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View Poll Results: Should young Americans be allowed to come to Canada to start a new life
Yes 15 57.69%
No 7 26.92%
Don't open the border. But 0 Ave when RCMP isn't looking is okay 2 7.69%
If we ever see you at this border again, this time we're gonna throw you in jail 2 7.69%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
ha. it doesn't matter who's elected. bush doesn't make any decisions, he's hired to do speeches.

personally i don't mind if competent, normal americans wanna live here. what i DO have a problem with is people living here and not bothering to learn the fucking language.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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^I think in less crude terms though Ashes he's basically saying that we as a nation have plenty of our own problems to deal with without letting a bunch of pissed off Americans through the border.

It sucks for you guys, agreed, but how does that make it our problem really? We have our own problems with homelessness, unemployment, welfare and the such. If Joe Canadian is having a hard time finding employment why should they let in Joe American in to compete for his job? It's not like you are a refugee in fear for your life under Bush's presidency, am I right?? With all due respect, while I'm not AS harsh about it, deal with it is a way to put it.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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democracy: three wolves and a sheep discussing dinner...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Hey I've lived with Cretian for a fucking decade.. Ohh and just what would you plann to do up here do you have a particular skill my economy is in desperate need of, or are you just gonna apply full jobs that every other Canadian citizen and thiere dog is already applying for. Why in the hell would I want a bunch of people comming across taking a job from say my sister just cause they don't like the government in power?? So you say the US stands for everything you don't?? What you don't like any brand name clothing are you not a consumer cause the US and any western country stands for Consumerism if we have money we spend it. We base ourselves on what we own are you saying you don't do that?? Would you give up all your worldly possesions and live in a 3rd world country to get away from Bush?? Would you leave your family and friends to never see or talk to them again to get away from Bush? Ya thats what I thought why should I open my borders to a influx of Americans looking for 3 years of asylum from somebody who really when it boils down to it has little controll over your day to day life.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Cdn_Brdr
^I think in less crude terms though Ashes he's basically saying that we as a nation have plenty of our own problems to deal with without letting a bunch of pissed off Americans through the border.

It sucks for you guys, agreed, but how does that make it our problem really? We have our own problems with homelessness, unemployment, welfare and the such. If Joe Canadian is having a hard time finding employment why should they let in Joe American in to compete for his job? It's not like you are a refugee in fear for your life under Bush's presidency, am I right?? With all due respect, while I'm not AS harsh about it, deal with it is a way to put it.

Exactly I just choose to go the asshole route cause it seems to sink into the thick skulls a whole lot quicker..
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Wanna play good cop, bad cop? hahahaha
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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I would welcome it. This could be a real boon, when we accept immigrants who are culturally similiar and who hail from countries that have high levels of development, etc. as opposed to mass migration from third world countries (not being particularily racist, just stating the facts) who don't assimilate well and balkanize the society somewhat.

It could be like Operation Paper Clip when the US took all the top Nazi scientist and thinkers, but in this case we'll be taking all the conscientious anti-bushites.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Oh Oh can I be the good cop who suddenly reverses his roll I wanna play that one..
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Originally Posted by wum
I would welcome it. This could be a real boon, when we accept immigrants who are culturally similiar and who hail from countries that have high levels of development, etc. as opposed to mass migration from third world countries (not being particularily racist, just stating the facts) who don't assimilate well and balkanize the society somewhat.

It could be like Operation Paper Clip when the US took all the top Nazi scientist and thinkers, but in this case we'll be taking all the conscientious anti-bushites.

See now your just talkin about a myth conscientious Americans much like the myth of intelligent ones..

J/K with this one but really I have met some really brain dead Yanks from just across the border. Good story on that if ya got the time.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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It's hardly that he has lil affect on my daily life, because he does. I am a terrorist. Seriously. By all standards of the american government currently, nearly 80% of the population could be considered a terrorist. WTF.

Also, I am forced to seriously think about every text message I send, every library book i check out, every phone call i make, because ONE word could flag any message and get me put on a "list"...

So you can't tell me he's not affecting my daily life.

okay, besides that, I'm not saying I am going to move to Canada. Specifically BECAUSE there are alot of problems there too. But who DOESN'T have a nation with problems? Who DOESN'T have foreigners coming in taking jobs? Who doesn't have unemployment and poverty issues? Yes, I would agree, homelessness and poverty are a bigger issue currently where you are, however I doubt it will be this way for too long.

And frankly I wouldn't need to take a job from a Canadian. My company already has an office in Toronto, among other cities in Canada, and I could simply transfer.

And also, I am somewhat in fear of my life. Seems as though our gov may be looking into breaeking into more countries. You think we have many soljah's left? I don't wanna get drafted. They have already written a new draft bill ready to be sent out if need be. It states that men and women ages 17-25 will first me affected. I am not willing to go fight a war for something I totally don't believe in just because I happen to live here.

Maybe I am not willing to live in a completely poverty stricken country, but I'm certainly willing to live many other places, mexico, new zealand, canada, europe, south america (argentina, chile)...
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Ashes
It's hardly that he has lil affect on my daily life, because he does. I am a terrorist. Seriously. By all standards of the american government currently, nearly 80% of the population could be considered a terrorist. WTF.

Also, I am forced to seriously think about every text message I send, every library book i check out, every phone call i make, because ONE word could flag any message and get me put on a "list"...

So you can't tell me he's not affecting my daily life.

okay, besides that, I'm not saying I am going to move to Canada. Specifically BECAUSE there are alot of problems there too. But who DOESN'T have a nation with problems? Who DOESN'T have foreigners coming in taking jobs? Who doesn't have unemployment and poverty issues? Yes, I would agree, homelessness and poverty are a bigger issue currently where you are, however I doubt it will be this way for too long.

And frankly I wouldn't need to take a job from a Canadian. My company already has an office in Toronto, among other cities in Canada, and I could simply transfer.

And also, I am somewhat in fear of my life. Seems as though our gov may be looking into breaeking into more countries. You think we have many soljah's left? I don't wanna get drafted. They have already written a new draft bill ready to be sent out if need be. It states that men and women ages 17-25 will first me affected. I am not willing to go fight a war for something I totally don't believe in just because I happen to live here.

Maybe I am not willing to live in a completely poverty stricken country, but I'm certainly willing to live many other places, mexico, new zealand, canada, europe, south america (argentina, chile)...
Ashes hun if you actually think Canada doesnt have the same shit in regards to txt and library books you are sadly mistaken not to mention our mail can be opened without our knowledge and rummaged through. Please next time come up with some real hardships all you are comming with are possibilities there has been no real hardship put on to you by the Bush administration. Also do you really think that all the political platforms will agree to another war with Iraq and Afghanistan still goin on?? I highly doubt it.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Goodfellow will become famous soon enoughGoodfellow will become famous soon enough
it's funny how there's this stereotype about americans, but then you meet / talk to a bunch of them and the stereotype isn't so much of a stereotype anymore. lol i was snowboardin at baker, i brought with me an exchange student from quebec.. we were on the lift with this 40 yr old, seemed like he had a head on his shoulders. he asked where we were from, "quebec" she says.. he says wow thats a funny accent are you french? where is quebec? .. quebec is in canada you douche, and they speak french! ohh really? i had no idea..
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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If you 'transfered' here would you not be taking a job away from a Canadian who could do it?

As for all of your conspiracy theory... you are not going to die under the presidency of G.W. Bush. Don't even pretend like you are.

It's a prime example of American ignorance and 'we-rule-all' attitude when we're told that you can do what you want no matter what anyone else thinks of it. Why is it that the problems of US citizens are supposed to become mine? Why do Americans assume that I as a Canadian should so willingly and blindly accept this as fact?
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Originally Posted by Ashes
It's hardly that he has lil affect on my daily life, because he does. I am a terrorist. Seriously. By all standards of the american government currently, nearly 80% of the population could be considered a terrorist. WTF.

Also, I am forced to seriously think about every text message I send, every library book i check out, every phone call i make, because ONE word could flag any message and get me put on a "list"...
you bring up a very good point here Ashes. I think you should really listen to this. It's basically new provisions under the Patriot Act that turns your country into the soviet union.


Last edited by wum; Jun 07, 05 at 04:30 PM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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I think everyone will be changing their tune if they had to be forcibly drafted into a bullshit war where the ground is glowing with cancer causing depleted uranium.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
just why?
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There is never anything wrong with immigration through the proper channels. I know that if I grew up in the States I would seriously be considering leaving and would want a place to be able to go.

As per an immigrant american "stealing" a Canadians job... there is no evidence that immigration causes an increase in unemployment, which is what that would result in - as long as there isn't a HUGE influx of people (much like the immigration of Europeans to the US in the early 20th century) generally the amount of jobs would increase proportionally just like any other population increase, such as from births.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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Originally Posted by pbreak
There is never anything wrong with immigration through the proper channels. I know that if I grew up in the States I would seriously be considering leaving and would want a place to be able to go.

As per an immigrant american "stealing" a Canadians job... there is no evidence that immigration causes an increase in unemployment, which is what that would result in - as long as there isn't a HUGE influx of people (much like the immigration of Europeans to the US in the early 20th century) generally the amount of jobs would increase proportionally just like any other population increase, such as from births.
i think you should factor in disparity of standards of living as well.

immigrants moving from countries that match eachother in development tend not to lower the wages, unlike mass migration from Mexico into the US where workers don't mind not having health care, putting 5 families to a house, etc. good for the corporations, bad for living wages.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old Jun 07, 05
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i voted no cause we need people like you in america to vote them out of office. The vote was incredibly close last year so if all the liberal-minded young-uns leave the states, the chances of getting the religious reich out of office goes down
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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^wow i never thought of that, good point

if it was up to me though, i'd let everyone live a nomad life. and the whole unemployment crap blah blah, let the nature find the fittest to survive
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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no they should go through the smae garbage all other immigrants have to.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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Originally Posted by Cdn_Brdr
I have no problem with defectors as long as they don't bring the American 'holier than thou, we can do no wrong because we are the only nation that matters in this world' attitude with them. Not fair to sterotype of course but after 2 yrs of heading south of the border twice a week I encountered a lot of it.

It has to make you wonder.... Canada is know for it's tolerance of other peoples and cultures. The only nation on our 'hate list' is the good old US of A. I guess that should really make the US wonder. Canada, fuck man they love everybody.... except us... well hell we must be HORRIBLE!!!

In all fairness of course, I have met a lot of very nice American people who don't have that stereotypical attitude. :)
its because canadians have a raging inferiority complex and alot of us are assholes to americans because they think thats how they can prove that we're better.

i dont know which i hate more misinformed canadians with inferiority complexes or dumbass americans, i think the canadians, atleast the americans have an excuse for being idiots.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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Originally Posted by pbreak
There is never anything wrong with immigration through the proper channels. I know that if I grew up in the States I would seriously be considering leaving and would want a place to be able to go.

As per an immigrant american "stealing" a Canadians job... there is no evidence that immigration causes an increase in unemployment, which is what that would result in - as long as there isn't a HUGE influx of people (much like the immigration of Europeans to the US in the early 20th century) generally the amount of jobs would increase proportionally just like any other population increase, such as from births.
they actually increase disproprianately.

immigrantion tends to create jobs, immigrants also tend to pay far more taxes relative to the amount of social services they use compared non-immigrant canaidnas.

the arguements regarding immigrants taking jobs and wasting social resources are empirically baseless and often serve as a smokescreen for blatant racism.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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Originally Posted by SEAN!
they actually increase disproprianately.

immigrantion tends to create jobs, immigrants also tend to pay far more taxes relative to the amount of social services they use compared non-immigrant canaidnas.

the arguements regarding immigrants taking jobs and wasting social resources are empirically baseless and often serve as a smokescreen for blatant racism.

Im not racist I just wouldnt want Ashes as my neighbor is all :D
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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Im down for opening up the border to American's , as long as we only let in females, and only if theyre under 25.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Jun 08, 05
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no problem, but they have to live in the praries or the territories.
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