Originally Posted by Rytalin
You say that as though a gay couple's bond can never be as good as a straight couple's bond.
Granted, gay couples don't create life like straight couples do, but as I said before, don't you think the planet could do for a slowdown on the population growth anyways?
Not for me, I'm sure the gays would feel the same with the tabes turned. Yes I think the planet could go for a slowdown of population, but that isn't the problem, nor do I think gays should pick up the tab for a society without a concious to balance it's numbers. What's far more pertinent is how we for instance are bred to consume 20X the amount on average per capita of some third world countries out there. Or how advances in technology have further degenerated humanity from a natural holistic means of reproduction and family rearing.
Originally Posted by Rytalin
Religions are trampling all over the gay community, holding them back from accessing various legal and financial benefits of being legally married.
And if marriage is so sacred, then why is there divorce?
Marriage just being between a man and woman doesn't make the union sacred, oh no. These days people are still married more often for the wrong reasons, not to keep vows and celebrate life, that's why too many end in divorce. Also read what I wrote, I think religions have some work to do aswell, and should tolerate sexual orientation by giving gay couples the same legal rights.
Though back to marriage, marriage I would say is sacred when yes it is a man and woman becoming one in flesh and creating the life of a child from that love, but there has to be mutual respect. Further, mutual responsibility, communication, and compassion. Without these, the bond is bound not to be eternal, and therefore, not sacred.
Originally Posted by Rytalin
It was only a religious issue first because some dude wrote down his opinion on homosexuality back in the day, and his writing was later seen fit to be added to a holy book. Just cos the book says it, doesn't mean make it direct from god. You know this.
Yes and no. You fail to mention that there was a common consensus left among the majority of the populace that had to believe these things in order to make them law. It's called democracy. Besides, I would say it's holy since the end result of the union of man and woman is in creating a life. Creation I would say is direct from god.
Originally Posted by Rytalin
I go in circle.
'Til death do you part'
That's part of the vow right?
the sacred holy vow of marriage?
I think, with the advent of divorce, this vow became not so sacred and holy. You no longer are bonding with this person for the rest of your life. You can always cop out if the going gets tough, with the added bonus of getting half their assets.
How's that for sacred and holy?
Just because there are people that fuck up marriage, doesn't mean people that keep it divine and recognize it for it's long determined definition should be left holding the bag for this lack of sanctity. How's that for generalizing and forcing lifestyle? These people deserve to have a word to call their own, and have done so. Homosexuals should do the same if they truly want equality.
Originally Posted by Rytalin
I guess what I'm trying to say is if gay marriages are not allowed, then neither should divorce.
No homosexuals marriages should be allowed by context of the same legal status and rights as heterosexual marriages, just use a different name as a respect of tolerance. Otherwise, it's hypocracy by democracy.