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  #126 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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I'm saying $20 an hour is enough to make ends meet, do a bit of traveling once in a while, have some paper in the pockets for the weekends. Anything less and money starts to be a limiting factor in what you can do. Don't get me wrong, I'm as greedy as the next guy, more is always nice!
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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Originally Posted by OsmosisJones View Post
I'm saying $20 an hour is enough to make ends meet, do a bit of traveling once in a while, have some paper in the pockets for the weekends. Anything less and money starts to be a limiting factor in what you can do. Don't get me wrong, I'm as greedy as the next guy, more is always nice!
so in other words $20/hour is your minimum wage?
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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jenai can only hope to improve
i dunno, though.

both money and status are overrated, and even gangsters are in it for the money and the status.

in some ways, that beggar with the biggest crap in his shopping cart is better off than you or I!
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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socool is on a distinguished road
I like living as close to $0 as possible. I keep a bit of savings for unexpected future trouble, think of it as untouchable unless in dire need. But other than that, yeah, I live as inexpensively as possible and try to work just enough to cover those expenses. I love free time and was the happiest I've been yet when I was working 15 hours per week earlier this year. It made for lots of time to produce tunes, read books and pursue various interests. Right now I'm in grad school, so free time is at a minimum, but I went back to school so that I could eventually work even less frequently than before (thanks to higher pay).
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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John RevoLover
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Originally Posted by socool View Post
I like living as close to $0 as possible. I keep a bit of savings for unexpected future trouble, think of it as untouchable unless in dire need. But other than that, yeah, I live as inexpensively as possible and try to work just enough to cover those expenses. I love free time and was the happiest I've been yet when I was working 15 hours per week earlier this year. It made for lots of time to produce tunes, read books and pursue various interests. Right now I'm in grad school, so free time is at a minimum, but I went back to school so that I could eventually work even less frequently than before (thanks to higher pay).
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  #131 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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Mr Ektion will become famous soon enoughMr Ektion will become famous soon enough
So hey, Socool. How much is your time worth when you are at home producing your music?
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
Originally Posted by Alex View Post
I had a long response posted but after reading it their are some things I don't wish to share. You think I've been given opportunities? I started from the bottom. I started poor, with poor parents. I worked hard; damn hard, and took risks. That's what it takes to succeed. I've failed, and had to start from scratch. I haven't turned for help. I run my own business, and several times I've had to take a 2nd FULL TIME job to not only keep my business afloat, but pay my bills- living damn frugally might I add.

My point is that we live in a society in which NO MATTER what type of ethnic background or upbringing an andividual has had, it is possible to succeed. Do you have to work hard? usually, yes. Do you have to take risks? Of course. But the opportunities are out their. Life is nothing but a matter of choices. Some choose to work hard, to motivate themselves(motivation is a LEARNED SKILL) and have the drive and desire to achieve. Others play the victim card, let their fears, emotions, and problems eat away at their sanity and confidence in life. If someone in Canada has let themselves fall to the point of homelessness, they are a loser in life. Either they have taken risks and crumbled under the pressure, used drugs to escape their reality, or just never tried. regardless what the situation leading up to their current condition, they have failed at life, and failed humanity.
for a guy that talks such a big game, you sure do run away like a pussy.

if you cant answer my question a second time, it just proves how flawed your argument on the homeless is.
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
Originally Posted by MissBehavior View Post
This is what I was going to say, but I just had to quote this because you're far more eloquent that I would have been.
it should be quoted for the fact that it doesnt often happen. the eloquence i mean...
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
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John RevoLover
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now, if alex tries to take on avana this thread will be a bona fide grandfucking slam.

dont let us down alex. you can take her.
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
i don't understand how people survive earning $8-10 / hour... living in Vancouver (or BC) is really expensive

investing money in education is best thing anyone can do...

Last edited by alla; Nov 23, 07 at 08:13 PM.
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
Originally Posted by Revolver View Post
now, if alex tries to take on avana this thread will be a bona fide grandfucking slam.

dont let us down alex. you can take her.
my cousin not only watches a tv through a window, he has to climb a ladder cause that window is on the second floor.

alex cant beat that.
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old Nov 23, 07
Originally Posted by Avana View Post
my cousin not only watches a tv through a window, he has to climb a ladder cause that window is on the second floor.

alex cant beat that.
disclaimer: while his eccentricities may be entertaining, this does not take away from how hard this disease is or how much every day is a struggle.
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
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socool is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Mr Ektion View Post
So hey, Socool. How much is your time worth when you are at home producing your music?
I prefer not to think of my free time as needing to be worth X amount of dollars and cents.

My motivation for making tunes is not $
(although it's easy to say such things when no one's offerin you any) ; )
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
R Wellbelove
Originally Posted by socool View Post
I like living as close to $0 as possible. I keep a bit of savings for unexpected future trouble, think of it as untouchable unless in dire need. But other than that, yeah, I live as inexpensively as possible and try to work just enough to cover those expenses. I love free time and was the happiest I've been yet when I was working 15 hours per week earlier this year. It made for lots of time to produce tunes, read books and pursue various interests. Right now I'm in grad school, so free time is at a minimum, but I went back to school so that I could eventually work even less frequently than before (thanks to higher pay).
You just totally lived up to your own name... sooo cooool. Much respect for your belief. One of my favorite quotes, "It's not until you have nothing that you are completely free." Although I never got to that point (im too much of a saver and careful financially) One of my best years was traveling on barely anything and spending no more than $10 a day on food. But coming home it was so hard to stay that way, around way too many ppl who where able to just throw money away on un-necessary things etc.

I think a lot of ppl think way too highly of them selfs in their jobs. Being good at your job or doing extra little things doesn't necessarily entitled you too more pay, but makes you a good employee that an employer wants to keep. Having LOTS (years) of experince and proper training/education does however earn your right for much better pay.

Last edited by R Wellbelove; Nov 24, 07 at 02:46 AM.
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
R Wellbelove
Originally Posted by Alex View Post
I had a long response posted but after reading it their are some things I don't wish to share. You think I've been given opportunities? I started from the bottom. I started poor, with poor parents. I worked hard; damn hard, and took risks. That's what it takes to succeed. I've failed, and had to start from scratch. I haven't turned for help. I run my own business, and several times I've had to take a 2nd FULL TIME job to not only keep my business afloat, but pay my bills- living damn frugally might I add.

My point is that we live in a society in which NO MATTER what type of ethnic background or upbringing an andividual has had, it is possible to succeed. Do you have to work hard? usually, yes. Do you have to take risks? Of course. But the opportunities are out their. Life is nothing but a matter of choices. Some choose to work hard, to motivate themselves(motivation is a LEARNED SKILL) and have the drive and desire to achieve. Others play the victim card, let their fears, emotions, and problems eat away at their sanity and confidence in life. If someone in Canada has let themselves fall to the point of homelessness, they are a loser in life. Either they have taken risks and crumbled under the pressure, used drugs to escape their reality, or just never tried. regardless what the situation leading up to their current condition, they have failed at life, and failed humanity.

I can agree with you to an extent. Although I do believe that people can work for their own "success", I still dont believe that a great successful job is possible for anyone and everyone. I have seen kids just like you who have nothing and come from nothing, but have great motivation and drive to succeed. Than I have seen kids who have every opportunity given to them and the best parents possible, but couldn't care less about their future.

Motivation is probably one of the hardest things to teach kids. There is no class for it and over crowded class rooms make it hard for teachers to reach out. There are some kids who just dont care either because they dont know how, they feel no one cares about them, or they really dont care about them selfs. Its a personality thing imo.

Regardless of a persons drive or will, I still respect them. We were not all meant to be successful high achievers. Some people are happy working min wage... RESPECT THAT! They are not lazy, they are not stupid, or lacking drive... that is just what they want in life and no more.

Also please keep in mind that just because you did it doesn't mean everyone else can. Your story is a fine example of an underdog, but those stories are rare and hard for ppl to achieve. There are ppl who have mental illness, emotional issues, trauma, disabilities, families to take care of etc. Being poor is just one of MANY hard situations to grow up in.

Before you go on again of how ppl need to smarten up and pull them selfs together, would you please show them a little respect and understanding.

Last edited by R Wellbelove; Nov 24, 07 at 02:55 AM.
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  #141 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
Join Date: Aug 2004
Alex is on a distinguished road
Avana- That issue is very personal for you. I'm not arguing with you over it. I understand those factors. I worked as a Community Rehab Worker for 2 years before I decided I didn't find the job rewarding mentally or financially. My mom has been in the field for over 20 years. The problem in BC with people with mental disabilities/illnesses homeless on the streets comes from the garbage system which we have in this province, derived from it's Socialist completely government run nature.
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  #142 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
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BTW I don't consider emotional issues or trauma excuses.

Not to mention their are few Mental Illness's I actually believe to be legit. That's a completely different discussion though.
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  #143 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
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How can you go from blaming it on the people, and then blaming it on the system so quickly?

Either it's the people in the streets or it's the people putting them there. Either make up your mind or stop speaking in absolutes.
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  #144 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
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There are exceptions where I consider it the systems fault, where homeless have serious mental illness's or disabilities; that's the systems fault. Every other person it is their own fault, regardless of 'emotional issues' or drug habits etc. As I stated, their are few illness's I consider legit. I was simply responding to the point Avana was making.
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  #145 (permalink)  
Old Nov 24, 07
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when i am motivated, 50+
otherwise, i deserve what i get, maybe a bit more on night shifts.
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  #146 (permalink)  
Old Nov 25, 07
R Wellbelove
Originally Posted by Alex View Post
Avana- That issue is very personal for you. I'm not arguing with you over it. I understand those factors. I worked as a Community Rehab Worker for 2 years before I decided I didn't find the job rewarding mentally or financially. My mom has been in the field for over 20 years. The problem in BC with people with mental disabilities/illnesses homeless on the streets comes from the garbage system which we have in this province, derived from it's Socialist completely government run nature.
I dont think you do understand those factors. I think Avana made a great point having it being personal or not. Her knowing that one person is an example of MANY in this province.

If you dont find any reward with a job that is helping your community, than how will you ever understand people who are not driven to find what you call "success"? Im starting to see that your only focus on a job is the money YOU make the satisfaction YOU get. Please try and put yourself in someone elses shoes for once.

Last edited by R Wellbelove; Nov 25, 07 at 06:25 PM.
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  #147 (permalink)  
Old Nov 25, 07
R Wellbelove
Originally Posted by Alex View Post
BTW I don't consider emotional issues or trauma excuses.

Not to mention their are few Mental Illness's I actually believe to be legit. That's a completely different discussion though.
Originally Posted by Alex View Post
There are exceptions where I consider it the systems fault, where homeless have serious mental illness's or disabilities; that's the systems fault. Every other person it is their own fault, regardless of 'emotional issues' or drug habits etc. As I stated, their are few illness's I consider legit. I was simply responding to the point Avana was making.

So if it their fault or a mistake they made in life.... does that mean we as a society have no business helping them to get out of their problem? Or do you think we should leave them be?

BTW what psycoligic/social education do you have to say what illness is legit or not? And how would you have any idea of what it is like to deal with "emotional issues" or drug habbits?

Last edited by R Wellbelove; Nov 25, 07 at 06:27 PM.
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  #148 (permalink)  
Old Nov 25, 07
you dont knowww me
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I make $15.25 for about $8.00 worth of work..

Im definately not rich..but im alive and healthy..so I guess thats all that matters!
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  #149 (permalink)  
Old Nov 25, 07
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Originally Posted by R Wellbelove View Post
So if it their fault or a mistake they made in life.... does that mean we as a society have no business helping them to get out of their problem? Or do you think we should leave them be?
Rhia you may not know this, but there are people on earth, like Alex, who have never made a mistake. Ever. Frankly asking someone who is so clearly beyond reproach to consider that sometimes people make dumb choices and need help is just insulting.
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  #150 (permalink)  
Old Nov 25, 07
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Originally Posted by robyn View Post
Rhia you may not know this, but there are people on earth, like Alex, who have never made a mistake. Ever. Frankly asking someone who is so clearly beyond reproach to consider that sometimes people make dumb choices and need help is just insulting.
haha you dont just make a mistake or bad choice and BOOM your homeless. With the exception of some mental illness and the odd person who has (life shit on them), you pretty much have to be a major league fuck up to be living on the street begging for cash.
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