Originally Posted by Alex
Are you confident the majority of Americans knew or understood the majority of his platform before voting for him?
Do the majority of Americans ever understand/care about a potential president's platform?
Like Dubya got elected because he had a brilliant economic plan, a tactically sound military plan, etc?..
Nope. He got elected because he seemed like one of the boys, a good ol' straight shooter, and because he had money and some evil geniuses working behind the scenes to muckrake (whatever happened to John McCain's illegitimate black baby, anyways?).
So Obama got elected because of his aura of greatness and his profound rhetoric. Dubya got elected because he was someone the average joe could relate to. Both capitalized on an timely upsurge from their respective bases, and both had millions and millions backing them. But by almost anyone's standards, Obama ran a clean campaign while Dubya did his usual dirty work (whatever happened to the Swiff Boat Veterans for truth, anyways?)
Guess who I'd side with if we're playing the "who was more rightly chosen" game?