian Dialectics.

This might seem a bit off topic here, but keep reading…

The dialectic process as described by Hegel can be reduced to three parts: a recursive pattern of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The thesis (each idea) is opposed by its antithesis and reconciled with the thesis in a synthesis (consensus), which in turn becomes a new thesis opposed by antithesis. Hegel said that history was nothing but the expression of this flux of conflicting and resolving ideas. Since every synthesis is the thesis of a new dialectic, social change is guaranteed. The process continues until society reaches the Absolute Idea: the ultimate synthesis, giving rise to no antithesis. In the context of this document, the "Absolute Idea" is world government.

It's like two companies with undisclosed common stockholding submitting competitive tenders for a project on a site for which their stockholder has different plans altogether. Whatever the outcome, the stockholder is in beneficial control.

In contemporary terms, Bush hypocritically talks about defeating “terrorism” while doing nothing to secure the porous border between Mexico and the US. In fact, he comes out with the brilliant idea of “Amnesty” for 10+ million illegals. And let’s not forget the fact that the alleged “terrorists” also had visas to work and live in the US. When the population is so heavily “diversified” and one cannot tell the difference between American or Terrorist, what’s the next logical step? National ID cards.

What we have are artificially fomented problems, and then “solutions” like that Patriot Act that only serve to further control people.

And so they’ve taught you that the problem with the world is the fact that people hold separate identities, and since this “War on Terror” is nothing more than a clash of civilizations, multi-cult seems like the only logical answer.

Yes, but those minorities were small enough to be managed. In fact up until 1965 Canada had laws that prevented non-white immigration. If you want historical examples though, look at how multi-culti Yugoslavia fell apart, or northern India, or south Africa and so forth. In the end, the host society must be consulted about what direction the government takes, and there was never a referendum, plebiscite, or anything on making the country multi-racial.

But it’s not just Canada. What precedent establishes Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Germany, the UK, and France as multi-racial, multi-cultural countries? I challenge you to find me a shred of evidence that shows a referendum or poll or anything, that suggests that local populations wanted to undertake this dramatic change to their society. Kind of strange that all these countries all of sudden decided to take on millions of Muslims who are declaring Jihad on them huh?
Most of what you say isnt even based on any facts its simply rhetoric.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jan 17, 05
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Originally Posted by automatic
where are the black cargo planes dropping of loads of immigrants under cover of darkness? where are the trains with the windows blocked out steaming across our borders? where are the ships docking at night with a suspicious lack of paperwork? where are these huddled masses "forced" upon our shores? WE'RE A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS. WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS. IMMIGRANTS BUILT THIS COUNTRY.
umm.. white immigrants?
Originally Posted by automatic
what you are saying now is exactly what people were saying about the irish in the 1800's, or the ukrainians and germans around the turn of the century, or the russians after 1917, or the serbs and croats. immigrants who come as one group fleeing persecution tend to band together in a new country, but by the third or fourth generation they tend to be pretty much assimilated, and the culture they brought with them is assimilated to, and i for one think we're that much richer for it.
those guys i'm cool with

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